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Rerun a specific year in FRE workflow

Yi-Cheng Teng - NOAA GFDL edited this page Oct 25, 2024 · 1 revision

Rerunning a specific year with FRE can be a bit tricky. If you're sure the history file for specific year is missing on Gaea, you can try the following steps to rerun FRE for a specific year (2001 in this example).

1. Navigate to your FRE run script folder and make a copy of your existing run script

Assume you are running a simulation from 1993 to 2019 and notice that the model results for the year 2001 are missing, and you want to rerun it. First go to /gpfs/f6/ira-cefi/scratch/Katherine.Hedstrom/fre/Arc_12/run92/ncrc6.intel23-prod-hdf5/scripts/run, and copy your script run92 script to run92_rerun:

cd /gpfs/f6/ira-cefi/scratch/Katherine.Hedstrom/fre/Arc_12/run92/ncrc6.intel23-prod-hdf5/scripts/run
cp run92 run92_rerun

2. Modify the new run script

Open the run92_rerun using your preferred text editor. First, locate the segmentsPerSimulation environment variable and adjust it as follows (assuming your run starts in 1993 and 2001 is the year you are missing):

set -r segmentsPerSimulation = 9

Next, find the stateDir environment variable and modify it like this:

set -r stateDir = /gpfs/f6/ira-cefi/scratch/Katherine.Hedstrom/fre/Arc_12/run92/ncrc6.intel23-prod-hdf5/state/re-run

3. Create a new state folder for your rerun case

Go to your state folder, (e.g. /gpfs/f6/ira-cefi/scratch/Katherine.Hedstrom/fre/Arc_12/run92/ncrc6.intel23-prod-hdf5/state) and make a copy of the run folder:

cd /gpfs/f6/ira-cefi/scratch/Katherine.Hedstrom/fre/Arc_12/run92/ncrc6.intel23-prod-hdf5/state
cp -r run re-run

4. Create/Modify state files for the rerun case

In the re-run folder, create/modify the following files and ensure they contain the necessary information to rerun FRE with specific year:

  • queue_commands: Update the continueFlag setting in this file:
set continueFlag = 1
  • reload_commands: Set the current segment to 9 and initialization conditions for 2001 in this file:
@ currentSeg = 9
set initCond = /gpfs/f6/ira-cefi/scratch/Katherine.Hedstrom/fre/Arc_12/run92/ncrc6.intel23-prod-hdf5/archive/restart/20010101.tar
set combineList = ( )
set fyear = 2001
  • reload_commands_prev: Set the current segment to 8 and initialization conditions for 2000 in this file:
@ currentSeg = 8
set initCond = /gpfs/f6/ira-cefi/scratch/Katherine.Hedstrom/fre/Arc_12/run92/ncrc6.intel23-prod-hdf5/archive/restart/20000101.tar
set combineList = ( )
set fyear = 2000

5 Rerun FRE for year 2001

Finally, return to your run script folder and submit the rerun job using:

cd /gpfs/f6/ira-cefi/scratch/Katherine.Hedstrom/fre/Arc_12/run92/ncrc6.intel23-prod-hdf5/scripts/run
sbatch run92_rerun
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