To use this template, your computer needs:
Node.js is used to run the build processes.
- Test: run
node -v
in the terminal
- Test: run
Npm (Node comes with npm installed so you should have a version of npm.) Used to manage development dependencies.
- Test: run
npm -v
in the terminal
- Test: run
Gulp – task runner
yarn install -g gulp
Test: run
gulp -v
in the terminal
Install all node packages: `
yarn install --freeze-lockfile
gulp dev
Your site is now viewable at this URL: http://localhost:3000
- compiled distribution filesnode_modules
- front-end dependenciessrc/
- contains all of your core, working files—static assets, pages, templates, etcsrc/assets/
- scss files, JS files, images, and fonts are heresrc/data/
- external datasrc/layouts/
- HTML layouts templatessrc/pages/
- site pagessrc/partials/
- handlebars partials files.gulpfile.js
- all task definitionspackage.json
- handles the front-end dependencies.htmllintrc
- handles the HTML lint rules.sass-lint.yml
- handles the SCSS lint rulesreports
- txt generated file for accessibility issues
- gulp-autoprefixer
- gulp-compile-handlebars
- gulp-concat
- gulp-html-replace
- gulp-htmllint
- gulp-imagemin
- gulp-pretty-html
- gulp-remove-code
- gulp-remove-logging
- gulp-rename
- gulp-sass
- node-bourbon
- gulp-sass-lint
- gulp-sourcemaps
- gulp-uglify
- gulp-newer
- gulp-accessibility
- gulp-jshint
- gulp-gulp-gh-pages
- gulp-babel
- panini
- run-sequence
- ansi-colors
- fancy-log