R scripts to download species observations in iNaturalist occuring on National Park Service lands
the iNaturalist API is not intended for large downloads of data. If you intend to download large amounts of data from iNaturalist, they prefer you use GBIF to do so.
https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/help#cite from iNaturalist:
https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/developers Datasets In addition to our export tool, these datasets might provide a better source of data than scraping our API. http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/gbif-observations-dwca.zip
GBIF DarwinCore Archive: All the data we share with GBIF in DwC-A format, which is just a zip archive of CSV files. It contains records of all Research Grade observations published under a CC0, CC BY or CC BY-NC license, and links to their associated, licensed photos. It was 1.5 GB in September 2019. Updated weekly.
How should I cite iNaturalist?
Please cite a GBIF download! The easiest way for us to track research using iNaturalist is for you to download and cite a corresponding dataset from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Once per week, research grade records on iNaturalist that are licensed for re-use are shared with GBIF. If you need additional records from iNaturalist that are not available from GBIF, you can also cite a dataset downloaded directly from iNaturalist. Citing a DOI for a GBIF dataset allows your publication to automatically be added to the count of citations on the iNaturalist Research-Grade Observations Dataset on GBIF.
If you just want to cite iNaturalist (to refer to it generally, rather than a specific set of data), please use the following: iNaturalist. Available from https://www.inaturalist.org. Accessed [date].
If you are writing up specific iNaturalist records that are not represented in GBIF, please include a link to the specific iNaturalist record(s). Such circumstances could be that you are describing a new species and therefore the records would not meet the criteria for inclusion in GBIF.
consists of 6 separate scripts with purposes listed below. Also requires files to define scope of species to download and NPS target parks, also described below. The presence of required files is checked in the initial script.
you must either place these files in the default working directory for R, or set the working directory when you load R, or edit the script files by changing these lines:
##setwd('c:\users\michael_lee\NPS_Bioblitz\testclean') to setwd('YOUR_PATH_HERE')
the "gis" subfolder contains shapefiles for determining which observations are on the parks or near the parks, and also for drawing parks and the observations on or nearby if making maps and you want county lines on the maps in script 6, this also needs to contain the county level maps shapefiles
spp.csv -- list of scientific names to lookup on NPS parks, you can edit to add/remove/replace species in this list
target_NPS_parks.csv -- list of NPS parks, with additional information like projection to use for maps
park.to.run.csv -- list of parks to download from iNaturalist, user can edit this to a single park in target_NPS_Parks.csv
you can either quit and and restart for the next script, or continue with the next script in the same R session
example_shell_script.bat -- this is an example Windows Batch file that run scripts 1, 2, and 3 repeatedly (it makes no attempt to stop running the scripts) -- similar scripts could be written for other operating systems -- the example script would need editing to the correct path for the R script executable and the script files themselves
inat-nps-download-step1-installLibraries.R -- installs R libraries and checks for required files -- updates first row and columns of install.status.csv to "loaded" if all is loaded OK. -- success indicated by message: step 1 script finished and looks good
inat-nps-download-step2-getSppID.R -- takes the scientific names add adds iNaturalist taxon.id values to lookup the taxa more efficiently in bulk -- updates spp.taxon.id.status.csv with information about this process and how much memory is used. Memory may be limiting and R can be quit and restarted with scripts (not originally part of this repository) -- finished when species status file contains: (pass number),spp still NEED taxon ID,0 -- success indicated by message: step 2 script successful
inat-nps-download-step3-downloadObs.R --downloads observations from the park in park.to.run.csv for species in spp.csv -- memory constraints will quit this and it can be rerun with a shell script -- multiple passes of this file progressively gets more full lists of species until they are all finished -- saves data files in the 'data' subfolder -- updates status as it runs -- script message shows Park, range of species downloading, and how many geographic runs are being made for that set of species, for example: start FOVA Abelmoschus esculentus : Aponogeton distachyos geog runs 1 --iNatTools function message shows number of records from iNaturalist: 3922 records fetched -- script message also shows radii analyzed: done with download of FOVA Abelmoschus esculentus : Aponogeton distachyos 1 start radius 10 ... done with radius 10 start radius 25 ... done with radius 25 start radius 50 ... done with radius 50 start radius 100 ... done with radius 100 ... done with all radii -- success of script indicated by message: step 3 script done successfully. additional species observations may need downloading by rerunning this script. --rerun the script until all species observations are downloaded, indicated by message: step 3 script done successfully. all species observations downloaded
--merges data from various initial download files and combines information on all of them, but not all the data, as it's often too big
-- status of data files reported, though some species sets will not have any data and may not have a data file
exists: data/FOVA_1_radii.csv
1 files ok
-- success indicated by message:
step 4 script finished successfully. See files:
inat-nps-download-step5-compileLists.R --compiles watch lists -- success indicated by message: step 5 script done with 14 data rows see file park_watch_list.csv
inat-nps-download-step6-makemaps.R --creates maps of the watch list species in the 'maps' subfolder --uses additional libraries in R that are NOT installed in step 1 as some users may not want to make maps, just lists -- success indicated by message: step 6 done creating maps. Check "maps" subfolder to see if they were created correctly.
usda_exotic_status_x_SN.csv -- file for defining plants as introduced/exotic from USDA Plants initially for lower 48 US states - you can edit to add/remove/replace species in this list