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jcstarr committed Feb 21, 2023
1 parent da9a0bd commit 8c00b6f
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Showing 6 changed files with 1,882 additions and 0 deletions.
181 changes: 181 additions & 0 deletions diagnostics/TC_MSE/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
#Import modules
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import interpolate
import sys

########## BINNING/COMPOSITING MODEL DATA #############################################################

######################## MATH FUNCTION(S) ############################################
def boxavg(thing,lat,lon):
coslat_values = np.transpose(np.tile(np.cos(np.deg2rad(lat)),(len(lon),1)))
thing1 = thing*coslat_values
thing2 = thing1/thing1
average = np.nansum(np.nansum(thing1,0))/np.nansum(np.nansum(coslat_values*thing2,0))

return average

latres = np.float(os.getenv("latres"))
lonres = np.float(os.getenv("lonres"))
lats = np.arange(-5,5+latres,latres)
lons = np.arange(-5,5+lonres,lonres)

#Open up all the data files with model TC snapshots (regular and budget variables)
ds1979_reg = xr.open_dataset(os.environ['WK_DIR']+'/model/')
ds1980_reg = xr.open_dataset(os.environ['WK_DIR']+'/model/')
ds1981_reg = xr.open_dataset(os.environ['WK_DIR']+'/model/')
ds1982_reg = xr.open_dataset(os.environ['WK_DIR']+'/model/')
ds1983_reg = xr.open_dataset(os.environ['WK_DIR']+'/model/')

ds1979_budg = xr.open_dataset(os.environ['WK_DIR']+'/model/')
ds1980_budg = xr.open_dataset(os.environ['WK_DIR']+'/model/')
ds1981_budg = xr.open_dataset(os.environ['WK_DIR']+'/model/')
ds1982_budg = xr.open_dataset(os.environ['WK_DIR']+'/model/')
ds1983_budg = xr.open_dataset(os.environ['WK_DIR']+'/model/')

#Merge the budget and regular variable files by year
ds1979 = xr.merge([ds1979_reg,ds1979_budg])
ds1980 = xr.merge([ds1980_reg,ds1980_budg])
ds1981 = xr.merge([ds1981_reg,ds1981_budg])
ds1982 = xr.merge([ds1982_reg,ds1982_budg])
ds1983 = xr.merge([ds1983_reg,ds1983_budg])

#Concatenate the year files together so all variables are combined across all storms from 1979-1983
data = xr.concat([ds1979,ds1980,ds1981,ds1982,ds1983], dim='numstorms')

#Get a list of the data variables in data to trim the data after lifetime maximum intensity (LMI)
Model_vars = list(data.keys())

#Grab the vmax variable to get the LMI itself and point of LMI for trimming to account only for intensification period
maxwinds = data['maxwind']
winds_list = []

#Loop through the variables to pick out the feedbacks and add a normalized version of that variable
for var in Model_vars:
if(var[0:5]=='hanom' or var[0:10]=='hMoistanom' or var[0:10]=='hTempanom' or var[0:4]=='hvar'):
normvar = np.array(data[var])
boxavrawvar = np.array(data[var])
boxavvar = np.ones((len(maxwinds),len(maxwinds[0]))) * np.nan
boxavnormvar = np.ones((len(maxwinds),len(maxwinds[0]))) * np.nan
for s in range(len(maxwinds)):
for t in range(len(maxwinds[s])):
hvar = np.array(data.hvar[s][t][:][:])
boxavghvar = boxavg(hvar,np.array(data.latitude[s][t][:]),np.array(data.longitude[s][t][:]))
normvar[s][t][:][:] = normvar[s][t][:][:]/boxavghvar
boxavvar[s][t] = boxavg(boxavrawvar[s][t][:][:],np.array(data.latitude[s][t][:]),np.array(data.longitude[s][t][:]))
boxavnormvar[s][t] = boxavg(np.array(normvar[s][t][:][:]),np.array(data.latitude[s][t][:]),np.array(data.longitude[s][t][:]))
data['norm'+var] = (['numstorms','numsteps','latlen','lonlen'],np.array(normvar[:][:][:][:]))
data['boxav_'+var] = (['numstorms','numsteps'],np.array(boxavvar[:][:]))
data['boxav_norm_'+var] = (['numstorms','numsteps'],np.array(boxavnormvar[:][:]))

#Loop through all model storms and find the LMI, then tag each storm with its LMI for binning later
for s in range(len(maxwinds)):
windmax = float(max(maxwinds[s][:]))
windmaxindex = np.squeeze(np.where(maxwinds[s]==windmax))
#Check if there are more than one maximum wind speed
if windmaxindex.size >= 2:
windmaxindex = int(windmaxindex[0])
windmaxindex = int(np.squeeze(np.where(maxwinds[s]==windmax)))
#Loop and have all the indices after the timestep of LMI be NaN for all vars
for var in Model_vars:
data[var][s,windmaxindex+1:len(maxwinds[s])+1] = np.nan

vmax_indiv_list = []
for t in range(0,len(maxwinds[s])):
#First check and NaN all variables at timesteps where TC center is outside 30 N/S
if(data.centerLat[s][t]>30 or data.centerLat[s][t]<-30):
for var in Model_vars:
data[var][s][t] = np.nan
data[var][s][t][:] = np.nan
data[var][s][t][:][:] = np.nan
#Get max wind at specific step to tag the steps for binning snapshot
vmax_sel = maxwinds[s,t].values
vmax = xr.full_like(data.h[s,t],float(vmax_sel)).rename('vmax')
vmax_indiv_array = xr.concat(vmax_indiv_list,dim='numsteps')
#Create the vmax tag variable

#Update Model data with the vmax tag created above
model_winds_array = xr.concat(winds_list,dim='numstorms')
model_updated = xr.merge([data,model_winds_array])
#Stretch the boxav variables to 1 dimension and make a new stretched windmax variable
newvars = list(model_updated.keys())
for var in newvars:
model_updated['new_'+var] = (['newsteps'],np.squeeze(np.reshape(np.array(model_updated[var]),(len(data.numstorms)*len(data.numsteps)))))

model_updated['new_maxwind'] = (['newsteps'],np.squeeze(np.reshape(np.array(model_updated['maxwind']),(len(data.numstorms)*len(data.numsteps)))))

#Bin snapshots according to max wind speed bins
bins = np.arange(0,66,3)
#Set a count array to gather the sample size for each bin and all bins
count_denom = len(data.latitude[0][0]) * len(data.longitude[0][0])
bins_count = np.zeros(len(bins))
vmax2 = model_updated.vmax.copy(deep=True)
onedvmax = model_updated.new_maxwind.copy(deep=True)
for b, bin in enumerate(bins):
upperbin = bin+3
#Variable to get the number of samples for the current bin (divide by the resolution dims multiplied together)
count = (len(np.where((model_updated.vmax>=bin)&(model_updated.vmax<upperbin))[0])/count_denom)
bins_count[b] = count
vmax2 = (xr.where((model_updated.vmax>=bin)&(model_updated.vmax<upperbin), b, vmax2))
onedvmax = (xr.where((model_updated.new_maxwind>=bin)&(model_updated.new_maxwind<upperbin), b, onedvmax))
bin_ds = xr.Dataset(data_vars=dict(bins=(['numstorms','numsteps','latlen','lonlen'],vmax2.values)))
onedbin_ds = xr.Dataset(data_vars=dict(newbins=(['newsteps'],onedvmax.values)))
ds = xr.merge([model_updated,bin_ds,onedbin_ds])
ds = ds.set_coords(['bins'])
ds = ds.set_coords(['newbins'])

#Get the mean of each bin for one composite image
bins = np.arange(0,22,1)
binlabels = np.arange(1.5,66,3)
dsbins = ds['bins'].values
dsnewbins = ds['newbins'].values
binmeans = {}
binboxavstdevs = {}
for var_name,values in ds.items():
dvar = ds[var_name].values
avg_bin_list = []
for b,bin in enumerate(bins):
binmeans[var_name] = (['bin','lat','lon'],avg_bin_list)
avg_bin_list = []
stdev_bin_list = []
for b,bin in enumerate(bins):
binmeans[var_name] = (['bin'],avg_bin_list)
binboxavstdevs[var_name] = (['bin'],stdev_bin_list)

#Bin means
binmeans['bin'] = (['bin'],binlabels)
binmeans['lat'] = (['lat'],lats)
binmeans['lon'] = (['lon'],lons)
binmeans['bincounts'] = ('bin',bins_count)
#Add relevant raw variables that have not been binned or composited
binmeans['maxwind'] = (['numstorms','numsteps'],np.array(data['maxwind']))
binmeans['minSLP'] = (['numstorms','numsteps'],np.array(data['minSLP']))

#Binned boxav stdevs
binboxavstdevs['bin'] = (['bin'],binlabels)
binboxavstdevs['bincounts'] = ('bin',bins_count)

modelbinavgdata = xr.Dataset(data_vars=binmeans, attrs={'description':'Mean Binned Data'})
modelbinboxavstdevdata = xr.Dataset(data_vars=binboxavstdevs, attrs={'description':'Standard Deviations of Binned Box Averaged Variables'})

modelbinavgdata.to_netcdf(os.environ['WK_DIR']+ '/model/')
modelbinboxavstdevdata.to_netcdf(os.environ['WK_DIR']+ '/model/')
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions diagnostics/TC_MSE/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#Import Plotting Functions
import Plotting_Functions as plot

# Leave or comment out which plots you do not want to make

# This will plot the spatial composite panels (4 plot files saved)

# This will plot the azimuthal mean line plots (1 plot file saved)

# This will plot the non-normalized and normalized box-averaged feedbacks
# as a function of bin. (2 plot files saved)

# This will plot the scattering of non-normalized and normalized
# box-averaged feedbacks and percent of storms intensifying from one
# bin to the next. (1 plot file saved)

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