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Merge pull request #10 from glemieux/fates_harvest_offmaster-deconflict
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Fates harvest offmaster deconflict
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ckoven authored Jul 24, 2020
2 parents 8872a91 + 4f087cf commit ffaa76e
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Showing 15 changed files with 404 additions and 158 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion biogeochem/EDPatchDynamicsMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ subroutine check_patch_area( currentSite )
! !USES:
type(ed_site_type), intent(in), target :: currentSite
type(ed_site_type), intent(inout), target :: currentSite
real(r8) :: areatot
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1579,6 +1579,7 @@ subroutine fire_litter_fluxes(currentSite, currentPatch, newPatch, patch_site_ar
num_dead_trees = (currentCohort%fire_mort * &
call AccumulateMortalityWaterStorage(currentSite,currentCohort,num_dead_trees)
currentCohort => currentCohort%taller
end do
end if

Expand Down
230 changes: 187 additions & 43 deletions biogeochem/EDPhysiologyMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -370,36 +370,90 @@ subroutine trim_canopy( currentSite )
type (ed_cohort_type) , pointer :: currentCohort
type (ed_patch_type) , pointer :: currentPatch

integer :: z ! leaf layer
integer :: ipft ! pft index
logical :: trimmed ! was this layer trimmed in this year? If not expand the canopy.
real(r8) :: tar_bl ! target leaf biomass (leaves flushed, trimmed)
real(r8) :: tar_bfr ! target fine-root biomass (leaves flushed, trimmed)
real(r8) :: bfr_per_bleaf ! ratio of fine root per leaf biomass
real(r8) :: sla_levleaf ! sla at leaf level z
real(r8) :: nscaler_levleaf ! nscaler value at leaf level z
integer :: cl ! canopy layer index
real(r8) :: kn ! nitrogen decay coefficient
real(r8) :: sla_max ! Observational constraint on how large sla (m2/gC) can become
real(r8) :: leaf_c ! leaf carbon [kg]
real(r8) :: sapw_c ! sapwood carbon [kg]
real(r8) :: store_c ! storage carbon [kg]
real(r8) :: struct_c ! structure carbon [kg]
real(r8) :: leaf_inc ! LAI-only portion of the vegetation increment of dinc_ed
real(r8) :: lai_canopy_above ! the LAI in the canopy layers above the layer of interest
real(r8) :: lai_layers_above ! the LAI in the leaf layers, within the current canopy,
! above the leaf layer of interest
real(r8) :: lai_current ! the LAI in the current leaf layer
real(r8) :: cumulative_lai ! the cumulative LAI, top down, to the leaf layer of interest
integer :: z ! leaf layer
integer :: ipft ! pft index
logical :: trimmed ! was this layer trimmed in this year? If not expand the canopy.
real(r8) :: tar_bl ! target leaf biomass (leaves flushed, trimmed)
real(r8) :: tar_bfr ! target fine-root biomass (leaves flushed, trimmed)
real(r8) :: bfr_per_bleaf ! ratio of fine root per leaf biomass
real(r8) :: sla_levleaf ! sla at leaf level z
real(r8) :: nscaler_levleaf ! nscaler value at leaf level z
integer :: cl ! canopy layer index
real(r8) :: kn ! nitrogen decay coefficient
real(r8) :: sla_max ! Observational constraint on how large sla (m2/gC) can become
real(r8) :: leaf_c ! leaf carbon [kg]
real(r8) :: sapw_c ! sapwood carbon [kg]
real(r8) :: store_c ! storage carbon [kg]
real(r8) :: struct_c ! structure carbon [kg]
real(r8) :: leaf_inc ! LAI-only portion of the vegetation increment of dinc_ed
real(r8) :: lai_canopy_above ! the LAI in the canopy layers above the layer of interest
real(r8) :: lai_layers_above ! the LAI in the leaf layers, within the current canopy,
! above the leaf layer of interest
real(r8) :: lai_current ! the LAI in the current leaf layer
real(r8) :: cumulative_lai ! whole canopy cumulative LAI, top down, to the leaf layer of interest
real(r8) :: cumulative_lai_cohort ! cumulative LAI within the current cohort only

! Temporary diagnostic ouptut
integer :: ipatch
integer :: icohort

! LAPACK linear least squares fit variables
! The standard equation for a linear fit, y = mx + b, is converted to a linear system, AX=B and has
! the form: [n sum(x); sum(x) sum(x^2)] * [b; m] = [sum(y); sum(x*y)] where
! n is the number of leaf layers
! x is yearly_net_uptake minus the leaf cost aka the net-net uptake
! y is the cumulative lai for the current cohort
! b is the y-intercept i.e. the cumulative lai that has zero net-net uptake
! m is the slope of the linear fit
integer :: nll = 3 ! Number of leaf layers to fit a regression to for calculating the optimum lai
character(1) :: trans = 'N' ! Input matrix is not transposed

integer, parameter :: m = 2, n = 2 ! Number of rows and columns, respectively, in matrix A
integer, parameter :: nrhs = 1 ! Number of columns in matrix B and X
integer, parameter :: workmax = 100 ! Maximum iterations to minimize work

integer :: lda = m, ldb = n ! Leading dimension of A and B, respectively
integer :: lwork ! Dimension of work array
integer :: info ! Procedure diagnostic ouput

real(r8) :: nnu_clai_a(m,n) ! LHS of linear least squares fit, A matrix
real(r8) :: nnu_clai_b(m,nrhs) ! RHS of linear least squares fit, B matrix
real(r8) :: work(workmax) ! work array

real(r8) :: initial_trim ! Initial trim
real(r8) :: optimum_trim ! Optimum trim value
real(r8) :: initial_laimem ! Initial laimemory
real(r8) :: optimum_laimem ! Optimum laimemory


ipatch = 1 ! Start counting patches

currentPatch => currentSite%youngest_patch
do while(associated(currentPatch))

! Add debug diagnstic output to determine which patch
if (debug) then
write(fates_log(),*) 'Current patch:', ipatch
write(fates_log(),*) 'Current patch cohorts:', currentPatch%countcohorts

icohort = 1

currentCohort => currentPatch%tallest
do while (associated(currentCohort))

! Save off the incoming trim and laimemory
initial_trim = currentCohort%canopy_trim
initial_laimem = currentCohort%laimemory

! Add debug diagnstic output to determine which cohort
if (debug) then
write(fates_log(),*) 'Current cohort:', icohort
write(fates_log(),*) 'Starting canopy trim:', initial_trim
write(fates_log(),*) 'Starting laimemory:', currentCohort%laimemory

trimmed = .false.
ipft = currentCohort%pft
call carea_allom(currentCohort%dbh,currentCohort%n,currentSite%spread,currentCohort%pft,currentCohort%c_area)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -438,6 +492,10 @@ subroutine trim_canopy( currentSite )
! PFT-level maximum SLA value, even if under a thick canopy (same units as slatop)
sla_max = EDPftvarcon_inst%slamax(ipft)

! Initialize nnu_clai_a
nnu_clai_a(:,:) = 0._r8
nnu_clai_b(:,:) = 0._r8

!Leaf cost vs netuptake for each leaf layer.
do z = 1, currentCohort%nv

Expand All @@ -446,14 +504,17 @@ subroutine trim_canopy( currentSite )
leaf_inc = dinc_ed * &

! Now calculate the cumulative top-down lai of the current layer's midpoint
! Now calculate the cumulative top-down lai of the current layer's midpoint within the current cohort
lai_layers_above = leaf_inc * (z-1)
lai_current = min(leaf_inc, currentCohort%treelai - lai_layers_above)
cumulative_lai_cohort = lai_layers_above + 0.5*lai_current

! Now add in the lai above the current cohort for calculating the sla leaf level
lai_canopy_above = sum(currentPatch%canopy_layer_tlai(1:cl-1))
lai_layers_above = leaf_inc * (z-1)
lai_current = min(leaf_inc, currentCohort%treelai - lai_layers_above)
cumulative_lai = lai_canopy_above + lai_layers_above + 0.5*lai_current

if (currentCohort%year_net_uptake(z) /= 999._r8)then !there was activity this year in this leaf layer.

cumulative_lai = lai_canopy_above + cumulative_lai_cohort

! There was activity this year in this leaf layer. This should only occur for bottom most leaf layer
if (currentCohort%year_net_uptake(z) /= 999._r8)then

! Calculate sla_levleaf following the sla profile with overlying leaf area
! Scale for leaf nitrogen profile
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -502,42 +563,125 @@ subroutine trim_canopy( currentSite )
currentCohort%leaf_cost = currentCohort%leaf_cost * &
(EDPftvarcon_inst%grperc(ipft) + 1._r8)
if (currentCohort%year_net_uptake(z) < currentCohort%leaf_cost)then
if (currentCohort%canopy_trim > EDPftvarcon_inst%trim_limit(ipft))then

if ( debug ) then
write(fates_log(),*) 'trimming leaves', &
! Construct the arrays for a least square fit of the net_net_uptake versus the cumulative lai
! if at least nll leaf layers are present in the current cohort and only for the bottom nll
! leaf layers.
if (currentCohort%nv > nll .and. currentCohort%nv - z < nll) then

! Build the A matrix for the LHS of the linear system. A = [n sum(x); sum(x) sum(x^2)]
! where n = nll and x = yearly_net_uptake-leafcost
nnu_clai_a(1,1) = nnu_clai_a(1,1) + 1 ! Increment for each layer used
nnu_clai_a(1,2) = nnu_clai_a(1,2) + currentCohort%year_net_uptake(z) - currentCohort%leaf_cost
nnu_clai_a(2,1) = nnu_clai_a(1,2)
nnu_clai_a(2,2) = nnu_clai_a(2,2) + (currentCohort%year_net_uptake(z) - currentCohort%leaf_cost)**2

! Build the B matrix for the RHS of the linear system. B = [sum(y); sum(x*y)]
! where x = yearly_net_uptake-leafcost and y = cumulative_lai_cohort
nnu_clai_b(1,1) = nnu_clai_b(1,1) + cumulative_lai_cohort
nnu_clai_b(2,1) = nnu_clai_b(2,1) + (cumulative_lai_cohort * &
(currentCohort%year_net_uptake(z) - currentCohort%leaf_cost))
end if

! Check leaf cost against the yearly net uptake for that cohort leaf layer
if (currentCohort%year_net_uptake(z) < currentCohort%leaf_cost) then
! Make sure the cohort trim fraction is great than the pft trim limit
if (currentCohort%canopy_trim > EDPftvarcon_inst%trim_limit(ipft)) then

! if ( debug ) then
! write(fates_log(),*) 'trimming leaves', &
! currentCohort%canopy_trim,currentCohort%leaf_cost
! endif

! keep trimming until none of the canopy is in negative carbon balance.
if (currentCohort%hite > EDPftvarcon_inst%hgt_min(ipft))then
if (currentCohort%hite > EDPftvarcon_inst%hgt_min(ipft)) then
currentCohort%canopy_trim = currentCohort%canopy_trim - &
if (EDPftvarcon_inst%evergreen(ipft) /= 1)then

if (EDPftvarcon_inst%evergreen(ipft) /= 1) then
currentCohort%laimemory = currentCohort%laimemory * &
(1.0_r8 - EDPftvarcon_inst%trim_inc(ipft))

trimmed = .true.
endif !leaf activity?
enddo !z

endif ! hite check
endif ! trim limit check
endif ! net uptake check
endif ! leaf activity check
enddo ! z, leaf layer loop

! Compute the optimal cumulative lai based on the cohort net-net uptake profile if at least 2 leaf layers
if (nnu_clai_a(1,1) > 1) then

! Compute the optimum size of the work array
lwork = -1 ! Ask sgels to compute optimal number of entries for work
call dgels(trans, m, n, nrhs, nnu_clai_a, lda, nnu_clai_b, ldb, work, lwork, info)
lwork = int(work(1)) ! Pick the optimum. TBD, can work(1) come back with greater than work size?

! if (debug) then
! write(fates_log(),*) 'LLSF lwork output (info, lwork):', info, lwork
! endif

! Compute the minimum of 2-norm of of the least squares fit to solve for X
! Note that dgels returns the solution by overwriting the nnu_clai_b array.
! The result has the form: X = [b; m]
! where b = y-intercept (i.e. the cohort lai that has zero yearly net-net uptake)
! and m is the slope of the linear fit
call dgels(trans, m, n, nrhs, nnu_clai_a, lda, nnu_clai_b, ldb, work, lwork, info)

if (info < 0) then
write(fates_log(),*) 'LLSF optimium LAI calculation returned illegal value'
call endrun(msg=errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__))

if (debug) then
write(fates_log(),*) 'LLSF optimium LAI (intercept,slope):', nnu_clai_b
write(fates_log(),*) 'LLSF optimium LAI:', nnu_clai_b(1,1)
write(fates_log(),*) 'LLSF optimium LAI info:', info
write(fates_log(),*) 'LAI fraction (optimum_lai/cumulative_lai):', nnu_clai_b(1,1) / cumulative_lai_cohort

! Calculate the optimum trim based on the initial canopy trim value
if (cumulative_lai_cohort > 0._r8) then ! Sometime cumulative_lai comes in at 0.0?

optimum_trim = (nnu_clai_b(1,1) / cumulative_lai_cohort) * initial_trim
optimum_laimem = (nnu_clai_b(1,1) / cumulative_lai_cohort) * initial_laimem

! Determine if the optimum trim value makes sense. The smallest cohorts tend to have unrealistic fits.
if (optimum_trim > 0. .and. optimum_trim < 1.) then
currentCohort%canopy_trim = optimum_trim

! If the cohort pft is not evergreen we reduce the laimemory as well
if (EDPftvarcon_inst%evergreen(ipft) /= 1) then
currentCohort%laimemory = optimum_laimem

trimmed = .true.


! Reset activity for the cohort for the start of the next year
currentCohort%year_net_uptake(:) = 999.0_r8

! Add to trim fraction if cohort not trimmed at all
if ( (.not.trimmed) .and.currentCohort%canopy_trim < 1.0_r8)then
currentCohort%canopy_trim = currentCohort%canopy_trim + EDPftvarcon_inst%trim_inc(ipft)

if ( debug ) then
write(fates_log(),*) 'trimming',currentCohort%canopy_trim
write(fates_log(),*) 'trimming:',currentCohort%canopy_trim

! currentCohort%canopy_trim = 1.0_r8 !FIX(RF,032414) this turns off ctrim for now.
currentCohort => currentCohort%shorter
icohort = icohort + 1
currentPatch => currentPatch%older
ipatch = ipatch + 1

end subroutine trim_canopy
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions biogeochem/FatesAllometryMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1333,6 +1333,9 @@ subroutine d2h_chave2014(d,p1,p2,p3,dbh_maxh,h,dhdd)
! Chave et al. Improved allometric models to estimate the abovegroud
! biomass of tropical trees. Global Change Biology. V20, p3177-3190. 2015.
! p1 = 0.893 - E
! p2 = 0.76
! p3 = -0.034
! =========================================================================

real(r8),intent(in) :: d ! plant diameter [cm]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1565,6 +1568,9 @@ subroutine dh2bagw_chave2014(d,h,dhdd,p1,p2,wood_density,c2b,bagw,dbagwdd)
! Output:
! bagw: Total above ground biomass [kgC]
! Chave's Paper has p1 = 0.0673, p2 = 0.976

! =========================================================================

Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions biogeophys/FatesHydroWTFMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ function th_from_psi_base(this,psi) result(th)
class(wrf_type) :: this
real(r8),intent(in) :: psi
real(r8) :: th
th = 0._r8
write(fates_log(),*) 'The base water retention function'
write(fates_log(),*) 'should never be actualized'
write(fates_log(),*) 'check how the class pointer was setup'
Expand All @@ -219,6 +220,7 @@ function psi_from_th_base(this,th) result(psi)
class(wrf_type) :: this
real(r8),intent(in) :: th
real(r8) :: psi
psi = 0._r8
write(fates_log(),*) 'The base water retention function'
write(fates_log(),*) 'should never be actualized'
write(fates_log(),*) 'check how the class pointer was setup'
Expand All @@ -228,6 +230,7 @@ function dpsidth_from_th_base(this,th) result(dpsidth)
class(wrf_type) :: this
real(r8),intent(in) :: th
real(r8) :: dpsidth
dpsidth = 0._r8
write(fates_log(),*) 'The base water retention function'
write(fates_log(),*) 'should never be actualized'
write(fates_log(),*) 'check how the class pointer was setup'
Expand All @@ -237,6 +240,7 @@ function ftc_from_psi_base(this,psi) result(ftc)
class(wkf_type) :: this
real(r8),intent(in) :: psi
real(r8) :: ftc
ftc = 0._r8
write(fates_log(),*) 'The base water retention function'
write(fates_log(),*) 'should never be actualized'
write(fates_log(),*) 'check how the class pointer was setup'
Expand All @@ -246,6 +250,7 @@ function dftcdpsi_from_psi_base(this,psi) result(dftcdpsi)
class(wkf_type) :: this
real(r8),intent(in) :: psi
real(r8) :: dftcdpsi
dftcdpsi = 0._r8
write(fates_log(),*) 'The base water retention function'
write(fates_log(),*) 'should never be actualized'
write(fates_log(),*) 'check how the class pointer was setup'
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions biogeophys/FatesPlantHydraulicsMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3604,9 +3604,9 @@ subroutine ImTaylorSolve1D(site_hydr,cohort,cohort_hydr,dtime,q_top, &
end if

! Save the number of times we refined our sub-step counts (iterh1)
cohort_hydr%iterh1 = max(cohort_hydr%iterh1,real(iter))
cohort_hydr%iterh1 = max(cohort_hydr%iterh1,real(iter,r8))
! Save the number of sub-steps we ultimately used
cohort_hydr%iterh2 = max(cohort_hydr%iterh2,real(nsteps))
cohort_hydr%iterh2 = max(cohort_hydr%iterh2,real(nsteps,r8))

! Update water contents in the relevant plant compartments [m3/m3]
! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4967,7 +4967,7 @@ subroutine MatSolve2D(site_hydr,cohort,cohort_hydr, &
cohort_hydr%iterh1 = cohort_hydr%iterh1 + 1

! Save the max number of Newton iterations needed
cohort_hydr%iterh2 = max(cohort_hydr%iterh2,real(nwtn_iter))
cohort_hydr%iterh2 = max(cohort_hydr%iterh2,real(nwtn_iter,r8))

print*,'Completed a newton solve'
Expand Down

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