#login.php/Register.php/loginpage.html -is appart of the user login system -user can enter and create and account on the signup page and the Register.php will render and verify the users -login page layout is created by html and css -login page verification and security is maintain by the server side php file and java script
#search engine to find games -maintain through XMLHTTPREQUEST calls -using javascript and html to display and find games
#javascript -use for the functionallity of the site -use for verification and searching -use for creation of eleements
#php -use to call and get data from database
#database -we used MYSQL data base
#hosting -used google cloud instances -used namecheap to change the domain of the website -editing and modification is done ont he ssh vim
#Github repository -used to store our code
#Mechine learning -use for search egine
#api -we used steam api as our source of api -gather game details and infromation from steam as we call the api