This utility generates an SQL script to import collections and genesis blocks for the indexer database
It accepts a csv file (formatted as per data/input/prod_collections_and_standards.csv
), and fetches the genesis blocks for each of those collections from Etherscan
Install ruby
brew install ruby
or use runtime manager e.g.asdf
Clone repo, in project root, install package manager:
gem install bundle
Install dependencies
bundle install
ruby go.rb
There are some config flags at the start of go.rb
- this is the default run mode and outputs the SQL to the filedata/output/collections_import.sql
- other modes are for debug
You can add a new latest production data as per data/input/prod_collections_and_standards.csv
...and add any 'must have' collections to data/input/must_haves.csv
The regular sql generation mode will output sql in data/output depending on your config
This is using a free etherscan API account - so it only allows 5 requests per second. This script is throttled to run 5 requests concurrently per second, so it will take a while to go through all 15000 collections - please be patient