- 🔭 I’m currently working on my online parkguidance system
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Microservices with Helidon and Kubernetes
- 💬 Ask me about Java, JakartaEE, SQL
- ⚡ I have worked with Java, C#, JS, HTML, CSS, SQL
- 🔨 I have worked using GIT, SVN, Docker, Kubernetes, ElasticSearch, Kibana, Jenkins, Unity, SteamVR, Arduino
The parguidance system system is designed to receive data from different parking garages in order to visibly displays the current capacity and Infos of the hooked-up parking garages and gives a rough estimate of its free capacity throughout the day.
It also provides features as:
- Finding a parking garage near you
- Finding a parking garage near an address
- Showing a heatmap of the garage capacty througout the day
Mp4Split was created as an addon for NVIDIA's instant replay and record function. This application allows you to define mutiple highlight sections while you are recording a video and automatically cuts the highlights into sperate video files after you stopped recording.
Small games made within couple of days based on a theme
- Theme: Joined Together -> Dungeon of Trovas
- Theme: Sacrifice -> Power Please!
- Theme: Harmless Weapons -> Brewmaster's Potion Express
- Theme: Charm -> Charmed Infiltration
- Theme: Built to Scale -> Galactic Construction
- Theme: Polarity -> Play Upgrade Repeat
Using a SteamVR Headset and Unity you are able to record your motion data and export it to programms like Blender.
Using my Motion Capture Recording Software I integrated a 3d model with which you now have virtual avatar mimicing the motion. This can be used for recoring or live broadcasts with a virutal avatar.