Track 1 utilized the Darknet framework with Yolo object detection. We achived 2nd place in mean average precision for the AI city challenge using this network and training parameters.
You will need to build darknet in order to train and run inference on the models.
we used Yolo since it is known for its impressive speed and accuracy. It is perfect to transfer to an edge device such as the TX2 due to the reasonable FPS on live video.
Track 1 instructions.
- clone repo
- cd track1
- make
- download model weights from this link:
run inference on a single image. output predicted bounding boxes overlaid on top of source image. output predictions.jpg will be current directory.
./darknet detect test data/ cfg/aic540.cfg aic540_final.weights /path/to/image.jpg
run inference on a batch of images, with corresponding text files
cd track1
mkdir results
- create a list of images we want to detect
find /datasets/aic480/test/images -type f -name "*.jpeg > aic480_test_set.txt"
- run detection with 10% minimum confidence threshold
./darknet detector test_file data/ cfg/aic480.cfg weights/yolo-object_30000.weights test_sets/aic480_test_set.txt -thresh 0.10 -outdir results
train darknet from pretrained convolutional weights
./darknet detector train data/ data/aic1080.cfg /data/group1/weights/darknet19_448.conv.23
run inference on video and write video to disk.
./darknet detector demo data/ data/aic540.cfg weights/aic540_final.weights /home/charles/Videos/vlc-record-2017-08-01-23h50m10s-walsh_santomas_20170602_007.mp4
- output will be saved as Output.avi,
- Charles MacKay
- Niveditha Bhandary
- Alex Richards
- Ji Tong
- David Anastasiu (Advisor)