This program computes the dipole moment, polarizability and polarizability anisotropy as well as radial distribution functions, cosine functions, translational and rotational auto- and cross-correlation functions, translational and rotational kinetic energies for a number of aqueous systems (e.g., pure liquid water, NaF, NaCl, Na2SO4, MgCl2 MgSO4, KF) that were simulated using CP2K, Gromacs, TinkerHP, and Tinker Softwares.
The molecular dipole moment and polarizability are calculated using the first- and second-hyperpolarizabilities extended dipole-induced-dipole model reported in my papers [1,2]. The cheif advantage of this program is that it includes the effects of external electric field in the dipole moment and polarizability calculations.
Note for USERS: @Reach me via Upon request, a minimal assistance will be provided for setting up my program and calculating dipole moment, polarizability and other parameters for your MD trajectories.
[Naveen Kumar Kaliannan, Hossam Elgabarty & Thomas D. Kühne (2022), in preparation ](link will be updated soon)