Update your github account and add your NSU xyz@northsouth.edu account to your github account.
Verify your xyz@northsouth.edu email for github.
Clone this repository in your Computer and designate the repository as private.
Commits to this repository must be made using Github for Desktop or SourceTree software.
Start working on each question inside each designated folders. Each small updates must be committed locally to the repository.
- If you add a method, you should add a commit.
- Commits should be done on regular interval.
- It is not necessary to push commits regularly to remote repository.
- If you are having trouble understanding how git commits and push work, contact your instructor for a live demo.
- Tutorial on how to commit using Github for Desktop can be found using the following link: Using Github for Desktop.
- If this file is under Question 1 folder, then create a PDF consisting of the JPEG images of the pages for Question 1.
- Total size of the PDF should not exceed more than 1MB.
- If PDF Size exceeds 1MB, Go to the following Link:
- Then compress your PDF to make it under 1MB.
- Your PDF name should be SP2020_CSE373_Final_Q1_1234567.pdf where 1234567 is your 7 digit student ID, and this is under Question 1 folder.
If your 7 digit student ID is 1121341 and this is under Question 3 folder, then the PDF name should be SP2020_CSE373_Final_Q3_1121341.pdf
- Create one single Java file named SP2020_CSE373_Final_Q1_1234567.java where 1234567 is your 7 digit student ID, and this is under Question 1 folder.
SP2020_CSE373_Final_Q1_1234567 should be your public class name if your file name is SP2020_CSE373_Final_Q1_1234567.java .
- If your code requires multiple classes, remember only one class can be a public class in a .java file.
for example, the following is a structure for a possible SP2020_CSE373_Final_Q1_1234567.java file.
//file: SP2020_CSE373_Final_Q1_1234567.java
//Only this class can be declared as public
public class SP2020_CSE373_Final_Q1_1234567 {
public static void main(String[] args){
A objA = new A();
C objC = new C();
A.D objD = new A.D();
B objB = new B();
//If one class is inside the body of another, make the class static
static class C{
class A{
static class D{
//If one class is outside another, no need to make the class static
class B{
//End file SP2020_CSE373_Final_Q1_1234567.java
- Only commit the .java file, and jpeg for outputs.
Each .jpeg should be under 400KB. If there are multiple files, name them as following:
After ever edits or changes to this file (adding a method, adding a functionality, this file should be committed to the repository).
Final grading for code questions will be the following:
a. Git Commit history for questions: 45%
b. Code compiles and runs : 25%
c. Correct output and formats: 30%
Any proved instance of plagiarism will result in disciplinary action in accordance with NSU policy.