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Simplified Java clone of PrismJS. No rendering, no themes, no hooks, no plugins. But still a language parsing. Primary aim of this library is to provide a tokenization strategy of arbitrary syntaxes for later processing. Works on Android (great with Markwon - markdown display library, see markwon-prism4j).

This is a fork of noties/Prism4j which is unmaintained since 2019. Some features were removed from the project to make it easier to use it (e.g. the PrismBundler).


if you are using any Maven-compatible build system, you can get this via JitPack.

class Prism4jExample {
    static void example() {
        final Prism4j prism4j = new Prism4j();
        final Grammar grammar = prism4j.grammar("json");
        if (grammar != null) {
            final List<Node> nodes = prism4j.tokenize(code, grammar);
            final Visitor visitor = new Visitor() {
                void visitText(@NonNull Prism4j.Text text) {
                    // raw text

                void visitSyntax(@NonNull Prism4j.Syntax syntax) {
                    // type of the syntax token
            // instead, you could also use (same effect):
            //prism4j.visit(visitor, code, "json");

In order to simplify adding language definitions to your project, Prism4j has some available languages:

  • bash (not completely functional, some tests don't pass)
  • basic
  • brainf*ck
  • c
  • clike
  • clojure
  • cpp
  • csharp (dotnet)
  • css
  • dart
  • git
  • go
  • groovy (no string interpolation)
  • haxe
  • ini
  • java
  • javascript (js)
  • json (webmanifest)
  • jsonp
  • kotlin
  • latex (tex, context)
  • makefile
  • markdown
  • markup (xml, html, mathml, svg)
  • python
  • regex
  • scala
  • sql
  • swift
  • yaml

Adding a language that is not supported

  1. The best way is to port the language and create a pull request to this repository so everyone can use your language definition. Please see Add languages.
  2. You can also follow the instructions under Add languages to add a language directly to your project. If you use this approach, you'll have to create a new class which implements GrammarLocator and create new Prism4j instances with new Prism4j(new MyGrammarLocator()). However, I'd really appreciate it if you would create a pull request!


The DefaultGrammarLocator will create languages when they are requested (aka lazy loading). Make sure this works for you by keeping as is or by manually triggering language creation via prism4j.grammar("my-language"); when convenient at runtime.

Add languages

Language definitions are at the prism4j/src/main/java/io/noties/prism4j/languages/ folder. A new file should follow simple naming convention: Prism_{real_language_name}.java. So, a definition for json would be

You can mostly copy definitions and regular expressions from PrismJS.

In order to provide information about the aliases of a language which will be used to generate the DefaultGrammarLocator use the @Aliases annotation. For example markup language has these: @Aliases({"html", "xml", "mathml", "svg"}). So when the DefaultGrammarLocator will be asked for a svg language the markup will be returned.

@Aliases({"html", "xml", "mathml", "svg"})
public class Prism_markup {

After you are done (haha!) with a language definition please make sure that you also move test cases from PrismJS for the project (for newly added language of course). Thankfully just a byte of work required here as the test module understands native format of prism-js test cases (that are ending with *.test). Some PrismJS tests have a test description below the actual test data. If you copy any test with this description, remove the description, otherwise Prism4j will throw an RuntimeException. Please inspect the test folder for further info. In short: copy test cases from PrismJS project (the whole folder for specific language) into prism4j/src/test/resources/languages/ folder.

Then, if you run:

./gradlew :prism4j:test

and all tests pass (including your newly added), then it's safe to issue a pull request. Good job!

Important note about regex for contributors

As this project wants to work on Android, your regex's patterns must have } symbol escaped (\\}). Yes, an IDE will warn you that this escape is not needed, but do not believe it. Pattern just won't compile at runtime (Android). I wish this could be unit-tested but unfortunately Robolectric compiles just fine (no surprise actually).