{Awesome Works in Progress)
- A Data and Analytics Leader's Guide to Data Literacy - gartner.com
- The Extreme Presentation - extremepresentation.com
- The eight common relationships that charts display
- Xenographobia
- Choosing the right chart
- Data Visualization for Non-Programmers ~1hour 📺 - Harvard i-lab
- Exploring the Gestalt Principles of Design - toptal.com
- Data-Ink Ratio - speedwell.com.au
- Narrative Arc
- Dieter Rams: 10 Timeless Commandments for Good Design - interaction-design.org
- Exploratory vs Explanatory Analysis - storytellingwithdata.com
- World's Biggest #Data Breaches & Hacks - 10 features in a single viz - twitter.com/KotobNaji
- Data Pyramid
- Minto Pyramid - The Minto Pyramid is a tool to give your (written) communication more clarity and efficiency.
- The Complete Guide to Power BI Themes + 12 Examples - numerro.io
- 3 Reasons Why Data Is Meaningless Without a Story - semrush.com
- Use Data And Analytics To Tell A Story ⭐ - gartner.com
- Telling Stories with Data: Dos and Don'ts for Beginners and Experts - ydiahooper.com
- What is data storytelling? ⭐ - sap.com
- Learn About Narrative Arcs - masterclass.com | Definition, Examples, and How to Create a Narrative Arc in Your Writing.
- Data Storytelling: How to Effectively Tell a Story with Data ⭐ - hbs.edu | Harvard Business School Online's Business Insights Blog
- How to tell stories that delight your audience and make an impact for your brand - microsoft.com
- What is data storytelling? - powerbi.microsoft.com | Bring your data to life
- Life’s Ups and Downs - improvementslab.com | Tony Webster
- The Art of Asking Great Questions - hbr.org
- Story Structure: 7 Narrative Structures All Writers Should Know - blog.reedsy.com
- How a Narrative Arc Structures a Story - thoughtco.com
- The art of exploring and explaining data 🌟 - storytelling with data
- How to turn data into stories - Storytelling with Data (SWD)
- Turning Bad Charts into Compelling Data Stories - Dominic Bohan | TEDxYouth@Singapore
- Storytelling Arc – 9 steps to tell a great story - Laura Randazzo
- Telling Stories with Data - Method 1 (The "How we got here" method) - Paul Smith
- Data Storytelling 101 with @storytellingwithdata founder Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic 🌟 - Free the Data Academy
- 10 Data Storytelling Examples (And How They’re Made) - vev.design
- William Playfair Founds Statistical Graphics, and Invents the Line Chart and Bar Chart - historyofinformation.com
- How Florence Nightingale Changed Data Visualization Forever - The celebrated nurse improved public health through her groundbreaking use of graphic storytelling
- Snow Fall - The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek - nytimes.com
- Mechanical Watch - ciechanow.ski
- The Underappreciated Man Behind the “Best Graphic Ever Produced” - nationalgeographic.com | He’s known for his acclaimed depiction of Napoleon’s ill-fated invasion of Russia. But Charles Minard was full of innovative visualizations.
- 20 Best Data Storytelling Examples - juiceanalytics.com
- Chit Chart - chitchart.com | Let's talk about facts
Reporting is just the presentation of data , but story telling is more engaging. Effective data storytelling uses language and visualization to help the audience engage and connect with the larger meaning.
- Bill Shander
- Hans Rosling
- Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes ⭐ - The Joy of Stats (BBC Four)
- The best stats you've ever seen | Hans Rosling
- Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
- Neil Halloran
- Stephanie Starling - freelance researcher and data journalist
- Erin Ostrowsky (Pragmatic Works)
- Ruth Pozuelo Martinez
- Storytelling with data and Power BI
- Lucidworks
- Natalia Kiseleva (eolay) - eolay.tilda.ws | Mortality caused by road traffic injury
- Doug Ros eal Value (Book)](https://www.amazon.com/Data-Science-Create-Questions-Deliver/dp/1484222520)
- David JP Phillips
- Paul Smith
- Pause and let the audience react.
- Isaac Reyes
- From Numbers to Narrative 📺 ~55min - Open Data Science Conference Europe 2018
- How to Tell a Story with Data
- Setup, Conflict, Resolution 📺 - Telling Stories with Data in 3 Steps (Quick Study)
- Setup: The 'Before' state of the data
- Conflict: How the data changes. Ask, 'What is causing this change?'
- Resolution: The 'after' stage that the change leads to.
- ℹ Distinguish each phase of your data-driven story with separate images and descriptive titles. Highlight only the important information and leave everything else out.
- Gartner
- Use Data and Analytics to Tell a Story - Storytelling = visualization + narrative + context
- Samples
- Nine Charts about Wealth Inequality in America - urban.org
- Storytelling: Minard vs. Nightingale - Robert Kosara
- The Shape of Dreams - the-shape-of-dreams.com
- The Pudding - is a digital publication that explains ideas debated in culture with visual essays.
- Data Is Beautiful (reddit)
- Data Art (reddit)
- One year later: The path to carbon negative – a progress report on our climate ‘moonshot’ - Brad Smith (January 2021)
- Quotes
- “Storytelling is the oldest form of education.” -- Terry Tempest Williams
- “A great lasting story is about everyone or it will not last. The strange and foreign is not interesting--only the deeply personal and familiar.” -- John Steinbeck
- “A story that contrasts the present with the future needs a great deal of trust.” -- Doug Rose
- “Numbers Don’t Lie, But Charts Do”
- “Stories activate the same parts of our brains that are activated when processing real experiences.”
- “The data means nothing without context, without the story form around it.” -- Bill Shander
- KWYs -- Bill Shander
- KWYRWTS "Know What You Really Want to Say"
- KWYDIS "Know What Your Data is Saying"
- KWYANTH "Know What Your Audience Needs to Hear"
- “A story is 22 times more memorable than facts alone.” -- Jennifer Aaker
- “ASK - Accurate . Story . Knowledge” -- Bill Shander
- "Stories make data analysis accessible to a wider audience. They also make analysis more engaging." -- Kubicle.com
- Hints
- A Power BI dashboard is made up of tiles that, together, tell a story. -- Microsoft
- Each report page is telling a story. To fully understand the story, you need to know if filters are being applied and what those filters are. -- Microsoft
- A visual represents a single table, chart or diagram. A dashboard brings together several relaated charts to tell or story about the selected data. -- CFI
- The human mind is designed to process information visually, and we can often gain better insight more quickly for a well-designed visualization than we can from pages of written text or tables of numbers.
- Chart sharing from organizational apps. Also supported in PowerPoint integration
- Improved image mode in Power BI add-in for PowerPoint
- Storytelling with Data: Let's Practice! - Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
- The Visual Display of Quantitative Information - Edward R. Tufte
- DataStory: Explain Data and Inspire Action Through Story - Nancy Duarte
- Encyclopedia of Slide Layouts: Inspiration for Visual Communication
- Alberto Cairo - thefunctionalart.com
- Bill Shander - billshander.com
- Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic - storytellingwithdata.com
- David McCandless
- Edward Tufte - edwardtufte.com
- Lydia Hooper - lydiahooper.com
- Storytelling - All results
- Storytelling with Data - storytellingwithdata.com
- How to Influence Others with Your Data - Ann K. Emery