- 🐾 Veterinarian who became a developer
- 🎮 Fanatic of playing video games
- 🎾 Enjoys playing tennis in free time
- 💻 Web Development Enthusiast
- 📱 Aspiring Mobile App Developer
- 🧠 Curious about Artificial Intelligence
- 📫 How to reach me vet.nat.c@gmail.com
- 🌐 Visit my portfolio here to see my projects and learn more about me!
- 🚀 Completed a Front-End Web Development Bootcamp at Laboratoria
- 📚 I'm currently learning React and Bootstrap
- 🌟 Finished the Tailwind course on Platzi
- 🐍 Learning Python at CodigoFacilito
- ☕ Taking Java classes at Laboratoria
- 🌱 Concluded the Back-End Development Seedling Program at Incubadora de Desafío Latam
- 🎓 Taking Vue.js Classes at Udemy
- 📱 Participating in a Mobile Application Development Bootcamp for Android