is the Rails plugin for Aker 3.0 and later. It is a
thin wrapper around Aker's rack support.
There are separate plugins for Rails 3.x and Rails 2.3.x. You're looking at the version for Rails 3.x. The version for Rails 2.3.x has a version number with major version 2.
Reader's note: this README uses YARD markup to provide links to Aker-Rails' API documentation. If you aren't already, consider reading it on rubydoc.info so that the links will be followable.
requires Rails ~> 3.0.
Since aker-rails
is just a thin wrapper, you'll want to be familiar
with Aker before you get started.
is a gem plugin. In order to use it, include it in your
application's Gemfile:
gem 'aker-rails'
Between this and the Bundler.require
that most Rails 3 applications do
as part of their initialization process, that's all you usually need to
do to get aker and aker-rails loaded in your Rails application.
Put your global configuration config/application.rb
. By global
configuration I mean the parts that are the same no matter which
environment you are using, like the portal name and the modes.
# In config/application.rb, inside the Application subclass definition
config.aker do
# The authentication protocol to use for interactive access.
# :form is the default.
ui_mode :form
# The authentication protocol(s) to use for non-interactive
# access. There is no default.
api_mode :http_basic
# The portal to which this application belongs. Optional.
portal :ENU
(Migration note: this differs from the Rails 2.3 version of this plugin. Aker configuration should not happen in a Rails 3 initializer.)
For more information on the configuration syntax and options, see the
aker API documentation for Aker::Configuration
In the environment initializer for each of your application's
environments, put the parts of the Aker configuration which are
env-specific. E.g., the LDAP server you use in production might not be
visible from your workstation. This means that the authorities
will be env-specific.
# In config/environments/production.rb, for example
config.aker do
# The authorities to use. See the aker API documentation
# for Aker::Authorities for options.
authorities :ldap
# The server-central parameters file for authority
# and policy parameters (optional). See
# Aker::CentralParameters for a discussion of why this is a
# good idea.
central '/etc/nubic/aker-prod.yml'
(Migration note: this differs from the Rails 2.3 version of this plugin. Aker configuration should not happen in a Rails 3 after_initialize block.)
With the plugin installed, Aker provides a general infrastructure for supporting authentication and authorization in your application. If you want to require authentication or authorization for particular resources (and I think you do), you need to do a bit more configuration.
In any controller which authentication is required, include
{Aker::Rails::SecuredController}. If authentication is required for
all controllers, you can include this module in
If you want to further require that all actions in a controller require that the user be a member of a certain group, you can use the {Aker::Rails::SecuredController::ClassMethods#permit permit} method:
class ManuscriptController < ApplicationController
include Aker::Rails::SecuredController
permit :editor
Aker also supports resources which are only partially limited to a particular group or groups. The helper for this is also called {Aker::Rails::Application#permit? permit}:
# In a controller action
class DashboardController < ApplicationController
# ...
def index
if permit?(:editor)
@manuscripts = Manuscript.all
# Or in a view
<%= permit?(:editor) do %>
@manuscripts.collect { |m| m.title }.join(', ')
<% end %>
This permit helper is available to all subclasses of
, not just ones that mix in
{Aker::Rails::SecuredController}. This means you can have a
publically-accessible page which has additional/different content for a
logged-in user.
Aker provides a method {Aker::Rails::Application#current_user
current_user} to all controllers and views. It will return a
object for the current user, or nil
if there isn't