Releases: NFDI4Chem/nmrium-react-wrapper
Releases · NFDI4Chem/nmrium-react-wrapper
0.6.0 (2023-12-20)
- update NMRium to pre release version 0.44.1-pre.1696502379
- update to nmrium version 0.31.0
- about 'NMRium wrapper' modal (57e9934)
- actions manager (891cb18)
- add release-please (ea91dc6)
- allow any origin to pick up the message event (439fe71)
- allow origins with IP addresses form (8407f0d)
- auto processing 1d proton and carbon (1764046)
- custom evens (929cdeb)
- customize NMRium Preferences and workspace using URL query string (c51676f), closes #22
- customize the NMRium default empty message (acd1c87), closes #125
- deal with URL by default as .zip if the URL does not include the extension at the end (a61fd5d)
- enable offline mode (f3c560c), closes #118
- enhance loadFromURLs (f6d6ecf)
- enhance useLoadSpectraFromURL to look for files inside the zip files and upload the accepted files extensions (0340db6)
- ignored .dotfiles (a689b26)
- implement action-request and action-repose events (a77ea57)
- improve loading spectra (cd55cbd)
- load from bruker,jcamp,jeol from external url (340692e)
- load spectra from external URL (12d6631)
- observable pattern (2a37b61)
- prefer loading ft spectra and auto processing FID (48a32e8)
- setup playwright and react-router-dom (4e0848f)
- setup project (279f205)
- throw error message if pass wrong value to 'type' property (b38529e)
- throw errors from nmrium using the error action (6ca6c56)
- triggering dataChange event when NMRium data Changed (9639440)
- update allow origin list (#90) (635a2a3)
- update nmrium pre-release version 0.33.0-pre.1677156813 (63e8fe9)
- update nmrium to pre-release version 0.33.0-pre.1677504537 (197b563)
- update nmrium to pre-release version 0.34.0-pre.1683183916 (2b6b79e)
- update nmrium to pre-release version 0.44.1-pre.1699958485 (62b4c1e)
- update nmrium to pre-release version 0.44.1-pre.1700591828 (9dd6895)
- update nmrium to pre-release version 0.45.1-pre.1701344673 (914614e)
- update NMRium to release 0.33.0-pre.1667755480 (07a614c)
- update NMRium to version 0.40.1 (bf527c3)
- update NMRium to version 0.42.0 (5ef1354)
- update nmrium to version 0.46.0 (d1647f2)
- update NMRium to version 0.46.1 (2e609df)
- update to nmrium pre-relase 0.33.0-pre.1674466111 (30609da)
- update to nmrium version 0.29 (23dd7d0)
- update to nmrium version 0.31.0 (666086e)
- upgrade nmrium to pre-release version 0.44.1-pre.1694759092 (ef1df7c)
- upgrade NMRium to version 0.34.0 (#71) (24f1caa)
- upgrade NMRium to version 0.35.0 (bec4d6b)
- upgrade NMRium to version 0.35.0 (f9ef551)
- upgrade NMrium to version 0.36.0 (ccc62a0)
- upgrade NMrium to version 0.39.0 (1b08283)
- upgrade NMrium to version 0.39.0 (3082777)
- upgrade NMrium to version 0.40.1 (9116fdf)
- upgrade NMRium to version 0.43.0 (e1e0172)
Bug Fixes
- add description to dev build workflow (f65cb7e)
- add dockerfile for dev (a566798)
- add needs cond for release (b487847)
- append subdomain prefix to '' (#86) (4dd8aec)
- append subdomain prefix to '' (#86) (#87) (06ef1fa)
- build esm and not cjs (b20cf70)
- group spectra and wait for promises (9b41f7b)
- load 2d spectra files (d186ce7)
- load URL without suffix extension in the file name (d39871f)
- load URLs that do not include an extension (#92) (8ffe988)
- nmrium crash when 1d ft traces not fo...
0.5.0 (2023-10-19)
- update NMRium to pre release version 0.44.1-pre.1696502379
- about 'NMRium wrapper' modal (57e9934)
- auto processing 1d proton and carbon (1764046)
- customize the NMRium default empty message (acd1c87), closes #125
- enable offline mode (f3c560c), closes #118
- update NMRium to version 0.42.0 (5ef1354)
- upgrade nmrium to pre-release version 0.44.1-pre.1694759092 (ef1df7c)
- upgrade NMRium to version 0.43.0 (e1e0172)
Bug Fixes
Miscellaneous Chores
- update NMRium to pre release version 0.44.1-pre.1696502379 (2c18bb2)
0.4.0 (2023-07-26)
- update allow origin list (#90) (635a2a3)
- update nmrium to pre-release version 0.34.0-pre.1683183916 (2b6b79e)
- update NMRium to version 0.40.1 (bf527c3)
- upgrade NMRium to version 0.35.0 (bec4d6b)
- upgrade NMRium to version 0.35.0 (f9ef551)
- upgrade NMrium to version 0.36.0 (ccc62a0)
- upgrade NMrium to version 0.39.0 (3082777)
- upgrade NMrium to version 0.41.0 (9116fdf)
Bug Fixes
- update to nmrium version 0.31.0
- actions manager (891cb18)
- add release-please (ea91dc6)
- allow any origin to pick up the message event (439fe71)
- allow origins with IP addresses form (8407f0d)
- custom evens (929cdeb)
- customize NMRium Preferences and workspace using URL query string (c51676f), closes #22
- deal with URL by default as .zip if the URL does not include the extension at the end (a61fd5d)
- enhance loadFromURLs (f6d6ecf)
- enhance useLoadSpectraFromURL to look for files inside the zip files and upload the accepted files extensions (0340db6)
- ignored .dotfiles (a689b26)
- implement action-request and action-repose events (a77ea57)
- improve loading spectra (cd55cbd)
- load from bruker,jcamp,jeol from external url (340692e)
- load spectra from external URL (12d6631)
- observable pattern (2a37b61)
- setup playwright and react-router-dom (4e0848f)
- setup project (279f205)
- throw error message if pass wrong value to 'type' property (b38529e)
- triggering dataChange event when NMRium data Changed (9639440)
- update NMRium to release 0.33.0-pre.1667755480 (07a614c)
- update to nmrium version 0.29 (23dd7d0)
- update to nmrium version 0.31.0 (666086e)
Bug Fixes
- group spectra and wait for promises (9b41f7b)
- load URL without suffix extension in the file name (d39871f)
- update build.yml file (17a1d80)
- update build.yml file (fd618fb)
- when load from external URL failed the loading screen does not disappear (b84a96f)
This PR was generated with Release Please. See documentation.
Initial release
What's Changed
- update babel to create package by @baolanlequang in #1
- update nmrium to version 0.12.0 by @baolanlequang in #5
- development by @baolanlequang in #7
- development by @baolanlequang in #8
- feat: create NMRium wrapper by @hamed-musallam in #9
- add LICENSE file by @CS76 in #16
- feat: custom events by @hamed-musallam in #17
- implement window observable and custom event by @hamed-musallam in #18
- add temporary ip address of KIT test instance by @baolanlequang in #42
- readme by @NRayya in #55
New Contributors
- @hamed-musallam made their first contribution in #9
- @CS76 made their first contribution in #16
- @NRayya made their first contribution in #55
Full Changelog: