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OPSI Api Wrapper

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This API wrapper provide more readable and documented API Actions against a OPSI Server.


import {OPSIApi} from './src/api'

const api = new OPSIApi('https://localhost:4447', 'username', 'password');
(async function(){
   const { success, data, message } = await api.createHostGroup(
                       'Group description',
       console.log(success) // if all data are ok then this should return true else false
       console.log(message) // message is empty if success is true. if success is false there is a error message
       console.log(data) // data returns also true or an error object on fail


Start Docker Dev Environment

npm run docker:dev-server

Build documentation update

npm run documentation:build

Test with httpie

echo '{ "method": "group_createHostGroup", "params": ["test_group"], "id": 1 }' | http --verify=no -a opsi:opsi https://localhost:4447/rpc

http --verify=no -a opsi:opsi https://localhost:4447/rpc < test/testdata/client.json

Publish new Version

npm version patch -m "Upgrade to %s for reasons"