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🌌 A modern implementation of the Star Wars API


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A simple frontend for accessing the Star Wars API. The app exists primarily as a playground for checking out new technologies and concepts. Additionally, the folder structure, configs and minimal code provide an excellent foundation for quickly launching new projects; albeit slightly opinionated.

The core is built using Next.js v13, React v18, TailwindCSS and NextUI. It also includes smaller utilities for CI, testing and linting. In future, I hope to extend it with a POST API implementation and some docs to mimic the full functionality.

Initial Setup


[Windows Only]: Install WSL2. Any commands below should be executed inside the Linux subsystem.

  1. Install Node Version Manager and execute nvm install 18
  2. Install PNPM via npm install -g pnpm
  3. Install Playwright Browsers via pnpm i && pnpm exec playwright install --force --with-deps chromium firefox webkit chrome msedge
  4. Install the VS Code extensions
Command Action
pnpm i Installs dependencies
pnpm dev Compiles an unoptimised app and exposes it on localhost:3000
pnpm build Compiles an optimised app for production
pnpm start Starts production build at localhost:3000 (requires pnpm build)
pnpm clean Safely removes all build generated files/folders
pnpm fmt Runs ESLint, Stylelint and Prettier
pnpm fmt:fix Runs ESLint, Stylelint and Prettier (with --fix)
pnpm test Runs Playwright e2e and regression tests (requires pnpm build)

Project Structure

The main content is located inside the src/ directory. The immediate subfolders organise code utilised across multiple pages into specific roles. Finally, the src/pages/ directory renders both static and server-side code used in page generation. All further folders use a structure equivalent of navigating the URL, where following the code is similar to exploring the website itself. The exceptions are any special files/folders prefixed with an underscore (e.g. _components), and the src/pages/api directory with pre-built API route handling.

/public: Static assets (e.g. images, videos and fonts)
/tests: E2E Tests, Regression Tests and reports/results
/src: XML, CSS and TypeScript
  β”œβ”€β”€ /lib: Library specific handlers
  β”œβ”€β”€ /data: Common HTTP fetch functions
  β”œβ”€β”€ /components: Custom React components
  └── /app: Client/Server page generation


🌌 A modern implementation of the Star Wars API




