This package provides a custom Elastalert Alerter which creates alerts with observables in TheHive using TheHive4Py.
It provides two data contexts. The "rule" context provides information about the Elastalert rule, eg. the rule name. The "match" context provides the data that the rule has matched.
Data from either context can be used to configure the alert and / or to create data for an observable.
The context data is specified via normal python string formatting (see examples below).
This package also provides a custom Elastalert Enhancement which will suppress alerts raised by the Alerter if a hash of the observables in the raised alert are found in the specified Elasticsearch database.
The hashes should be inserted into the database from another source, most likely the ObservableHashCreator responder in CortexAnalyzers
Note: It is possible to place static configuration such as hive_connection or es_alert_hashes_connection in the Elastalert config file instead of the rule file.
Installation (Debian)
1. wget -O - | sudo tar -xz -C /opt/ # Download a stable release from the Elastalert repository and place it in whichever directory you wish. We will use /opt/ for this demostration. 2. sudo apt-get install python3.6-venv # Install a virtual enviroment 3. cd /opt/elastalert{version} && python3.6 -m venv venv # Create a virtual environment within the project directory 4. . /opt/elastalert/venv/bin/activate # Activate the virtual environment 5. python install # Install the provided Python package 6. git clone # Clone the Nclose Hive Alerter master branch 7. python elastalert_hive_alerter/ install # Install the Nclose Hive Alerter python package
Install TheHive responder (To suppress events from theHive web instance)
1. Copy the `thehive_suppressor`to the approriate directory on your theHive instance (usually located in `/opt/Cortex-Analyzers/responders/ObservableHashCreator` on Docker deployments). 2. Log into Cortex. Navigate to `Organization`, `Responders Config` and you should see the `ObservableHashCreator` if the above was followed correctly. Configure the necessary requirements.
Example Alerter usage
Set the alerter in the rule file:
alert: "elastalert_hive_alerter.hive_alerter.HiveAlerter"
Configure connection details for TheHive (required fields shown first) in either the config file or the rule file:
hive_connection: hive_host: http(s)://sample_host hive_port: <hive_port> hive_apikey: <hive_apikey> hive_proxies: http: '' https: ''
Configure the alert by providing parameters consumed by TheHive4Py (required fields shown first) in the rule file:
hive_alert_config: title: 'Sample Title' ## This will default to {rule[index]_rule[name]} if not provided type: 'external' source: 'instance1' description: '{match[field1]} {rule[name]} Sample description' severity: 2 tags: ['sample_tag_1', 'sample_tag_2 {rule[name]}'] tlp: 3 status: 'New' follow: True
If desired, matched data fields can be mapped to TheHive observable types using python string formatting in the rule file:
hive_observable_data_mapping: - domain: "{match[field1]}_{rule[name]}" - domain: "{match[field]}" - ip: "{match[ip_field]}"
Example Enhancement usage
Set the enhancement in the rule file:
match_enhancements: - elastalert_hive_alerter.hive_alerter.HashSuppressorEnhancement
Configure connection details for Elasticsearch in either the config file or the rule file:
es_alert_hashes_connection: es_host: 'localhost' es_port: 9200 es_username: es_password: index: 'alert_hashes' use_ssl: verify_certs: ca_certs: client_cert: client_key:
Additional Documentation