Game Version
- Added 14 More Common items to the Shop.
- Added 6 Legendary Item
- Added 1 Mythic Item
- Added Crit Chance Stat if above 100% you will always Crit.
- Added Infinite Prism should now Give 150 + 15% Mana
- Added Death Beneath it Ability
- Added Names for the abilities.
- Added a Limitation, If you hit any enemy you cannot open the Shop for 10 Seconds.
- Added If Crit Chance is Above 100% Increase 0.05% of Crit Damage
- Increased the Height from 768 > 900 this means that the resolution for the game might be higher.
Changes and Reworks
- Changed Doran's Infinitum Name > Infinite Prism
- Changed its own Infinite Prism Icon to similar one for the name
- Added more Description to Infinite Prism
- Changed a little bit the Shop UI
- Removed Reaping Slash No longer heals from AP, but from OmniVamp
- The items in the shop no longer are Sorted from Cheap to Expensive.
- Nerfed Doran's Ring & Shield, They no longer able to get Lethality & Crit chance if one of them are bought
- Buffed Doran's Shield, if Above 80% of Health Grants 35% AD