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postgresql and pgbounce installation, configuration and management


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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description
  3. Setup
  4. Usage
  5. Reference
  6. Limitations
  7. Development


This module can manage a postgres configured as:

  • standalone
  • streaming replication (master or slave)

Module Description

Installs and configures PostgreSQL on CentOS 6 and 7


What postgresql affects

  • Installs PostgreSQL:
  • configures:
    • postgres.conf
    • pg_hba
    • pg_stat_statements
    • backup script using pg_dump
    • pgsnapshot tool (tool for backing up and restore the database using LVM snapshots or AWS snapshots)
    • cronjob for vacuum_analyze
  • it can manage the following DB objects:
    • roles
    • schemas
    • databases
    • extensions (postgis and pg_stat_statements can be managed using it's own class in the module)
  • if eyp-sysctl is present:
    • overcommit_memory = 2 - total virtual address space on the system is limited to (SWAP + RAM ·( /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_ratio /100))
    • shmmax: maximum size of shared memory segment (default: ceiling(sprintf('%f', $::memorysize_mb)·786432))
    • shmall: total amount of shared memory available (default: ceiling(ceiling(sprintf('%f',$::memorysize_mb)·786432)/$::eyp_postgresql_pagesize))

Setup Requirements

  • This module requires optionally eyp/sysctl module installed to be able to manage kernel.shmmax, kernel.shmall and vm.overcommit_memory
  • Mountpoints must be already in place (datadir, archive_dir...) and datadir must be empty
  • Python module psycopg2 is just required to be able to use tasks

Beginning with postgresql

Install a postgres Using puppet-masterless:

  • Make sure git is installed
yum install git

Clone puppet-masterless to /opt and install dependencies:

cd /opt/
git clone
cd puppet-masterless/

Install puppet module and apply demo .pp:

./ -d /tmp/postgres -r
./ -d /tmp/postgres -s /tmp/postgres/modules/postgresql/examples/demo_pg10.pp


streaming replication setup

node 'pgm'
	class { 'sysctl': }

	class { 'postgresql':
		wal_level           => 'hot_standby',
		max_wal_senders     => '3',
		checkpoint_segments => '8',
		wal_keep_segments   => '8',

	postgresql::hba_rule { 'test':
		user     => 'replicator',
		database => 'replication',
		address  => '',

	postgresql::role { 'replicator':
		replication => true,
		password    => 'replicatorpassword',

	postgresql::schema { 'jordi':
		owner => 'replicator',


node 'pgs'
	class { 'sysctl': }

	class { 'postgresql':
		wal_level           => 'hot_standby',
		max_wal_senders     => '3',
		checkpoint_segments => '8',
		wal_keep_segments   => '8' ,
		hot_standby         => true,
		initdb              => false,

	class { 'postgresql::streaming_replication':
		masterhost     => '',
		masterusername => 'replicator',
		masterpassword => 'replicatorpassword',

backup configurtion

postgresql::pgdumpbackup { "backup logic":
  destination => '/backup',
  mailto      => '',
  idhost      => 'postgresmaster01',

postgresmaster using hiera

  - postgresql
  - postgresql::pgstatsstatements
postgresql::port: 60901
postgresql::wal_level: hot_standby
postgresql::max_wal_senders: 3
postgresql::checkpoint_segments: 16
postgresql::wal_keep_segments: 8
postgresql::archive_mode: true
postgresql::max_connections: 200
postgresql::archive_mode: true
postgresql::archive_command_custom: 'rsync --exclude lost+found -a %p barman@'
  - pg_stat_statements
    password: '1234'
    port: 60901
    password: '1234'
    port: 60901
    password: '1234'
    port: 60901
    port: 60901
    password: '1234'
    replication: true
    owner: extension
    port: 60901

postgres slave using hiera

  - postgresql
  - postgresql::pgstatsstatements
  - postgresql::streaming_replication
postgresql::port: 60901
postgresql::wal_level: hot_standby
postgresql::max_wal_senders: 3
postgresql::checkpoint_segments: 16
postgresql::wal_keep_segments: 8
postgresql::archive_mode: true
postgresql::max_connections: 200
postgresql::initdb: false
postgresql::hot_standby: true
  - pg_stat_statements
postgresql::streaming_replication::masterport: 60901
postgresql::streaming_replication::masterusername: replicator
postgresql::streaming_replication::masterpassword: af35dbf3394b2b961fea37db2b2bfb0c

hba rules using hiera

    user: postgres
    database: all
    address: ''
    auth_method: trust
    user: replicator
    database: replication
    address: ''
    user: nagios
    database: nagios
    address: ''
    user: nagios
    database: nagios
    address: ''
    user: extension
    database: extension
    address: ''
    user: extension_ro
    database: extension
    address: ''
    user: extension_rw
    database: extension
    address: ''

change default schema

class { 'postgresql':
  wal_level           => 'hot_standby',
  max_wal_senders     => '3',
  checkpoint_segments => '8',
  wal_keep_segments   => '8',
  version             => '9.6',
  search_path         => [ 'demoschema' ],


This section describes pgsnapshot usage as a reference without actually install it via puppet (not recommended) using an empty config file, passing settings via cli options. Please note this is not the intended usage

touch demo.cfg

In the real world a sample config file would look like this:


config file options

All options need to be in the [pgsnapshot] section

  • pgusername: Postgre's username (default: postgres)
  • to: Send a backup report to this address (default: do not send any report)
  • host-id: Force a specific host id (default: server's FQDN)
  • lvmdisk: Use a specific LVM disk (default: connect to postgres to get the actual datadir)
  • snapsize: Snapshot size - recommended to be large if you plan to keep snapshots and small if you plan to use AWS snapshots (default: 5G)
  • keeplvmsnaps: How many LVM snapshots to keep (default: 2)
  • snapshotbasename: LVM snapshot basename (default: snap)
  • logdir: Where to keep log files for each action (default: /var/log/pgsnapshot)
  • aws: Use AWS snapshots (default: false)
  • keepAWSsnapdays: Delete AWS snapshots older than N days (default: 7)
  • force-ami: Force a specific AMI for the restored instance (default: use the same AMI as the running instance)

These options and the cronjob for pgsnapshot will be configured using postgresql::backup::pgsnapshot

backup - AWS snapshot

Make a AWS snapshot backups and delete AWS snapshots older that 10 days -d /tmp/postgres -r; python /tmp/postgres/modules/postgresql/files/pgsnapshot/ -c demo.cfg -a -k 10

backup - LVM snapshot

Make a LVM snapshot backups keeping last 10 LVM snapshots -d /tmp/postgres -r; python /tmp/postgres/modules/postgresql/files/pgsnapshot/ -c demo.cfg -K 10

list backups - AWS snapshots -d /tmp/postgres -r; python /tmp/postgres/modules/postgresql/files/pgsnapshot/ -c demo.cfg -a -L

Sample output:

* snap.20181207000001
* snap.20181208000001
* snap.20181209000001
* snap.20181210000001
* snap.20181211000001
* snap.20181212000004
* snap.20181213000001

list backups - LVM snapshots -d /tmp/postgres -r; python /tmp/postgres/modules/postgresql/files/pgsnapshot/ -c demo.cfg -L

Sample output:

* snap.20181207000001
* snap.20181208000001

restore - AWS snapshot

restore AWS snapshot named snap.20181212122000 -d /tmp/postgres -r; python /tmp/postgres/modules/postgresql/files/pgsnapshot/ -c demo.cfg -a -r snap.20181212122000

As output you'll get the instance id and the public DNS name, for example:


The restored instance will have the same exact HBA rules a original instance




It uses the following (private) classes to install, configure and manage PostgreSQL:

  • postgresql::install: Installation and initdb
  • postgresql::config: Modifies configuration files
  • postgresql::service: Manages postgres service


  • version: version to install (default: 9.2)
  • datadir: datadir to use (default: /var/lib/pgsql/9.2/data)
  • initdb: boolean, true to create datadir's directies. In a standby server with streaming replication you want to set it to false (default: true)
  • manage_service: boolean, true to manage PostgreSQL's service (default: true)
  • archive_command_custom: custom archive command
  • archive_dir: archive dir, if archive_command_custom is undef, it will be: test ! -f ${archive_dir}/%f && cp %p ${archive_dir}/%f
  • archive_dir_user: archive dir user (default: undef)
  • archive_dir_group: archive dir group (default: undef)
  • archive_dir_mode: archive dir mode (default: undef)
  • archive_dir_chmod: chmod to this mask if using archive_dir (default: undef)
  • overcommit_memory: modes available:
    • undef: do not change it
    • 0: heuristic overcommit (this is the default)
    • 1: always overcommit, never check
    • 2: always check, never overcommit(default: 2)',
  • shmmax: maximum size of shared memory segment (default: ceiling(sprintf('%f', $::memorysize_mb)·786432)) you can set it to undef to disable
  • shmall: total amount of shared memory available (default: ceiling(ceiling(sprintf('%f',$::memorysize_mb)·786432)/$::eyp_postgresql_pagesize)) you can set it to undef to disable
  • for directly mapped variables (lc_messages, listen, port...) check postgres documentation:
    • port (default: 5432)
    • listen (default: *)
    • max_connections (default: 100)
    • wal_level (default: hot_standby)
    • max_wal_senders (default: 0)
    • checkpoint_segments (default: 16)
    • wal_keep_segments (default: 0)
    • hot_standby
    • pidfile
    • log_directory
    • log_filename
    • track_activities
    • track_counts
    • autovacuum:
      • cleanup is triggered whenever the number of dead tuples (which you can see as pg_stat_all_tables.n_dead_tup) exceeds threshold + pg_class.reltuples * scale_facto
    • autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor (default: 0.0)
    • autovacuum_vacuum_threshold (default: 5000)
    • autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor (default: 0.0)
    • autovacuum_analyze_threshold (default: 5000)
    • autovacuum_freeze_max_age (default: undef)
    • timezone
    • log_timezone
    • superuser_reserved_connections
    • archive_mode
    • archive_timeout
    • archived_wals_retention
    • archived_wals_hour
    • archived_wals_minute
    • archived_wals_month
    • archived_wals_monthday
    • archived_wals_weekday
    • maintenance_work_mem
    • wal_buffers
    • work_mem
    • shared_buffers (autocalculated to 1/4 main RAM)
    • lc_messages (default: C)
    • lc_monetary (default: en_US.UTF-8)
    • lc_numeric (default: en_US.UTF-8)
    • lc_time (default: en_US.UTF-8)
    • default_text_search_config (default: pg_catalog.english)
    • shared_preload_libraries (default: undef)

usage example:

class { 'postgresql': }


  • masterhost: required, postgres master
  • masterusername: required, replication username
  • masterpassword: required, replication password
  • masterport (default: port_default)
  • datadir (default: datadir_default)
  • restore_command: (default: undef)

It requires to have pg_basebackup and the defined username already created on the master DB

usage example:

class { 'postgresql::streaming_replication':
  masterhost     => '',
  masterusername => 'replicator',
  masterpassword => 'replicatorpassword',


Enable pg_stats_statements:

  • track_utility: (default: true)
  • track: (default: all)
  • max: (default: 10000)

usage example:

class { 'postgresql::pgstatsstatements': }



manages roles (alias users):

  • rolename: role to define (default: resource's name)
  • password: password for this role (if it's not a group)
  • login: boolean, enable or disable login grant (default: true)
  • superuser boolean, enable or disable superuser grant (default: false)
  • replication boolean, enable or disable replication grant (default: false)

usage example:

postgresql::role { 'jordi':
  superuser => true,
  password => 'fuckyeah',


Manages schemas:

  • schemaname: schema to create (default: resource's name)
  • owner: required, schema's owner

usage example:

postgresql::schema { 'jordidb':
  owner => 'jordi',


creates rules to pg_hba:

  • user: "all", a user name, a group name prefixed with "+", or a comma-separated list thereof. In both the DATABASE and USER fields you can also write a file name prefixed with "@" to include names from a separate file.

  • database: "all", "sameuser", "samerole", "replication", a database name, or a comma-separated list thereof. The "all" keyword does not match "replication". Access to replication must be enabled in a separate record (see example below).

  • address: specifies the set of hosts the record matches. It can be a host name, or it is made up of an IP address and a CIDR mask that is an integer (between 0 and 32 (IPv4) or 128 (IPv6) inclusive) that specifies the number of significant bits in the mask. A host name that starts with a dot (.) matches a suffix of the actual host name. Alternatively, you can write an IP address and netmask in separate columns to specify the set of hosts. Instead of a CIDR-address, you can write "samehost" to match any of the server's own IP addresses, or "samenet" to match any address in any subnet that the server is directly connected to.

  • type: it can be set to:

    • local is a Unix-domain socket
    • host is either a plain or SSL-encrypted TCP/IP socket,
    • hostssl is an SSL-encrypted TCP/IP socket
    • hostnossl is a plain TCP/IP socket. (default: host)
  • auth_method: can be:

    • trust
    • reject
    • md5 (default)
    • password (clear text passwords!)
    • gss
    • sspi
    • krb5
    • ident
    • peer
    • pam
    • ldap
    • radius
    • cert
  • auth_option: set of options for the authentication in the format NAME=VALUE. The available options depend on the different authentication methods(default: undef)

  • description: description to identify each rule, see example below (default: resource's name)

  • order: if any (default: 01)

usage example:

postgresql::hba_rule { 'test':
  user => 'replicator',
  database => 'replication',
  address => '',

It will create the following pg_hba rule:

# rule: test
host	replication	replicator			md5


  • destination: path to store backups
  • pgroot: Postgres installation base (default: undef)
  • instance: postgres instance (default: undef)
  • retention: (default: 7)
  • dbs: dbs to backup (default: ALL)
  • mailto: notify by mail (default: undef)
  • idhost: host ID, if this variabla is set to undef, it will use it's fqdn
  • basedir: path to install the backup script (default: /usr/local/bin)
  • ensure: presence or absence of this backup script (default: present)
  • username: user to perform backups (default: postgres)
  • cron settings:
    • setcronjob: create a cronjob (default: true)
    • hour_cronjob: hour (default: 2)
    • minute_cronjob: minute (default: 0)
    • month_cronjob: month (default: undef)
    • monthday_cronjob: monthday (default: undef)
    • weekday_cronjob: weekday (default: undef)

example setup:

postgresql::pgdumpbackup { "backup logic":
  destination => '/backup',
  mailto => '',
  idhost => 'postgresmaster01',


Backups using pgsnapshot:

  • ensure: Whether the cronjob and the script itseld should be in the system (default: present)
  • username: Postgre's username (default: postgres)
  • backupname: Backup job name (default: resource's name)
  • mailto: Send a backup report to this address (default: undef)
  • idhost: Force a specific host id (default: undef, server's FQDN)
  • basedir: Where to install backup script (default: /usr/local/bin)
  • confdir: Where to store configuration file (default: /etc)
  • lvm_disk: Use a specific LVM disk (default: undef, connect to postgres to get the actual datadir)
  • aws: Use AWS snapshots (default: false)
  • snap_size: Snapshot size - recommended to be large if you plan to keep snapshots and small if you plan to use AWS snapshots (default: 5G)
  • keeplvmsnaps: How many LVM snapshots to keep (default: 2)
  • keep_aws_snaps_days: Delete AWS snapshots older than N days (default: 7)
  • snapshot_basename: LVM snapshot basename (default: pgsnap)
  • logdir: Log directory (default: /var/log/pgsnapshot)
  • force_ami: Force a specific AMI for the restored instance (default: undef, use the same AMI as the running instance)
  • cron settings:
    • setcronjob: create a cronjob (default: true)
    • hour_cronjob: hour (default: 2)
    • minute_cronjob: minute (default: 0)
    • month_cronjob: month (default: undef)
    • monthday_cronjob: monthday (default: undef)
    • weekday_cronjob: weekday (default: undef)


Tested in CentOS 6 and 7


We are pushing to have acceptance testing in place, so any new feature should have some tests to check both presence and absence of any feature



  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request