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SL AppInfo Layout Renderer

Rolf Kristensen edited this page Nov 27, 2021 · 3 revisions

Information about Silverlight application.

Supported in Silverlight (Deprecated with NLog 5.0)

Configuration Syntax



Rendering Options

  • option - Specific information to display. Default: 0
    Possible values:
    • HasElevatedPermissions - Whether application is running with elevated permissions.

      This parameter is not supported in:

      • NLog v2.0 for Silverlight 2.0
      • NLog v2.0 for Silverlight 3.0
    • InstallState - Installed state of an application.

      This parameter is not supported in:

      • NLog v2.0 for Silverlight 2.0
    • IsOutOfBrowser - Whether application is running out-of-browser.

      This parameter is not supported in:

      • NLog v2.0 for Silverlight 2.0
    • XapUri - URI of the current application XAP file.

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