Allow users to embed video using BBCode.
Look at the screenshots subfolder.
composer require nearata/flarum-ext-embed-video:"*"
composer require nearata/flarum-ext-embed-video:"*"
php flarum cache:clear
Remember to call the Purge
button in Admin area.
If you are about to unistall this extension for good, run this command before.
This command will remove ALL the video player found in user posts.
php flarum nearataEmbedVideo:purge
composer remove nearata/flarum-ext-embed-video
php flarum cache:clear
[embed-video id="insertRandomId" url="" type="normal" live="false" qualities=""]
- id: can be any string, prefer random.
- url: must start with http or https.
- type: normal, flv, hls, shaka, webtorrent.
- live: true or false.
- qualities: check below.