Knowing how to build web applications is getting us almost there as web developers!
The Makers Academy Marketing Array ( MAMA ) have asked us to provide a game for them. Their daily grind is pretty tough and they need time to steam a little.
Your task is to provide a Rock, Paper, Scissors game for them so they can play on the web with the following user stories:
As a marketeer
So that I can see my name in lights
I would like to register my name before playing an online game
As a marketeer
So that I can enjoy myself away from the daily grind
I would like to be able to play rock/paper/scissors
- Rock beats Scissors
- Scissors beats Paper
- Paper beats Rock
Come on and play Rock Paper and scissors!
- git clone [git repo url]
- cd rps-challenge
- Run bundle (if bundle already installed, else gem install bundle, then bundle install)
- ruby app.rb
- navigate to localhost:9292
- start playing the game, enjoy!
Tech Stack
- Ruby
- Sinatra
-Capybara and Rspec for testing