Projektmanagement & Software Engineering OST FHO Rapperswil Herbstsemester 2020
Documentation (in german) can be found under doc/
in the project directory. It
contains a Software Requirements Specifications doc/srs/build/srs.pdf
and a
Project Plan doc/plan/build/plan.pdf
. For Doxygen there is a Doxyfile under
which builds a reference in doc/doxygen/html
- C++ compiler
- Qt >= 5.1 (ex. with QtCreator or just qmake)
- Doxygen
- LaTeX (documentation)
For ubuntu-based distributions the following packages should satisfy the minimum
requirements to build the project. Optionally qtcreator
can also be installed.
$ sudo apt install clang qt5base-dev qt5-qmake make graphviz doxygen
Clone the project with submodules:
$ git clone --recursive
Then to build the CI script can be used:
/proj/dir $ ./ci/ # builds project, runs unit-tests and builds doxygen
Or if one prefers, manually:
/proj/dir $ mkdir build && cd build
/proj/dir/build $ qmake ../
/proj/dir/build $ make -j4
/proj/dir/build $ ./GlowingBroccoli # launch program
then similarly the Unit-Tests:
/proj/dir $ git submodule update --init # in case you didn't clone with --recursive
/proj/dir $ mkdir build-tests && cd build-tests
/proj/dir/build-tests $ qmake ../test/
/proj/dir/build-tests $ make -j4
/proj/dir/build-tests $ ./GlowingBroccoliTest # run test suite
finally Doxygen
/proj/dir $ doxygen doc/doxygen/Doxyfile
Install Qt and QtCreator (OpenSource Edition) from
Then launch QtCreator and load proj/dir/
, the main
project, and proj/dir/test/
for the Unit-Tests.