This repository was created with the goal of creating a library of solutions for known algorithm challenges in a variety fo languages. It will also serve as a training guide for encorians and externals.
First a folder with the known name of the challenge will be created. Inside that folder a file should be created containing:
Statmenet of the problem.
An example of the input and the desired output.
A hint if any.
A link, if any, to an online platform like LeetCode, HackerRank, etc...
Example: Min swaps 2 >
At the same level as the file a folder with the name of a programming language should be created. Inside that language folder a file should be created with a nickname and a solution suffix separated by an underscore. It will be nice if the name is added as a comment so we known to whom discuss a solution and learn more. Example: Min swaps 2> Java >
It would be nice if each solution has comments on the more confusing bits. Also adding the complexity to unknown methos, like push in javascript, abs, all this to finally state the complexity of your solution, by doing so it can help you to get more familiar to these kind of complexity questions.
[Example git :]
All the submissions should be trough a pull request to the master branch.