Movie Night Project aims to make it easier to organize times to watch movies with friends.
Users can register with their email address and a password.
Users can log in with their email address.
Users can search for a movie by title.
- The movie data will be retrieved from OMDb if the term has not been searched in the past 24 hours.
Users can create a Movie Night for a movie, at a specific date and time.
Once a Movie Night is created, other users can be invited by the creator.
- Users will receive an invitation email when they’re invited.
Users can confirm their attendance or decline the invitation (as well as switch back and forth between these states).
- The creator of the Movie Night will receive an email when invitees change their attendance status.
Half an hour before a Movie Night is due to start, all the confirmed attendees, and the creator, are emailed a notification.
All emailing takes place through Celery. Celery Beat is used for scheduling.
A REST API is also implemented.
Django Configurations and logging are set up to work as a 12-Factor app.