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Automatically generate entity relationship diagrams for a Laravel application


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Entity Relationship Diagram Tool for Laravel Coverage Status

Automatically generate interactive entity relationship diagram for models & their relationships in Laravel and emit a static HTML file for use in a VuePress site.

This package is a heavily-customized fork from kevincobain2000/laravel-erd meant for use in some very specific circumstances. If you're not part of @NIT-Administrative-Systems, you should probably check out the original package instead!

The changes include:

  • Adding ribbons to models in the diagram with PHP attributes on the model class
  • Different default settings for goJS to render huge diagrams efficiently
  • Different default settings for discovering models in App\Domains\<something>\Models namespaces


You can install the package via composer.

composer require northwestern-sysdev/er-diagram-tool --dev


You can generate a static HTML file with the artisan command:

php artisan erd:generate

This will be placed in docs/.vuepress/public/erd, or whatever path you have configured in config/laravel-erd.php.

Using Ribbons

Enabling ribbon support is done by registering a function to get ribbons.

First, create an attribute with some properties you want to include in the ribbon:

class LookupAttr
    public function __construct(
        public readonly string $source,
    ) {

Next, register a callback in a provider's

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
    public function boot(): void
        /** @var ModelRibbonAdapter $adapter */
        $adapter = resolve(ModelRibbonAdapter::class);
    private function ribbonCallback(): Closure
        return function (Model $model) {
            $reflection = new ReflectionClass($model);
            $attributes = collect($reflection->getAttributes())
                ->filter(fn (object $attrObj) => $attrObj instanceof LookupAttr);

            return $attributes
                ->map(function (LookupAttr $attr) {
                    return new \Kevincobain2000\LaravelERD\Diagram\Ribbon(
                        text: $attribute->source,
                        bgColour: '#FFE342',
                        textColour: 'black',

And then use the attribute on some models:

#[LookupAttr('Student System')]
class DegreeType extends Model
    // . . .

This will pick them up and add a ribbon with the "Student System" text on it, indicating the table is populated from the student system's degree types.


Automatically generate entity relationship diagrams for a Laravel application




