For Ubuntu
- Clone the repo
- Install and configure microk8s
- Enable metallb
- Run the DB deployment
- Run the API deployment
git clone
Install MicroK8s from the command line:
sudo snap install microk8s --classic
Add the user [yourUser] to the 'microk8s' group:
sudo usermod -a -G microk8s [yourUser]
sudo chown -f -R [yourUser] ~/.kube
Restart or update de microk8s group
newgrp microk8s
microk8s enable metallb:
microk8s kubectl apply -f deployment-db.yml
microk8s kubectl apply -f deployment-api.yml
Now you can use the app. Try inserting in your browser. Routes:
- /
- /health
For a productive environment, it would ne nice to have a DNS so we can redirect de traffic to the public IP of the load balancer.
If the implementation takes place in an on premise environment an Horizontal Autoscaler could help improve the scalability. In the cloud there are tools that already help with it.
The deployment could be moved to the cloud for cost reduction and more disponibility.
Of course, in a productive environment we always have to test the product. So test implementation is necessary.
Would ne nice to have a pipeline that automates the building and deployment of the app so it don't need the manual push to docker-hub.