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Vinicius Santana edited this page Oct 20, 2019 · 1 revision

Welcome to the tic-tac-toe wiki!


  • It's a two players game where the players will take turns to input their plays.
  • When starting the game, it will show a 3 x 3 grid and on top of it, there should be a text indicating which player turn it is, "Player X" or "Player O".
  • The initial player should be randomly picked by the program.
  • The players will at each of their turns input their symbol, X or O, to a cell in the grid.
  • The players can pick their cell on their turns by moving the currently select cell with the keyboard arrows and then clicking enter to confirm which will result in the cell showing the player symbol, either X or O.
  • The players can pick their cell on their turns by clicking on the cell, which will result in the cell showing the player symbol, either X or O.
  • Wins the game, the player that takes 3 aligned cells, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
  • If a player wins the game, the winning cells should be highlighted.
  • If a player wins the game, a notification should be displayed on the top of the grid, saying, "Player * won" and a button to "start a new game".
  • If all 9 cells are taken and there are is not a winner, a notification should be displayed on the top of the grid, saying, "Draw" and a button to "start a new game".


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