Welcome! This repository contains ankerctl.py
, a command-line interface for
monitoring, controlling and interfacing with Ankermake M5 3D printers.
NOTE: This software is in early stages, so expect sharp edges and occasional errors!
The ankerctl
program uses libflagship
, a
library for communicating with the numerous different protocols required for
connecting to an Ankermake M5 printer. The libflagship
library is also maintained
in this repo, under libflagship/
Print directly from PrusaSlicer, SuperSlicer
Connect to Ankermake M5 and Ankermake APIs without using closed-source Anker software.
Send raw gcode commands directly to the printer (and see the response)
Low-level access to MQTT, PPPP and HTTPS APIs
Send print jobs to the printer
Stream camera image/video to your computer
Easily monitor print status
Integration into other software. Home Assistant? Prusa Slicer?
Pull requests always welcome :-)
First, please follow the installation instructions for your platform.
Verify that you can start ankerctl.py
, and get the help screen:
python3 ankerctl.py -h
If that does not work then try running using python ankerctl.py -h
./ankerctl.py -h
You should see the below output - if not then head back to installation instructions
Usage: ankerctl.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
-k, --insecure Disable TLS certificate validation
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity
-q, --quiet Decrease verbosity
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
config View and update configuration
http Low-level http api access
mqtt Low-level mqtt api access
pppp Low-level pppp api access
Before you can use ankerctl, you need to import the configuration.
Support for logging in with username and password is not yet supported, but an
can be imported from the saved credentials found in login.json
Ankermake Slicer. See ankerctl.py config import -h
for details:
Usage: ankerctl.py config import [OPTIONS] path/to/login.json
Import printer and account information from login.json
When run without filename, attempt to auto-detect login.json in default
install location
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
On Windows and MacOS, the default location of login.json
will be tried if no
filename is specified. Otherwise, you can specify the file path for
. Example for linux:
ankerctl.py config import ~/.wine/drive_c/users/username/AppData/Local/AnkerMake/AnkerMake_64bit_fp/login.json
The expected output is similar to this:
[*] Loading cache..
[*] Initializing API..
[*] Requesting profile data..
[*] Requesting printer list..
[*] Requesting pppp keys..
[*] Adding printer [AK7ABC0123401234]
[*] Finished import
At this point, your config is saved to a configuration file managed by
. To see an overview of the stored data, use config show
./ankerctl.py config show
[*] Account:
user_id: 01234567890abcdef012...<REDACTED>
email: bob@example.org
region: eu
[*] Printers:
sn: AK7ABC0123401234
duid: EUPRAKM-001234-ABCDE
NOTE: The cached login info contains sensitive details. In particular, the
field is used when connecting to MQTT servers, and essentially works
as a password. Thus, the end of the value is redacted when printed to screen, to avoid
accidentally disclosing sensitive information.
Now that the printer information is known to ankerctl
, the tool is ready to use.
Some examples:
# attempt to detect printers on local network
./ankerctl.py pppp lan-search
# monitor mqtt events
./ankerctl.py mqtt monitor
# start gcode prompt
./ankerctl.py mqtt gcode
# set printer name
./ankerctl.py mqtt rename-printer BoatyMcBoatFace
# print boaty.gcode
./ankerctl.py pppp print-file boaty.gcode
# capture 4mb of video from camera
./ankerctl.py pppp capture-video -m 4mb output.h264
ankerctl can also be used as a webserver to allow slicers like prusaslicer to print directly to the printer.
To start the webserver run the following command, then navigate to http://localhost:4470
./ankerctl.py webserver run
You can alternativly use docker compose to start the webserver running behind nginx
docker compose up
While running the python script is generally prefered, there may be situations where you want a more portable solution. For this, a docker image is provided.
docker build -t ankerctl .
Example usage (no peristent storage)
docker run \
-v "$HOME/Library/Application Support/AnkerMake/AnkerMake_64bit_fp/login.json:/tmp/login.json" \
ankerctl config decode /tmp/login.json
Example usage (with peristent storage)
# create volume where we can store configs
docker volume create ankerctl_vol
# generate /root/.config/ankerctl/default.json which is mounted to the docker volume
docker run \
-v ankerctl_vol:/root/.config/ankerctl \
-v "$HOME/Library/Application Support/AnkerMake/AnkerMake_64bit_fp/login.json:/tmp/login.json" \
ankerctl config import /tmp/login.json
# Now that there is a /root/.config/ankerctl/default.json file that persists in the docker volume
# we can run ankerctl without having to specify the login.json file
docker run \
-v ankerctl_vol:/root/.config/ankerctl \
ankerctl config show
This project is in ABSOLUTELY NO WAY endorsed, affiliated with, or supported by Anker. All information found herein is gathered entirely from reverse engineering.
The goal of this project is to make the Ankermake M5 usable and accessible using only Free and Open Source Software.
This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3, and copyright © 2023 Christian Iversen.