This repository contains a comprehensive analysis of financial and credit card usage data, utilizing Power BI and advanced DAX calculations. The project focuses on analyzing customer behavior, credit risk, and financial performance, providing actionable insights to improve financial management and customer retention.
Customer Behavior Analysis
- Identified high-risk clients with average utilization ratios exceeding 80%.
- Created churn indicators for clients with no transactions in the past 6 months.
Financial Metrics
- Running totals, 4-week moving averages, and MoM/WoW growth trends.
- Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) analyzed as a ratio of transaction amounts.
Risk Indicators
- Calculated delinquency rates and created credit risk scores for clients.
- Flagged high-risk clients exceeding 90% of their credit limits.
Correlation Insights
- Analyzed income vs. credit limit relationships.
- Evaluated average customer satisfaction scores by card category.
- What are the spending trends across all clients (e.g., running totals)?
- Who are the top 5 clients by total transaction amount?
- Which clients are at risk of churn (inactive for the last 6 months)?
- What are the average customer satisfaction scores by credit card category?
- What percentage of clients have delinquent accounts?
- How can we score credit risk based on utilization, delinquency, and revolving balances?
- How does income correlate with credit limits across clients?
- What is the relationship between credit limits and loan approvals?
- Power BI: For creating interactive dashboards and data visualizations.
- DAX: Used for advanced calculations and deriving key metrics.
- Datasets: Combined customer and credit card data for in-depth analysis.
: Power BI file containing the interactive dashboards.Financial Analysis - POWER BI.pdf
: Detailed documentation of data cleaning, transformation, and key steps.Financial-data/
: Includes raw and cleaned datasets used for analysis.
- Clone this repository:
git clone