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Refactor and improve validate_raster() (#276)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* - remove unused functions
- remove ruamel_yaml import from active scripts
- fix dontcare2background related to PR #256

* - create set_device function: rom dictionary of available devices, sets the device to be used
- check if model can be pushed to device, else catch exception and try with cuda, not cuda:0 (HPC bug)

* manage tracker initialization with set_tracker() function
in, adapt get_key_def() to recursively check for parameter value in dictionary of dictionary

* - use get_key_def() to validate path existence and to convert to a pathlib.Path object
- remove error-handling with try2read_csv and in_case_of_path
- use hydra's to_absolute_path utils (remove most calls to ${hydra:runtime.cwd} in yamls
- revert usage of paths to before PR #208 (remove error-handling, remove find_first_file(), set unique model directory at train)
- replace warnings with logging.warning
- replace assert with raise

* - validate_raster() -> add extended check move input_band_count == num_bands assertion to separate function
- refactor segmentation() function
- refactor gen_img_sample() function
- use itetools.product in evaluate_segmentation
- inference: refactor num_devices,default_max_ram_used
- default_inference.yaml: update parameters with current usage

* softcode max_pix_per_mb_gpu
and default to 25 in default_inference.yaml
remtav authored Feb 18, 2022
1 parent 44652a1 commit caf1223
Showing 6 changed files with 143 additions and 98 deletions.
16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions config/inference/default_inference.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,7 +2,15 @@
img_dir_or_csv_file: data/inference_sem_seg_ci_csv.csv
state_dict_path: ${general.save_weights_dir}/checkpoint.pth.tar
chunk_size: 256
# Visualization parameters
smooth_prediction: True
overlap: 2
chunk_size: # if empty, will be calculated automatically from max_pix_per_mb_gpu
# Maximum number of pixels each Mb of GPU Ram to allow. E.g. if GPU has 1000 Mb of Ram and this parameter is set to
# 10, chunk_size will be set to sqrt(1000 * 10) = 100.
max_pix_per_mb_gpu: 25

# GPU parameters
gpu: ${training.num_gpus}
max_used_perc: ${training.max_used_perc} # If RAM usage of detected GPU exceeds this percentage, it will be ignored
max_used_ram: ${training.max_used_ram} # If GPU's usage exceeds this percentage, it will be ignored

# Post-processing
ras2vec: False # if True, a polygonized version of the inference (.gpkg) will be created with rasterio tools
49 changes: 25 additions & 24 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import itertools
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
@@ -41,30 +42,30 @@ def metrics_per_tile(label_arr: np.ndarray, pred_img: np.ndarray, input_image: r

feature = defaultdict(list)
cnt = 0
for row in tqdm(range(0, h, chunk_size), position=2, leave=False):
for col in tqdm(range(0, w, chunk_size), position=3, leave=False):
label = label_arr[row:row + chunk_size, col:col + chunk_size]
pred = pred_img[row:row + chunk_size, col:col + chunk_size]
pixelMetrics = ComputePixelMetrics(label.flatten(), pred.flatten(), num_classes)
eval = pixelMetrics.update(pixelMetrics.iou)
for c_num in range(num_classes):
feature['L_count_' + str(c_num)].append(int(np.count_nonzero(label == c_num)))
feature['P_count_' + str(c_num)].append(int(np.count_nonzero(pred == c_num)))
feature['IoU_' + str(c_num)].append(eval['iou_' + str(c_num)])
x_1, y_1 = (xmin + (col * xres)), (ymax - (row * yres))
x_2, y_2 = (xmin + ((col * xres) + mx)), y_1
x_3, y_3 = x_2, (ymax - ((row * yres) + my))
x_4, y_4 = x_1, y_3
geom = Polygon([(x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2), (x_3, y_3), (x_4, y_4)])
cnt += 1
for row, col in tqdm(itertools.product(range(0, h, chunk_size), range(0, w, chunk_size)), leave=False,
desc="Calculating metrics per tile"):
label = label_arr[row:row + chunk_size, col:col + chunk_size]
pred = pred_img[row:row + chunk_size, col:col + chunk_size]
pixelMetrics = ComputePixelMetrics(label.flatten(), pred.flatten(), num_classes)
eval = pixelMetrics.update(pixelMetrics.iou)
for c_num in range(num_classes):
feature['L_count_' + str(c_num)].append(int(np.count_nonzero(label == c_num)))
feature['P_count_' + str(c_num)].append(int(np.count_nonzero(pred == c_num)))
feature['IoU_' + str(c_num)].append(eval['iou_' + str(c_num)])
x_1, y_1 = (xmin + (col * xres)), (ymax - (row * yres))
x_2, y_2 = (xmin + ((col * xres) + mx)), y_1
x_3, y_3 = x_2, (ymax - ((row * yres) + my))
x_4, y_4 = x_1, y_3
geom = Polygon([(x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2), (x_3, y_3), (x_4, y_4)])
cnt += 1
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(feature,

return gdf
81 changes: 33 additions & 48 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
from utils import augmentation
from utils.utils import load_from_checkpoint, get_device_ids, get_key_def, \
list_input_images, add_metadata_from_raster_to_sample, _window_2D, read_modalities, set_device
from utils.verifications import validate_raster
from utils.verifications import validate_input_imagery

# Set the logging file
logging = get_logger(__name__)
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def ras2vec(raster_file, output_path):
# Vectorize the polygons
polygons = features.shapes(raster, mask, transform=src.transform)

# Create shapely polygon featyres
# Create shapely polygon features
for polygon in polygons:
feature = {'geometry': {
'type': 'Polygon',
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def ras2vec(raster_file, output_path):

def gen_img_samples(src, chunk_size, step, *band_order):
src: input image (rasterio object)
chunk_size: image tile size
@@ -163,43 +163,32 @@ def segmentation(param,
padded = chunk_size * 2
h, w = input_image.shape
h_padded = h + padded
w_padded = w + padded
subdiv = 2
threshold = 0.5
sample = {'sat_img': None, 'map_img': None, 'metadata': None}
start_seg = time.time()
print_log = True if logging.level == 20 else False # 20 is INFO
pad = chunk_size * 2
h_padded, w_padded = [side + pad for side in input_image.shape]
dist_samples = int(round(chunk_size * (1 - 1.0 / 2.0)))

# switch to evaluate mode
model.eval() # switch to evaluate mode

# initialize test time augmentation
transforms = tta.Compose([tta.HorizontalFlip(), ])
# construct window for smoothing
WINDOW_SPLINE_2D = _window_2D(window_size=padded, power=2.0)
WINDOW_SPLINE_2D = _window_2D(window_size=pad, power=2.0)
WINDOW_SPLINE_2D = torch.as_tensor(np.moveaxis(WINDOW_SPLINE_2D, 2, 0), ).type(torch.float)

fp = np.memmap(tp_mem, dtype='float16', mode='w+', shape=(h_padded, w_padded, num_classes))
sample = {'sat_img': None, 'map_img': None, 'metadata': None}
cnt = 0
subdiv = 2
step = int(chunk_size / subdiv)
total_inf_windows = int(np.ceil(input_image.height / step) * np.ceil(input_image.width / step))
img_gen = gen_img_samples(src=input_image,
single_class_mode = True
threshold = 0.5
if num_classes > 1:
single_class_mode = False
start_seg = time.time()
print_log = True
for img in tqdm(img_gen, position=1, leave=False,
img_gen = gen_img_samples(src=input_image, chunk_size=chunk_size, step=step)
single_class_mode = False if num_classes > 1 else True
for sub_image, row, col in tqdm(img_gen, position=1, leave=False,
desc=f'Inferring on window slices of size {chunk_size}',
row = img[1]
col = img[2]
sub_image = img[0]
image_metadata = add_metadata_from_raster_to_sample(sat_img_arr=sub_image,
@@ -243,11 +232,10 @@ def segmentation(param,
if single_class_mode:
outputs = torch.sigmoid(outputs)
outputs = outputs.permute(1, 2, 0)
outputs = outputs.reshape(padded, padded, num_classes).cpu().numpy().astype('float16')
outputs = outputs.reshape(pad, pad, num_classes).cpu().numpy().astype('float16')
outputs = outputs[dist_samples:-dist_samples, dist_samples:-dist_samples, :]
fp[row:row + chunk_size, col:col + chunk_size, :] = \
fp[row:row + chunk_size, col:col + chunk_size, :] + outputs
cnt += 1
del fp

@@ -264,7 +252,7 @@ def segmentation(param,
arr1 = arr1.argmax(axis=-1).astype('uint8')
pred_img[row:row + chunk_size, col:col + chunk_size] = arr1
pred_img = pred_img[:h, :w]
pred_img = pred_img[:h_padded-pad, :w_padded-pad]
end_seg = time.time() - start_seg'Segmentation operation completed in {:.0f}m {:.0f}s'.format(end_seg // 60, end_seg % 60))

@@ -289,7 +277,7 @@ def calc_inference_chunk_size(gpu_devices_dict: dict, max_pix_per_mb_gpu: int =
smallest_gpu_ram = min(gpu_info['max_ram'] for _, gpu_info in gpu_devices_dict.items())
# rule of thumb to determine max chunk size based on approximate max pixels a gpu can handle during inference
max_chunk_size = sqrt(max_pix_per_mb_gpu * smallest_gpu_ram)
max_chunk_size_rd = int(max_chunk_size - (max_chunk_size % 256)) # round to closest multiple of 256
max_chunk_size_rd = int(max_chunk_size - (max_chunk_size % 256)) # round to the closest multiple of 256'Data will be split into chunks of {max_chunk_size_rd}')
return max_chunk_size_rd

@@ -308,9 +296,8 @@ def main(params: dict) -> None:
num_classes = len(get_key_def('classes_dict', params['dataset']).keys())
num_classes = num_classes + 1 if num_classes > 1 else num_classes # multiclass account for background
modalities = read_modalities(get_key_def('modalities', params['dataset'], expected_type=str))
BGR_to_RGB = get_key_def('BGR_to_RGB', params['dataset'], expected_type=bool)
num_bands = len(modalities)
debug = get_key_def('debug', params, default=False, expected_type=bool)
BGR_to_RGB = get_key_def('BGR_to_RGB', params['dataset'], expected_type=bool)

state_dict = get_key_def('state_dict_path', params['inference'], to_path=True, validate_path_exists=True)
@@ -330,27 +317,25 @@ def main(params: dict) -> None:
tracker_uri=tracker_uri, params=params, keys2log=['general', 'dataset', 'model', 'inference'])

num_devices = get_key_def('num_gpus', params['training'], default=0, expected_type=int)
default_max_used_ram = 25
max_used_ram = get_key_def('max_used_ram', params['training'], default=default_max_used_ram, expected_type=int)
max_used_perc = get_key_def('max_used_perc', params['training'], default=25, expected_type=int)
num_devices = get_key_def('gpu', params['inference'], default=0, expected_type=(int, bool))
max_used_ram = get_key_def('max_used_ram', params['inference'], default=25, expected_type=int)
if not (0 <= max_used_ram <= 100):
raise ValueError(f'\nMax used ram parameter should be a percentage. Got {max_used_ram}.')
max_used_perc = get_key_def('max_used_perc', params['inference'], default=25, expected_type=int)
scale = get_key_def('scale_data', params['augmentation'], default=[0, 1], expected_type=ListConfig)
raster_to_vec = get_key_def('ras2vec', params['inference'], False) # FIXME not implemented with hydra

raster_to_vec = get_key_def('ras2vec', params['inference'], default=False)
debug = get_key_def('debug', params, default=False, expected_type=bool)
if debug:
logging.warning(f'\nDebug mode activated. Some debug features may mobilize extra disk space and '
f'cause delays in execution.')

# list of GPU devices that are available and unused. If no GPUs, returns empty dict
gpu_devices_dict = get_device_ids(num_devices, max_used_ram_perc=max_used_ram, max_used_perc=max_used_perc)
chunk_size = get_key_def('chunk_size', params['inference'], default=512, expected_type=int)
chunk_size = calc_inference_chunk_size(gpu_devices_dict=gpu_devices_dict, max_pix_per_mb_gpu=50, default=chunk_size)'\nInferences will be saved to: {working_folder}\n\n')
if not (0 <= max_used_ram <= 100):
logging.warning(f'\nMax used ram parameter should be a percentage. Got {max_used_ram}. '
f'Will set default value of {default_max_used_ram} %')
max_used_ram = default_max_used_ram
max_pix_per_mb_gpu = get_key_def('max_pix_per_mb_gpu', params['inference'], default=25, expected_type=int)
auto_chunk_size = calc_inference_chunk_size(gpu_devices_dict=gpu_devices_dict,
max_pix_per_mb_gpu=max_pix_per_mb_gpu, default=512)
chunk_size = get_key_def('chunk_size', params['inference'], default=auto_chunk_size, expected_type=int)
device = set_device(gpu_devices_dict=gpu_devices_dict)

bucket = None
@@ -363,7 +348,6 @@ def main(params: dict) -> None:
device = set_device(gpu_devices_dict=gpu_devices_dict)
model, _ = load_from_checkpoint(loaded_checkpoint, model, bucket=bucket, strict_loading=True)

@@ -372,7 +356,8 @@ def main(params: dict) -> None:

# VALIDATION: anticipate problems with imagery before entering main for loop
for info in tqdm(list_img, desc='Validating imagery'):
validate_raster(info['tif'], num_bands)
is_valid = validate_input_imagery(info['tif'], num_bands=num_bands, extended=debug)
# TODO: exclude invalid imagery at inference (prevent execution break)'\nSuccessfully validated imagery')

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
from utils.verifications import (
validate_num_classes, validate_raster, assert_crs_match, validate_features_from_gpkg
validate_num_classes, assert_crs_match, validate_features_from_gpkg, validate_input_imagery
# Set the logging file
logging = get_logger(__name__) # import logging
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ def main(cfg: DictConfig) -> None:
# VALIDATION: (1) Assert num_classes parameters == num actual classes in gpkg and (2) check CRS match (tif and gpkg)
valid_gpkg_set = set()
for info in tqdm(list_data_prep, position=0):
validate_raster(info['tif'], num_bands)
validate_input_imagery(info['tif'], num_bands)
if info['gpkg'] not in valid_gpkg_set:
gpkg_classes = validate_num_classes(
info['gpkg'], num_classes, attribute_field, dontcare, attribute_values=attr_vals,
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions utils/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -426,10 +426,12 @@ def read_csv(csv_file_name):
row.extend([None] * (5 - len(row))) # fill row with None values to obtain row of length == 5
row[0] = to_absolute_path(row[0]) # Convert relative paths to absolute with hydra's util to_absolute_path()
if not Path(row[0]).is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Raster not found: {row[0]}")
logging.critical(f"Raster not found: {row[0]}. This data will be removed from input data list"
f"since all geo-deep-learning modules require imagery.")
row[2] = to_absolute_path(row[2])
if not Path(row[2]).is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Ground truth not found: {row[2]}")
logging.critical(f"Ground truth not found: {row[2]}")
if not isinstance(row[3], str):
logging.error(f"Attribute name should be a string")
if row[3] != "":

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