Sonata Standard Edition comes pre-configured with the following bundles:
- Bundles from Symfony Standard distribution
- Sonata Admin Bundles: Admin and Doctrine ORM Admin
- Sonata Ecommerce Bundles: Payment, Customer, Invoice, Order and Product
- Sonata Foundation Bundles: Core, Notification, Formatter, Intl, Cache, Seo and Easy Extends
- Sonata Feature Bundles: Page, Media, News, User, Block, Timeline
- Api Bundles: FOSRestBundle, BazingaHateoasBundle, NelmioApiDocBundle and JMSSerializerBundle
git clone
cd sonata-boilerplate
composer install
- php bin/load_data.php
- sym doctrine:schema:update --force
- sym fos:user:create
- sym fos:user:promote --super
- sym sonata:page:create-site
- sym sonata:page:update-core-routes --site=all
- sym sonata:page:create-snapshots --site=all
If you are running PHP5.4, you can use the built in server to start the demo:
app/console server:run localhost:9090
Now open your browser and go to http://localhost:9090/
To run the Behat tests, copy the default configuration file and adjust the base_url to your needs
# behat.yml
- behat.yml.dist
# Overwrite only the config you want to change here
You can now run the tests suite using the following command
To get more informations about Behat, feel free to check the official documentation.
To run the Sonata test suites, you can run the command: