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Functions to get system dynamic matrices
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Applied the same idea of getSystemStiffnessA to lump the dynamic matrices (inertia, added mass, damping, and stiffness) in 3x3 matrices at the fairlead
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lucas-carmo committed May 23, 2024
1 parent 663b66d commit c2b2454
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47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions moorpy/
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Expand Up @@ -340,6 +340,53 @@ def getStiffnessA(self, lines_only=False, xyz=False):
return K
else: # otherwise only return rows/columns of active DOFs
return K[:,self.DOFs][self.DOFs,:]

def getDynamicMatrices(self, omegas, S_zeta, r_dynamic_init, depth, kbot, cbot, xyz=False):
'''Gets inertia, added mass, damping, and stiffness matrices of Point due only to mooring lines (with other objects fixed)
using a lumped mass model.
K : matrix
3x3 analytic stiffness matrix.

#print("Getting Point "+str(self.number)+" analytic stiffness matrix...")

def lump_matrix(matrix, endB):
if endB == 1:
matrix_woAnc = matrix[3:, 3:]
matrix_inv = np.linalg.inv(matrix_woAnc)
matrix_inv_coupled = matrix_inv[-3:, -3:]
matrix_woAnc = matrix[:-3, :-3]
matrix_inv = np.linalg.inv(matrix_woAnc)
matrix_inv_coupled = matrix_inv[0:3, 0:3]
return np.linalg.inv(matrix_inv_coupled)

M = np.zeros([3,3])
A = np.zeros([3,3])
B = np.zeros([3,3])
K = np.zeros([3,3])

# append the stiffness matrix of each line attached to the point
for lineID,endB in zip(self.attached,self.attachedEndB):
line = self.sys.lineList[lineID-1]
if r_dynamic_init == None:
r_init = np.ones((len(omegas),line.nNodes,3))
M_all, A_all, B_all, K_all, _, _ = line.getDynamicMatrices(omegas,S_zeta,r_init,depth,kbot,cbot)

M += lump_matrix(M_all, endB)
A += lump_matrix(A_all, endB)
B += lump_matrix(B_all, endB)
K += lump_matrix(K_all, endB)

if sum(np.isnan(K).ravel()) > 0: breakpoint()
if xyz: # if asked to output all DOFs, do it
return M, A, B, K
else: # otherwise only return rows/columns of active DOFs
return M[:,self.DOFs][self.DOFs,:], A[:,self.DOFs][self.DOFs,:], B[:,self.DOFs][self.DOFs,:], K[:,self.DOFs][self.DOFs,:]

def getCost(self):
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225 changes: 225 additions & 0 deletions moorpy/
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Expand Up @@ -2877,6 +2877,231 @@ def getSystemStiffnessA(self, DOFtype="free", lines_only=False, rho=1025, g=9.81

return K

def getCoupledDynamicMatrices(self, omegas, S_zeta, depth, kbot, cbot, r_dynamic_init=None, lines_only=False):
'''Write something here later
self.nDOF, self.nCpldDOF, DOFtypes = self.getDOFs()

n = self.nDOF + self.nCpldDOF

if self.display > 2:
print("Getting mooring system stiffness matrix...")

# get full system stiffness matrix
M_all, A_all, B_all, K_all = self.getSystemDynamicMatrices(omegas, S_zeta, r_dynamic_init, depth, kbot, cbot, DOFtype="both", lines_only=lines_only)

# invert matrix
M_inv_all = np.linalg.inv(M_all)
A_inv_all = np.linalg.inv(A_all)
B_inv_all = np.linalg.inv(B_all)
K_inv_all = np.linalg.inv(K_all)

# remove free DOFs (this corresponds to saying that the sum of forces on these DOFs will remain zero)
#indices = list(range(n)) # list of DOF indices that will remain active for this step
mask = [True]*n # this is a mask to be applied to the array K indices

for i in range(n-1, -1, -1): # go through DOFs and flag free ones for exclusion
if DOFtypes[i] == 0:
mask[i] = False
#del indices[i]

M_inv_coupled = M_inv_all[mask,:][:,mask]
A_inv_coupled = A_inv_all[mask,:][:,mask]
B_inv_coupled = B_inv_all[mask,:][:,mask]
K_inv_coupled = K_inv_all[mask,:][:,mask]

# invert reduced matrix to get coupled stiffness matrix (with free DOFs assumed to equilibrate linearly)
M_coupled = np.linalg.inv(M_inv_coupled)
A_coupled = np.linalg.inv(A_inv_coupled)
B_coupled = np.linalg.inv(B_inv_coupled)
K_coupled = np.linalg.inv(K_inv_coupled)

#if tensions:
# return K_coupled, J
return M_coupled, A_coupled, B_coupled, K_coupled

def getSystemDynamicMatrices(self, omegas, S_zeta, r_dynamic_init, depth, kbot, cbot, DOFtype="free", lines_only=False, rho=1025, g=9.81):
'''Write something here later

# note: This is missing some pieces, and needs to check more.
# So far this seems to not capture yaw stiffness for non-bridle configs...
# it would require proper use of chain rule for the derivatives

# find the total number of free and coupled DOFs in case any object types changed
self.nDOF, self.nCpldDOF, _ = self.getDOFs()

#self.solveEquilibrium() # should we make sure the system is in equilibrium?

# allocate stiffness matrix according to the DOFtype specified
if DOFtype=="free":
M = np.zeros([self.nDOF, self.nDOF])
A = np.zeros([self.nDOF, self.nDOF])
B = np.zeros([self.nDOF, self.nDOF])
K = np.zeros([self.nDOF, self.nDOF])
d = [0]
elif DOFtype=="coupled":
M = np.zeros([self.nCpldDOF, self.nCpldDOF])
A = np.zeros([self.nCpldDOF, self.nCpldDOF])
B = np.zeros([self.nCpldDOF, self.nCpldDOF])
K = np.zeros([self.nCpldDOF, self.nCpldDOF])
d = [-1]
elif DOFtype=="both":
M = np.zeros([self.nDOF+self.nCpldDOF, self.nDOF+self.nCpldDOF])
A = np.zeros([self.nDOF+self.nCpldDOF, self.nDOF+self.nCpldDOF])
B = np.zeros([self.nDOF+self.nCpldDOF, self.nDOF+self.nCpldDOF])
K = np.zeros([self.nDOF+self.nCpldDOF, self.nDOF+self.nCpldDOF])
d = [0,-1]
raise ValueError("getSystemDynamicMatrices called with invalid DOFtype input. Must be free, coupled, or both")

# The following will go through and get the lower-triangular stiffness terms,
# calculated as the force/moment on Body/Point 2 from translation/rotation of Body/Point 1.

# go through DOFs, looking for lines that couple to anchors or other DOFs

i = 0 # start counting number of DOFs at zero

# go through each movable body in the system
for body1 in self.bodyList:
if body1.type in d: # >>>> when DOFtype==both, this approach gives different indexing than what is in setPositions/getForces and getSystemStiffness <<<<<

#i = (body1.number-1)*6 # start counting index for body DOFs based on body number to keep indexing consistent

# get body's self-stiffness matrix (now only cross-coupling terms will be handled on a line-by-line basis)
K6 = body1.getStiffnessA(lines_only=lines_only)
K[i:i+body1.nDOF, i:i+body1.nDOF] += K6

# go through each attached point
for pointID1,rPointRel1 in zip(body1.attachedP,body1.rPointRel):
point1 = self.pointList[pointID1-1]

r1 = rotatePosition(rPointRel1, body1.r6[3:]) # relative position of Point about body ref point in unrotated reference frame
H1 = getH(r1) # produce alternator matrix of current point's relative position to current body

for lineID in point1.attached: # go through each attached line to the Point, looking for when its other end is attached to something that moves

endFound = 0 # simple flag to indicate when the other end's attachment has been found
j = i + body1.nDOF # first index of the DOFs this line is attached to. Start it off at the next spot after body1's DOFs

# get cross-coupling stiffness of line: force on end attached to body1 due to motion of other end
if point1.attachedEndB == 1:
KB = self.lineList[lineID-1].KBA
KB = self.lineList[lineID-1].KBA.T

# look through Bodies further on in the list (coupling with earlier Bodies will already have been taken care of)
for body2 in self.bodyList[self.bodyList.index(body1)+1: ]:
if body2.type in d:

# go through each attached Point
for pointID2,rPointRel2 in zip(body2.attachedP,body2.rPointRel):
point2 = self.pointList[pointID2-1]

if lineID in point2.attached: # if the line is also attached to this Point2 in Body2

# following are analagous to what's in functions getH and translateMatrix3to6 except for cross coupling between two bodies
r2 = rotatePosition(rPointRel2, body2.r6[3:]) # relative position of Point about body ref point in unrotated reference frame
H2 = getH(r2)

# loads on body1 due to motions of body2
K66 = np.block([[ KB , np.matmul(KB, H2)],
[np.matmul(H1.T, KB), np.matmul(np.matmul(H2, KB), H1.T)]])

# Trim for only enabled DOFs of the two bodies
K66 = K66[body1.DOFs,:][:,body2.DOFs]

K[i:i+body1.nDOF, j:j+body2.nDOF] += K66 # f on B1 due to x of B2
K[j:j+body2.nDOF, i:i+body1.nDOF] += K66.T # mirror

# note: the additional rotational stiffness due to change in moment arm does not apply to this cross-coupling case
endFound = 1 # signal that the line has been handled so we can move on to the next thing

j += body2.nDOF # if this body has DOFs we're considering, then count them

# look through free Points
if endFound==0: # if the end of this line hasn't already been found attached to a body
for point2 in self.pointList:
if point2.type in d: # if it's a free point and
if lineID in point2.attached: # the line is also attached to it

# only add up one off-diagonal sub-matrix for now, then we'll mirror at the end
K63 = np.vstack([KB, np.matmul(H1.T, KB)])

# Trim for only enabled DOFs of the point and body
K63 = K63[body1.DOFs,:][:,point2.DOFs]

K[i:i+ body1.nDOF, j:j+point2.nDOF] += K63 # f on B1 due to x of P2
K[j:j+point2.nDOF, i:i+ body1.nDOF] += K63.T # mirror


j += point2.nDOF # if this point has DOFs we're considering, then count them

# note: No cross-coupling with fixed points. The body's own stiffness matrix is now calculated at the start.

i += body1.nDOF # moving along to the next body...

# go through each movable point in the system
for point in self.pointList:
if point.type in d:

n = point.nDOF

# >>> TODO: handle case of free end point resting on seabed <<<

# get point's self-stiffness matrix
M1, A1, B1, K1 = point.getDynamicMatrices(omegas, S_zeta, r_dynamic_init, depth, kbot, cbot)
M[i:i+n,i:i+n] += M1
A[i:i+n,i:i+n] += A1
B[i:i+n,i:i+n] += B1
K[i:i+n,i:i+n] += K1

# # go through attached lines and add cross-coupling terms
for lineID in point.attached:

j = i + n

# go through movable points to see if one is attached
for point2 in self.pointList[self.pointList.index(point)+1: ]:
if point2.type in d:
if lineID in point2.attached: # if this point is at the other end of the line

# get cross-coupling stiffness of line: force on end attached to point1 due to motion of other end
MB, AB, BB, KB = point2.getDynamicMatrices(omegas, S_zeta, r_dynamic_init, depth, kbot, cbot)
if point.attachedEndB != 1:

# Trim stiffness matrix to only use the enabled DOFs of each point
MB = MB[point.DOFs,:][:,point2.DOFs]
AB = AB[point.DOFs,:][:,point2.DOFs]
BB = BB[point.DOFs,:][:,point2.DOFs]
KB = KB[point.DOFs,:][:,point2.DOFs]

M[i:i+n , j:j+point2.nDOF] += MB # force on P1 due to movement of P2
M[j:j+point2.nDOF, i:i+n ] += MB.T # mirror (f on P2 due to x of P1)
A[i:i+n , j:j+point2.nDOF] += AB
A[j:j+point2.nDOF, i:i+n ] += AB.T
B[i:i+n , j:j+point2.nDOF] += BB
B[j:j+point2.nDOF, i:i+n ] += BB.T
K[i:i+n , j:j+point2.nDOF] += KB
K[j:j+point2.nDOF, i:i+n ] += KB.T
j += point2.nDOF # if this point has DOFs we're considering, then count them
i += n

return M, A, B, K

def getAnchorLoads(self, sfx, sfy, sfz, N):
''' Calculates anchor loads
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