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Corrected non-standard line indents
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  The MOM6 style guide clearly states that MOM6 uses a two space indent between
code levels, to enhance the readability of the MOM6 code. Continuation lines are
typically indented 4 or more spaces.  This commit corrects several hundred lines
that did not conform to this standard.  All answers are bitwise identical.
  • Loading branch information
Hallberg-NOAA committed Dec 3, 2020
1 parent 9b33343 commit 4075e74
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Showing 35 changed files with 375 additions and 377 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/ALE/MOM_ALE.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -367,9 +367,9 @@ subroutine ALE_main( G, GV, US, h, u, v, tv, Reg, CS, OBC, dt, frac_shelf_h)
! Build new grid. The new grid is stored in h_new. The old grid is h.
! Both are needed for the subsequent remapping of variables.
if (ice_shelf) then
call regridding_main( CS%remapCS, CS%regridCS, G, GV, h, tv, h_new, dzRegrid, frac_shelf_h)
call regridding_main( CS%remapCS, CS%regridCS, G, GV, h, tv, h_new, dzRegrid, frac_shelf_h)
call regridding_main( CS%remapCS, CS%regridCS, G, GV, h, tv, h_new, dzRegrid)
call regridding_main( CS%remapCS, CS%regridCS, G, GV, h, tv, h_new, dzRegrid)

call check_grid( G, GV, h, 0. )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -639,9 +639,9 @@ subroutine ALE_build_grid( G, GV, regridCS, remapCS, h, tv, debug, frac_shelf_h
! Build new grid. The new grid is stored in h_new. The old grid is h.
! Both are needed for the subsequent remapping of variables.
if (use_ice_shelf) then
call regridding_main( remapCS, regridCS, G, GV, h, tv, h_new, dzRegrid, frac_shelf_h )
call regridding_main( remapCS, regridCS, G, GV, h, tv, h_new, dzRegrid, frac_shelf_h )
call regridding_main( remapCS, regridCS, G, GV, h, tv, h_new, dzRegrid )
call regridding_main( remapCS, regridCS, G, GV, h, tv, h_new, dzRegrid )

! Override old grid with new one. The new grid 'h_new' is built in
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/ALE/PLM_functions.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ real elemental pure function PLM_extrapolate_slope(h_l, h_c, h_neglect, u_l, u_c
real :: hl, hc ! Left and central cell thicknesses [units of grid thickness]

! Avoid division by zero for vanished cells
hl = h_l + h_neglect
hc = h_c + h_neglect
hl = h_l + h_neglect
hc = h_c + h_neglect

! The h2 scheme is used to compute the left edge value
left_edge = (u_l*hc + u_c*hl) / (hl + hc)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ALE/regrid_interp.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ module regrid_interp
!! a third-order PPM ih4 scheme). In these cases, we resort to the simplest
!! continuous linear scheme (P1M h2).
subroutine regridding_set_ppolys(CS, densities, n0, h0, ppoly0_E, ppoly0_S, &
ppoly0_coefs, degree, h_neglect, h_neglect_edge)
ppoly0_coefs, degree, h_neglect, h_neglect_edge)
type(interp_CS_type), intent(in) :: CS !< Interpolation control structure
integer, intent(in) :: n0 !< Number of cells on source grid
real, dimension(n0), intent(in) :: densities !< Actual cell densities [A]
Expand Down
68 changes: 34 additions & 34 deletions src/core/MOM.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2034,14 +2034,14 @@ subroutine initialize_MOM(Time, Time_init, param_file, dirs, CS, restart_CSp, &

call get_param(param_file, 'MOM', "ICE_SHELF", use_ice_shelf, default=.false., do_not_log=.true.)
if (use_ice_shelf) then
inputdir = "." ; call get_param(param_file, 'MOM', "INPUTDIR", inputdir)
inputdir = slasher(inputdir)
call get_param(param_file, 'MOM', "ICE_THICKNESS_FILE", ice_shelf_file, &
"The file from which the ice bathymetry and area are read.", &
call get_param(param_file, 'MOM', "ICE_AREA_VARNAME", area_varname, &
"The name of the area variable in ICE_THICKNESS_FILE.", &
inputdir = "." ; call get_param(param_file, 'MOM', "INPUTDIR", inputdir)
inputdir = slasher(inputdir)
call get_param(param_file, 'MOM', "ICE_THICKNESS_FILE", ice_shelf_file, &
"The file from which the ice bathymetry and area are read.", &
call get_param(param_file, 'MOM', "ICE_AREA_VARNAME", area_varname, &
"The name of the area variable in ICE_THICKNESS_FILE.", &

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2854,32 +2854,32 @@ end subroutine register_diags
subroutine MOM_timing_init(CS)
type(MOM_control_struct), intent(in) :: CS !< control structure set up by initialize_MOM.

id_clock_ocean = cpu_clock_id('Ocean', grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT)
id_clock_dynamics = cpu_clock_id('Ocean dynamics', grain=CLOCK_SUBCOMPONENT)
id_clock_thermo = cpu_clock_id('Ocean thermodynamics and tracers', grain=CLOCK_SUBCOMPONENT)
id_clock_other = cpu_clock_id('Ocean Other', grain=CLOCK_SUBCOMPONENT)
id_clock_tracer = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean tracer advection)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE_DRIVER)
if (.not.CS%adiabatic) then
id_clock_diabatic = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean diabatic driver)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE_DRIVER)
id_clock_adiabatic = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean adiabatic driver)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE_DRIVER)

id_clock_continuity = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean continuity equation *)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_clock_BBL_visc = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean set BBL viscosity)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_clock_pass = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean message passing *)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_clock_MOM_init = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean MOM_initialize_state)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_clock_pass_init = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean init message passing *)', grain=CLOCK_ROUTINE)
if (CS%thickness_diffuse) &
id_clock_thick_diff = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean thickness diffusion *)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
!if (CS%mixedlayer_restrat) &
id_clock_ml_restrat = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean mixed layer restrat)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_clock_diagnostics = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean collective diagnostics)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_clock_Z_diag = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean Z-space diagnostics)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_clock_ALE = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean ALE)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
if (CS%offline_tracer_mode) then
id_clock_offline_tracer = cpu_clock_id('Ocean offline tracers', grain=CLOCK_SUBCOMPONENT)
id_clock_ocean = cpu_clock_id('Ocean', grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT)
id_clock_dynamics = cpu_clock_id('Ocean dynamics', grain=CLOCK_SUBCOMPONENT)
id_clock_thermo = cpu_clock_id('Ocean thermodynamics and tracers', grain=CLOCK_SUBCOMPONENT)
id_clock_other = cpu_clock_id('Ocean Other', grain=CLOCK_SUBCOMPONENT)
id_clock_tracer = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean tracer advection)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE_DRIVER)
if (.not.CS%adiabatic) then
id_clock_diabatic = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean diabatic driver)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE_DRIVER)
id_clock_adiabatic = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean adiabatic driver)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE_DRIVER)

id_clock_continuity = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean continuity equation *)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_clock_BBL_visc = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean set BBL viscosity)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_clock_pass = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean message passing *)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_clock_MOM_init = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean MOM_initialize_state)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_clock_pass_init = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean init message passing *)', grain=CLOCK_ROUTINE)
if (CS%thickness_diffuse) &
id_clock_thick_diff = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean thickness diffusion *)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
!if (CS%mixedlayer_restrat) &
id_clock_ml_restrat = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean mixed layer restrat)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_clock_diagnostics = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean collective diagnostics)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_clock_Z_diag = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean Z-space diagnostics)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_clock_ALE = cpu_clock_id('(Ocean ALE)', grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
if (CS%offline_tracer_mode) then
id_clock_offline_tracer = cpu_clock_id('Ocean offline tracers', grain=CLOCK_SUBCOMPONENT)

end subroutine MOM_timing_init

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/core/MOM_PressureForce_Montgomery.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ subroutine Set_pbce_Bouss(e, tv, G, GV, US, Rho0, GFS_scale, pbce, rho_star)
do k=2,nz ; do i=Isq,Ieq+1
pbce(i,j,k) = pbce(i,j,k-1) + &
(GV%g_prime(K)*GV%H_to_Z) * ((e(i,j,K) - e(i,j,nz+1)) * Ihtot(i))
enddo ; enddo
enddo ; enddo
enddo ! end of j loop
endif ! use_EOS

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/core/MOM_barotropic.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ subroutine btstep(U_in, V_in, eta_in, dt, bc_accel_u, bc_accel_v, forces, pbce,
!$OMP parallel do default(shared)
do J=js-1,je
do k=1,nz ; do i=is,ie
do k=1,nz ; do i=is,ie
gtot_N(i,j) = gtot_N(i,j) + pbce(i,j,k) * wt_v(i,J,k)
gtot_S(i,j+1) = gtot_S(i,j+1) + pbce(i,j+1,k) * wt_v(i,J,k)
enddo ; enddo
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3079,7 +3079,7 @@ subroutine set_up_BT_OBC(OBC, eta, BT_OBC, BT_Domain, G, GV, US, MS, halo, use_B
endif ; enddo ; enddo
if (OBC%Flather_u_BCs_exist_globally) then
do n = 1, OBC%number_of_segments
do n = 1, OBC%number_of_segments
segment => OBC%segment(n)
if (segment%is_E_or_W .and. segment%Flather) then
do j=segment%HI%jsd,segment%HI%jed ; do I=segment%HI%IsdB,segment%HI%IedB
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3133,7 +3133,7 @@ subroutine set_up_BT_OBC(OBC, eta, BT_OBC, BT_Domain, G, GV, US, MS, halo, use_B
endif ; enddo ; enddo
if (OBC%Flather_v_BCs_exist_globally) then
do n = 1, OBC%number_of_segments
do n = 1, OBC%number_of_segments
segment => OBC%segment(n)
if (segment%is_N_or_S .and. segment%Flather) then
do J=segment%HI%JsdB,segment%HI%JedB ; do i=segment%HI%isd,segment%HI%ied
Expand Down
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions src/core/MOM_forcing_type.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1302,20 +1302,20 @@ subroutine register_forcing_type_diags(Time, diag, US, use_temperature, handles,
! This diagnostic is rescaled to MKS units when combined.

handles%id_evap = register_diag_field('ocean_model', 'evap', diag%axesT1, Time, &
'Evaporation/condensation at ocean surface (evaporation is negative)', &
'kg m-2 s-1', conversion=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s, &
standard_name='water_evaporation_flux', cmor_field_name='evs', &
cmor_standard_name='water_evaporation_flux', &
cmor_long_name='Water Evaporation Flux Where Ice Free Ocean over Sea')
'Evaporation/condensation at ocean surface (evaporation is negative)', &
'kg m-2 s-1', conversion=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s, &
standard_name='water_evaporation_flux', cmor_field_name='evs', &
cmor_standard_name='water_evaporation_flux', &
cmor_long_name='Water Evaporation Flux Where Ice Free Ocean over Sea')

! smg: seaice_melt field requires updates to the sea ice model
handles%id_seaice_melt = register_diag_field('ocean_model', 'seaice_melt', &
diag%axesT1, Time, 'water flux to ocean from snow/sea ice melting(> 0) or formation(< 0)', &
'kg m-2 s-1', conversion=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s, &
standard_name='water_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_sea_ice_thermodynamics', &
cmor_field_name='fsitherm', &
cmor_long_name='water flux to ocean from sea ice melt(> 0) or form(< 0)')
diag%axesT1, Time, 'water flux to ocean from snow/sea ice melting(> 0) or formation(< 0)', &
'kg m-2 s-1', conversion=US%RZ_T_to_kg_m2s, &
standard_name='water_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_sea_ice_thermodynamics', &
cmor_field_name='fsitherm', &
cmor_long_name='water flux to ocean from sea ice melt(> 0) or form(< 0)')

handles%id_precip = register_diag_field('ocean_model', 'precip', diag%axesT1, Time, &
'Liquid + frozen precipitation into ocean', 'kg m-2 s-1')
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/diagnostics/MOM_debugging.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -459,8 +459,8 @@ subroutine check_redundant_sT2d(mesg, array, G, is, ie, js, je)
& 1pe12.4," at i,j = ",2i4," on pe ",i4)') &
array(i,j), a_nonsym(i,j),array(i,j)-a_nonsym(i,j),i,j,pe_here()
write(0,'(A130)') trim(mesg)//trim(mesg2)
redundant_prints(1) = redundant_prints(1) + 1
redundant_prints(1) = redundant_prints(1) + 1
enddo ; enddo

end subroutine check_redundant_sT2d
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/diagnostics/MOM_sum_output.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ subroutine MOM_sum_output_init(G, GV, US, param_file, directory, ntrnc, &
!query fms_io if there is a filename_appendix (for ensemble runs)
call get_filename_appendix(filename_appendix)
if (len_trim(filename_appendix) > 0) then
energyfile = trim(energyfile) //'.'//trim(filename_appendix)
energyfile = trim(energyfile) //'.'//trim(filename_appendix)

CS%energyfile = trim(slasher(directory))//trim(energyfile)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1299,7 +1299,7 @@ subroutine write_depth_list(G, US, CS, filename, list_size)
if (status /= NF90_NOERR) call MOM_error(WARNING, &
filename//" vol_below "//trim(NF90_STRERROR(status)))
status = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, Vid, "long_name", "Open volume below depth")
if (status /= NF90_NOERR) call MOM_error(WARNING, &
if (status /= NF90_NOERR) call MOM_error(WARNING, &
filename//" vol_below "//trim(NF90_STRERROR(status)))
status = NF90_PUT_ATT(ncid, Vid, "units", "m3")
if (status /= NF90_NOERR) call MOM_error(WARNING, &
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/equation_of_state/MOM_EOS.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1550,12 +1550,12 @@ subroutine convert_temp_salt_for_TEOS10(T, S, HI, kd, mask_z, EOS)

do k=1,kd ; do j=HI%jsc,HI%jec ; do i=HI%isc,HI%iec
if (mask_z(i,j,k) >= 1.0) then
S(i,j,k) = gsw_sr_from_sp(S(i,j,k))
S(i,j,k) = gsw_sr_from_sp(S(i,j,k))
! Get absolute salinity from practical salinity, converting pressures from Pascal to dbar.
! If this option is activated, pressure will need to be added as an argument, and it should be
! moved out into module that is not shared between components, where the ocean_grid can be used.
! S(i,j,k) = gsw_sa_from_sp(S(i,j,k),pres(i,j,k)*1.0e-4,G%geoLonT(i,j),G%geoLatT(i,j))
T(i,j,k) = gsw_ct_from_pt(S(i,j,k), T(i,j,k))
T(i,j,k) = gsw_ct_from_pt(S(i,j,k), T(i,j,k))
enddo ; enddo ; enddo
end subroutine convert_temp_salt_for_TEOS10
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/framework/MOM_diag_manager_wrapper.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ module MOM_diag_manager_wrapper

!> An integer handle for a diagnostic array returned by register_diag_field()
integer function register_diag_field_array_fms(module_name, field_name, axes, init_time, &
long_name, units, missing_value, range, mask_variant, standard_name, &
verbose, do_not_log, err_msg, interp_method, tile_count, area, volume)
long_name, units, missing_value, range, mask_variant, standard_name, &
verbose, do_not_log, err_msg, interp_method, tile_count, area, volume)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: module_name !< Name of this module, usually "ocean_model" or
!! "ice_shelf_model"
character(len=*), intent(in) :: field_name !< Name of the diagnostic field
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ end function register_diag_field_array_fms

!> An integer handle for a diagnostic scalar array returned by register_diag_field()
integer function register_diag_field_scalar_fms(module_name, field_name, init_time, &
long_name, units, missing_value, range, mask_variant, standard_name, &
verbose, do_not_log, err_msg, interp_method, tile_count, area, volume)
long_name, units, missing_value, range, mask_variant, standard_name, &
verbose, do_not_log, err_msg, interp_method, tile_count, area, volume)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: module_name !< Name of this module, usually "ocean_model"
!! or "ice_shelf_model"
character(len=*), intent(in) :: field_name !< Name of the diagnostic field
Expand Down
66 changes: 32 additions & 34 deletions src/framework/MOM_horizontal_regridding.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -407,15 +407,15 @@ subroutine horiz_interp_and_extrap_tracer_record(filename, varnam, conversion,
allocate(tr_z(isd:ied,jsd:jed,kd), mask_z(isd:ied,jsd:jed,kd))

start = 1; count = 1; count(1) = id
start = 1 ; count = 1 ; count(1) = id
rcode = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, dim_id(1), lon_in, start, count)
if (rcode /= 0) call MOM_error(FATAL,"error reading dimension 1 values for var_name "// &
trim(varnam)//",dim_name "//trim(dim_name(1))//" in file "// trim(filename)//" in hinterp_extrap")
start = 1; count = 1; count(1) = jd
start = 1 ; count = 1 ; count(1) = jd
rcode = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, dim_id(2), lat_in, start, count)
if (rcode /= 0) call MOM_error(FATAL,"error reading dimension 2 values for var_name "// &
trim(varnam)//",dim_name "//trim(dim_name(2))//" in file "// trim(filename)//" in hinterp_extrap")
start = 1; count = 1; count(1) = kd
start = 1 ; count = 1 ; count(1) = kd
rcode = NF90_GET_VAR(ncid, dim_id(3), z_in, start, count)
if (rcode /= 0) call MOM_error(FATAL,"error reading dimension 3 values for var_name "// &
trim(varnam//",dim_name "//trim(dim_name(3)))//" in file "// trim(filename)//" in hinterp_extrap")
Expand All @@ -425,48 +425,46 @@ subroutine horiz_interp_and_extrap_tracer_record(filename, varnam, conversion,
if (present(m_to_Z)) then ; do k=1,kd ; z_in(k) = m_to_Z * z_in(k) ; enddo ; endif

! extrapolate the input data to the north pole using the northerm-most latitude
add_np = .false.
jdp = jd
if (.not. is_ongrid) then
max_lat = maxval(lat_in)
if (max_lat < 90.0) then
max_lat = maxval(lat_in)
if (max_lat < 90.0) then
add_np = .true.
jdp = jd+1
lat_inp(1:jd) = lat_in(:)
lat_inp(jd+1) = 90.0
lat_in(:) = lat_inp(:)
! construct level cell boundaries as the mid-point between adjacent centers

z_edges_in(1) = 0.0
do K=2,kd
z_edges_in(K) = 0.5*(z_in(k-1)+z_in(k))
z_edges_in(kd+1)=2.0*z_in(kd) - z_in(kd-1)
z_edges_in(kd+1) = 2.0*z_in(kd) - z_in(kd-1)

if (is_ongrid) then
allocate(tr_in(is:ie,js:je)) ; tr_in(:,:)=0.0
allocate(mask_in(is:ie,js:je)) ; mask_in(:,:)=0.0
allocate(tr_in(is:ie,js:je)) ; tr_in(:,:)=0.0
allocate(mask_in(is:ie,js:je)) ; mask_in(:,:)=0.0
call horiz_interp_init()
lon_in = lon_in*PI_180
lat_in = lat_in*PI_180
call meshgrid(lon_in,lat_in, x_in, y_in)
lon_out(:,:) = G%geoLonT(:,:)*PI_180
lat_out(:,:) = G%geoLatT(:,:)*PI_180
allocate(tr_in(id,jd)) ; tr_in(:,:)=0.0
allocate(tr_inp(id,jdp)) ; tr_inp(:,:)=0.0
allocate(mask_in(id,jdp)) ; mask_in(:,:)=0.0
allocate(last_row(id)) ; last_row(:)=0.0
call horiz_interp_init()
lon_in = lon_in*PI_180
lat_in = lat_in*PI_180
allocate(x_in(id,jdp), y_in(id,jdp))
call meshgrid(lon_in, lat_in, x_in, y_in)
lon_out(:,:) = G%geoLonT(:,:)*PI_180
lat_out(:,:) = G%geoLatT(:,:)*PI_180
allocate(tr_in(id,jd)) ; tr_in(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(tr_inp(id,jdp)) ; tr_inp(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(mask_in(id,jdp)) ; mask_in(:,:) = 0.0
allocate(last_row(id)) ; last_row(:) = 0.0

max_depth = maxval(G%bathyT)
call mpp_max(max_depth)

Expand All @@ -478,7 +476,7 @@ subroutine horiz_interp_and_extrap_tracer_record(filename, varnam, conversion,
! to define the layers
do k=1,kd
write(laynum,'(I8)') k ; laynum = adjustl(laynum)
mask_in = 0.0
if (is_ongrid) then
start(1) = is+G%HI%idg_offset ; start(2) = js+G%HI%jdg_offset ; start(3) = k
count(1) = ie-is+1 ; count(2) = je-js+1; count(3) = 1
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/framework/MOM_restart.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ module MOM_restart

!> A structure to store information about restart fields that are no longer used
type obsolete_restart
character(len=32) :: field_name !< Name of restart field that is no longer in use
character(len=32) :: replacement_name !< Name of replacement restart field, if applicable
character(len=32) :: field_name !< Name of restart field that is no longer in use
character(len=32) :: replacement_name !< Name of replacement restart field, if applicable
end type obsolete_restart

!> A restart registry and the control structure for restarts
Expand Down

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