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Juho Inkinen edited this page Sep 25, 2024 · 2 revisions

The Annif REST API and CLI include functionalities to detect the language of text given some candidate languages. Annif projects are typically language specific, so a text of a given language needs to be processed with a project intended for that language. Annif's in-built language detection functionality can help in this.

The language detection feature utilizes the Simplemma library.


The /v1/detect-language endpoint accepts POST requests with a JSON object containing the text to be analyzed and a list of candidate languages given in IETF BCP 47 codes, for example:

  "languages": ["en", "fi"],
  "text": "A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."

The response is a JSON object that provides probability scores for each candidate language:

  "results": [
    {"language": "en", "score": 0.85},
    {"language": "fi", "score": 0.1},
    {"language": null, "score": 0.1} 

The scores range from 0 to 1 and a null value is used for an unknown language.


To detect the language using the CLI, use the detect-language command. Provide the candidate language codes as a comma-separated argument, and the text to analyze via standard input. For example:

$ echo "this is example text" | annif detect-language fi,sv,en
en	1.0000
sv	0.3333
fi	0.0000
?	0.0000

You can also analyze multiple files by specifying their paths, similarly as in the annif suggest command. For example:

$ annif detect-language fi,sv,en LICENSE.txt 
Detected languages for
en	0.7700
sv	0.2100
?	0.2000
fi	0.1400
Detected languages for LICENSE.txt
en	0.8857
sv	0.3714
fi	0.0857
?	0.0571
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