LuminDER is a dating app for NUS students that takes on the familiar interface of LumiNUS and is a wordplay on Tinder.
This project was created by a 4-member team during Hack&Roll 2021 hackathon organised by NUS Hackers. You may view our submission here.
npm start
cd client
npm start
We used the MERN stack (Mongo, Express, React, Node), Bootstrap for styling and Firebase for authentication.
Team was inexperienced with web development, unfamiliar with Firebase and React context, file uploading and missed out on some design issues.
Setting up the entire project base from scratch, learning/re-learning React Bootstrap, setting up a chat page, solve the card matching problem, solving authentication issues
Project setup and structuring, web development, system design, database management
Make the chat real-time using web sockets and fix login issues.