to automate anything Automate as fast as you can type Make your tools work harder for you. Build automated workflows with triggers and actions
A webhook is a way to send data from one application to another when a specific event occurs. Webhooks are commonly used to trigger actions in other applications, such as sending an email or updating a database.
must be asynchronous and divided into multiple steps.
Create a new folder(hooks) and initialise it with package.json, tsconfig.json, install express
npm install express @types/express
initialise the backend routes
install prisma
and initialise it npx prisma init
, this will create a prisma folder with a schema.prisma file
create a schema in the schema.prisma file
now what is in the schema.prisma file-> a client, a db, User table, Zap table, Trigger table, Action table, AvailableAction table, AvailableTrigger table, ZapRun table and ZapRunOutbox table
run locally postgres using docker in hooks
folder - docker run -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword postgres
add a database url in the .env file-> DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:mysecretpassword@localhost:5432/postgres"
now migrate the database npx prisma migrate dev
, give the name-> 'init'
go to index.ts and add the following code and generate the client-> npx prisma generate
add a start script in the package.json file
"scripts": {
"start": "ts -b && node src/index.ts"
now to see the whole database go to zapier/hooks-> npx prisma studio
let's say a webhook added in github, this service was created yesterday, which will be hit stored in triggerstate
create a new processor, hence create a new folder by the name. initialise a new typescript project. for now we have to copy the code from the zapier/hooks folder and paste it in the processor folder.ideally we should use a monorepo.
install the following packages
npm install prisma npx prisma init
copy over the db schema from hooks/schema.prisma to processor/prisma/schema.prisma, and generate the client-> npx prisma generate
run kafka locally using docker in processor
folder - docker run -p 9092:9092 apache/kafka:3.7.1
create a new topic in the kafka container, name it-> zapier-webhooks
go to terminal get the pid for kafka container and get into it's own bash -> docker exec -it e00c3f83725b /bin/bash
after getting into bash, start the topic -> ./kafka-topics.sh --create -topic zap-events -bootstrap-server localhost:9092
to publish events into it-> first install kafka-js -> npm install kafkajs
, add code to index.ts
check for the database using the prisma studio-> npx prisma studio
now run the kafka-console-consumer ->
cd /opt/kafka/bin
./kafka-console-consumer.sh --topic zap-events --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092``````
`hooks`-> `npx prisma migrate dev`
## Kafka Processor
figure out, how much of processing is done in the processor, and how much is done in the hooks.
mkdir worker
cd worker
npm install prisma
npx prisma init
npm init -y
npx tsc --init
npm install kafkajs @solana/web3.js nodemailer bs58 --save-dev @types/node @prisma/client
npm i --save-dev @types/nodemailer
add index.ts, email.ts, parser.ts, solana.ts file.
npx prisma generate
npm run start
mkdir primary-backend
cd primary-backend
npm init -y
npx tsc --init
again that same old bullshit
install express -> `npm i express @types/express`
add code as index.ts, add router, and add user router and zap router in it
add prisma-> `npm install prisma`
run the prisma init command-> `npx prisma init`
create a schema.prisma file in the root folder and add the db url from .env in hooks folder to this one(primary-backend/.env), copy the schema from hooks/schema.prisma
get the backend done, install zod, typechecking via zod/types and the user authentication
now to test-> run postgres locally using docker in `primary-backend` folder - `docker run -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword postgres`.
`frontend` folder in next
install axios