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上周有 50 个新 issue。 28 个 issue 已经被关闭,22 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。
💚 #11657 feat: add global config option: subpackages support plugins config, by FE92star 💚 #11655 taro3.4.6 vue3 编译后 支付宝小程序开发工具报错, by cys19970903 💚 #11654 微前端整合, by nvsky 💚 #11648 使用 react-devtools 后,自定义hook报错, by jhxxs 💚 #11646 版本号 3.4.6 报错 ctx.onBuildStart is not a function, by lblblong 💚 #11644 3.4.6版本cli 需要兼容 企业微信插件打包, by Binbiubiubiu 💚 #11643 taro update self 版本升级有问题, by konka-king 💚 #11642 taro 钉钉小程序 启动报错, by zwfgit 💚 #11640 taro 依赖升级, by aimuz 💚 #11632 fix: 修复previewImage 预览图片API的current必须是urls其中的一个, by WhiteSean 💚 #11631 chore(deps): bump semver from 5.7.1 to 7.3.7, by dependabot[bot] 💚 #11630 Feat/pnpm, by huozhongyi123 💚 #11626 cssModules.config.namingPattern:'global'情况下,引入的原生组件的ttss文件会被cssModules编译,希望cssModules增加一个exclude配置项, by snowones 💚 #11625 fix(rn): toast, by WhiteSean 💚 #11623 npm run dev:h5启动时报错, [React Refresh] Hot Module Replacement (HMR) is not enabled! React Refresh requires HMR to function properly., by yuanxin778 💚 #11620 Failed to parse declaration "line-height: 1", by hao-li 💚 #11619 小程序分包页面中, "@tarojs/taro"库中没有如useDidShow、useReady等钩子函数, by spadeACE7 💚 #11618 小程序节点超过15层之后,text嵌套text没有进行渲染, by gzh2626 💚 #11615 chore(deps): bump postcss-modules-values from 1.3.0 to 4.0.0, by dependabot[bot] 💚 #11609 Taro.uploadFile在h5上传失败, by kaichong 💚 #11607 request not is a function, by zqh0104 💚 #11606 less 中 变量 无法编译, by myNameCao
❤️ #11656 fix(h5):修改packages的scripts下copy:assets 中的copy到copy-cli,修复其与windows中的c…, by CaiDingxian ❤️ #11653 feat(h5): 增加vue3/tsx组件类型定义, by agileago ❤️ #11652 chore(deps): move @hapi/joi to joi, by aimuz ❤️ #11651 fix deps, by aimuz ❤️ #11645 fix(cli/templates): jsx of tsconfig.json should be set to preserve for vue frameworks, by b2nil ❤️ #11641 支持 onUnload 生命周期, by longge0516 ❤️ #11639 chore(deps): move @hapi/joi to joi, by aimuz ❤️ #11638 chore(release): publish 3.4.6, by Chen-jj ❤️ #11637 fix(cli): 修复在taro编译配置文件中获取不到TARO_ENV的问题,fix #11634, by Chen-jj ❤️ #11636 fix(cli): 实例化 Kernel 之前赋值 TARO_ENV [#11634], by lblblong ❤️ #11635 WIP feat(platform): 新增小红书小程序平台, by Edge00 ❤️ #11634 升级 3.4.5 后,项目根目录 config/index.js 中获取不到 process.env.TARO_ENV, by lblblong ❤️ #11629 chore(release): publish 3.4.5, by Chen-jj ❤️ #11628 fix(runner): 修复Vue不能使用module模式css module的问题,#6662, by Chen-jj ❤️ #11627 fix(mini-runner): 修复独立分包场景下 jsonpFunction 配置和 base.wxml 引用路径问题, by xing240 ❤️ #11624 taro3.4x vue3.2x 做小程序,如何使用Echarts? 目前好像没有什么好的方案可以使用。, by wangrongding ❤️ #11622 使用VirtualList 组件 滚动时报createSelectorQuery方法不存在的错误, by lxsunbin ❤️ #11621 fix(mini-runner): 修复公共样式不能覆盖全局样式的问题, by Chen-jj ❤️ #11617 Update settings.json, by SpringHgui ❤️ #11616 feat(h5):添加非微信JS-SDK下的getLocation API实现, by CaiDingxian ❤️ #11614 feat: update sass version, by zhiqingchen ❤️ #11613 Taro.getLocation未支持非微信浏览器环境下的H5端调用, by CaiDingxian ❤️ #11612 refactor(cli): 优化 CLI 启动速度, by Chen-jj ❤️ #11611 feat(webpack5): 智能提取分包插件升级Webpack5, by soulhat ❤️ #11608 feat: 升级react 18, by AdvancedCat ❤️ #11605 feat: getExtConfig 支付宝小程序与微信小程序接口返回值差异抹平, by SpringHgui ❤️ #11604 feat(h5): h5支持中文页面路径名称, by dengxiang ❤️ #11603 ScrollView组件在上拉加载数据时候,更新数据会出现抖动、闪烁情况, by qiuweikangdev
上周有 47 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。
上周有 23 个 pull request 更新: 💛 #11657 feat: add global config option: subpackages support plugins config, by FE92star 💛 #11632 fix: 修复previewImage 预览图片API的current必须是urls其中的一个, by WhiteSean 💛 #11631 chore(deps): bump semver from 5.7.1 to 7.3.7, by dependabot[bot] 💛 #11630 Feat/pnpm, by huozhongyi123 💛 #11625 fix(rn): toast, by WhiteSean 💛 #11615 chore(deps): bump postcss-modules-values from 1.3.0 to 4.0.0, by dependabot[bot] 💛 #11602 fix(h5):修复安卓系统下罗盘API获取的方向不是绝对方向的问题, by CaiDingxian 💛 #11600 feat: update expo libs, by zhiqingchen 💛 #11597 fix(h5): 修复h5快速来回切换tabBar,在资源未加载出来的情况下页面重复#11583, by putongdehaochi 💛 #11589 fix(mini-runner): 修复 @babel/parser 与 acron 关于动态 import() 解析类型不一致导致的报错, by wuchangming 💛 #11587 chore(deps): bump @babel/runtime-corejs3 from 7.15.3 to 7.17.9, by dependabot[bot] 💛 #11560 chore: Included githubactions in the dependabot config, by nathannaveen 💛 #11545 feat(h5): Router解析出来的params供赋值给getCurrentInstance()?.router?.params, by Gzxing 💛 #11543 chore(deps): bump expo-image-picker from 10.2.3 to 12.0.2, by dependabot[bot] 💛 #11517 feat(mini-runner): 支持用户对内置配置进行修改, by elvinzhu 💛 #11494 chore(deps): bump debug from 4.1.1 to 4.3.4, by dependabot[bot] 💛 #11492 chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/cli from 7.6.1 to 16.2.3, by dependabot[bot] 💛 #11434 fix(rn): Text在部分安卓机上文本显示不全, by ShaoGongBra 💛 #11351 chore(deps): bump ora from 2.1.0 to 6.1.0, by dependabot[bot] 💛 #11245 chore(deps-dev): bump webpack-cli from 3.3.12 to 4.9.2, by dependabot[bot] 💛 #11106 feat(h5): 支持 PickerView、PickerViewColumn 组件, by evernoteHW 💛 #9752 chore(deps-dev): bump jest-dom from 1.12.1 to 4.0.0, by dependabot[bot] 💛 #9749 chore(deps): bump through2 from 2.0.5 to 4.0.2, by dependabot[bot]
上周 merge 了 24 个 pull request:
💜 #11656 fix(h5):修改packages的scripts下copy:assets 中的copy到copy-cli,修复其与windows中的c…, by CaiDingxian 💜 #11653 feat(h5): 增加vue3/tsx组件类型定义, by agileago 💜 #11652 chore(deps): move @hapi/joi to joi, by aimuz 💜 #11645 fix(cli/templates): jsx of tsconfig.json should be set to preserve for vue frameworks, by b2nil 💜 #11641 支持 onUnload 生命周期, by longge0516 💜 #11639 chore(deps): move @hapi/joi to joi, by aimuz 💜 #11638 chore(release): publish 3.4.6, by Chen-jj 💜 #11637 fix(cli): 修复在taro编译配置文件中获取不到TARO_ENV的问题,fix #11634, by Chen-jj 💜 #11629 chore(release): publish 3.4.5, by Chen-jj 💜 #11628 fix(runner): 修复Vue不能使用module模式css module的问题,#6662, by Chen-jj 💜 #11627 fix(mini-runner): 修复独立分包场景下 jsonpFunction 配置和 base.wxml 引用路径问题, by xing240 💜 #11621 fix(mini-runner): 修复公共样式不能覆盖全局样式的问题, by Chen-jj 💜 #11617 Update settings.json, by SpringHgui 💜 #11616 feat(h5):添加非微信JS-SDK下的getLocation API实现, by CaiDingxian 💜 #11614 feat: update sass version, by zhiqingchen 💜 #11612 refactor(cli): 优化 CLI 启动速度, by Chen-jj 💜 #11611 feat(webpack5): 智能提取分包插件升级Webpack5, by soulhat 💜 #11605 feat: getExtConfig 支付宝小程序与微信小程序接口返回值差异抹平, by SpringHgui 💜 #11604 feat(h5): h5支持中文页面路径名称, by dengxiang 💜 #11596 feat(h5): 支持vue3 tsx从@tarojs/components引入组件, by agileago 💜 #11594 refactor(rn): 实现 rn 端 input 组件中 placeholder color 的设置, by robinv8 💜 #11571 fix(shared): 修复 vant weapp 兼容问题,fix #11570, by HyperLife1119 💜 #11540 feat(babel): dynamic-import-node support mini-app, by ZakaryCode 💜 #11535 feat(types): update from docs, by ZakaryCode
上周共有 61 个 提交:
🛠️ fix(h5):修改packages的scripts下copy:assets 中的copy到copy-cli,修复其与windows中的copy命令冲突问题 (#11656) by CaiDingxian 🛠️ feat(h5): 增加vue3/tsx组件类型定义 (#11653) by agileago 🛠️ Merge pull request #11616 from CaiDingxian/feat/h5_api_impl by ZakaryCode 🛠️ fix: 优化测试用例 by ZakaryCode 🛠️ fix(h5):processOpenApi中将targetApi的绑定延迟到Promise中,防止在测试时被import时运行,影响其他API测试 by CaiDingxian 🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into feat/h5_api_impl by ZakaryCode 🛠️ feat(h5): update process api standardMethod by ZakaryCode 🛠️ chore(deps): move @hapi/joi to joi (#11652) by aimuz 🛠️ chore(deps): move @hapi/joi to joi (#11639) by aimuz 🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into feat/h5_api_impl by ZakaryCode 🛠️ fix(templates): jsx config should be set to 'preserve' for vue frameworks by b2nil 🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into feat/h5_api_impl by CaiDingxian 🛠️ chore(release): publish 3.4.6 (#11638) by Chen-jj 🛠️ 支持 onUnload 生命周期 (#11641) by longge0516 🛠️ fix(cli): 修复在taro编译配置文件中获取不到TARO_ENV的问题,fix #11634 by Chen-jj 🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into feat/h5_api_impl by AdvancedCat 🛠️ Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feat/h5_api_impl' into feat/h5_api_impl by CaiDingxian 🛠️ fix(h5):Lint,修正代码格式 by CaiDingxian 🛠️ chore(release): publish 3.4.5 (#11629) by Chen-jj 🛠️ fix(runner): 修复Vue不能使用module模式css module的问题,#6662 (#11628) by Chen-jj 🛠️ Merge pull request #11605 from SpringHgui/next by Chen-jj 🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into feat/h5_api_impl by Chen-jj 🛠️ fix: update snapshot by SpringHgui 🛠️ fix: update snap by SpringHgui 🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into next by SpringHgui 🛠️ feat: 更新快照 by SpringHgui 🛠️ fix(mini-runner): 修复独立分包场景下 jsonpFunction 配置和 base.wxml 引用路径问题 by xing240 🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into feat/h5_api_impl by CaiDingxian 🛠️ feat(h5):添加W3C Api的注册。更改processOpenApi的逻辑,统一为检测非JS-SDK环境,定向到W3C Api的实现 by CaiDingxian 🛠️ Merge branch 'next' of https://github.com/SpringHgui/taro into next by SpringHgui 🛠️ feat(h5): 支持vue3 tsx从@tarojs/components引入组件 by agileago 🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into next by SpringHgui 🛠️ Update apis.ts by SpringHgui 🛠️ Update apis.ts by SpringHgui 🛠️ Update settings.json by SpringHgui 🛠️ fix(mini-runner): 修复公共样式不能覆盖全局样式的问题 (#11621) by Chen-jj 🛠️ feat: update sass version (#11614) by zhiqingchen 🛠️ Merge branch 'next' of https://github.com/NervJS/taro into next by SpringHgui 🛠️ feat: 将差异res单独提出定义 by SpringHgui 🛠️ Merge pull request #11612 from NervJS/refactor/cli by Chen-jj 🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into refactor/cli by Chen-jj 🛠️ feat(h5):添加非微信JS-SDK下的getLocation API实现 by CaiDingxian 🛠️ Merge branch 'next' of https://github.com/SpringHgui/taro into next by SpringHgui 🛠️ Merge branch 'next' of https://github.com/NervJS/taro into next by SpringHgui 🛠️ feat: 代码整理 by SpringHgui 🛠️ feat(login): 抹平接口差异,支付宝小程序中的getAuthCode对应微信的login方法 by SpringHgui 🛠️ feat: getExtConfig 支付宝小程序与微信小程序接口返回值差异抹平 by SpringHgui 🛠️ Merge pull request #11540 from NervJS/feat/babel by Chen-jj 🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into refactor/cli by Chen-jj 🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into feat/babel by Chen-jj 🛠️ fix(shared): 修复 vant weapp 兼容问题,fix #11570 by HyperLife1119 🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into refactor/cli by Chen-jj 🛠️ Merge pull request #11535 from NervJS/feat/types by Chen-jj 🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into feat/types by Chen-jj 🛠️ fix: ci by Chen-jj 🛠️ refactor(mini-runner): 优化 CLI 启动速度 by Chen-jj 🛠️ refactor(cli/helper/service): 优化 CLI 启动速度 by Chen-jj 🛠️ feat: 代码整理 by SpringHgui 🛠️ feat(login): 抹平接口差异,支付宝小程序中的getAuthCode对应微信的login方法 by SpringHgui 🛠️ feat: getExtConfig 支付宝小程序与微信小程序接口返回值差异抹平 by SpringHgui 🛠️ refactor(rn): 实现 rn 端 input 组件中 placeholder color 的设置 (#11594) by robinv8
上周共有 13 名独立贡献者:
👤 CaiDingxian 👤 agileago 👤 ZakaryCode 👤 aimuz 👤 b2nil 👤 Chen-jj 👤 longge0516 👤 AdvancedCat 👤 SpringHgui 👤 xing240 👤 zhiqingchen 👤 HyperLife1119 👤 robinv8
上周获得了 49 个 star。它们分别来自于:
⭐ NodeJer | ⭐ simexce | ⭐ jiwufeiyang | ⭐ ourandream | ⭐ headironc | ⭐ before80 | ⭐ wangchenhao | ⭐ Sup-Friday | ⭐ xtxgame | ⭐ simaben | ⭐ Weilet | ⭐ tangbzai | ⭐ MICHELE-1 | ⭐ kinginblue | ⭐ LlanHao | ⭐ Ayanami2019 | ⭐ niki571 | ⭐ sparkhuu | ⭐ mxppxm | ⭐ xu-duqing | ⭐ Alkaidcc | ⭐ q1lon | ⭐ xuwu125 | ⭐ tangyustudy | ⭐ zx-183 | ⭐ MrBoog | ⭐ moneytreelink | ⭐ wangkaiwd | ⭐ zoe4ems | ⭐ drawleanbow | ⭐ yoykertom | ⭐ simplesunox | ⭐ Givenchy-Coisini | ⭐ y279336671 | ⭐ mustafaskyer | ⭐ fengyuchenglun | ⭐ yunit-code | ⭐ t-nakamura8 | ⭐ kingsword09 | ⭐ lyc8503 | ⭐ Sakiyary | ⭐ xianmin | ⭐ emjio | ⭐ zhaokeyong | ⭐ humaozi00 | ⭐ flyingkang | ⭐ rubtail | ⭐ FE92star | ⭐ augustinopt | You all are the stars! 🌟
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The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
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上周有 50 个新 issue。
28 个 issue 已经被关闭,22 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。
💚 #11657 feat: add global config option: subpackages support plugins config, by FE92star
💚 #11655 taro3.4.6 vue3 编译后 支付宝小程序开发工具报错, by cys19970903
💚 #11654 微前端整合, by nvsky
💚 #11648 使用 react-devtools 后,自定义hook报错, by jhxxs
💚 #11646 版本号 3.4.6 报错 ctx.onBuildStart is not a function, by lblblong
💚 #11644 3.4.6版本cli 需要兼容 企业微信插件打包, by Binbiubiubiu
💚 #11643 taro update self 版本升级有问题, by konka-king
💚 #11642 taro 钉钉小程序 启动报错, by zwfgit
💚 #11640 taro 依赖升级, by aimuz
💚 #11632 fix: 修复previewImage 预览图片API的current必须是urls其中的一个, by WhiteSean
💚 #11631 chore(deps): bump semver from 5.7.1 to 7.3.7, by dependabot[bot]
💚 #11630 Feat/pnpm, by huozhongyi123
💚 #11626 cssModules.config.namingPattern:'global'情况下,引入的原生组件的ttss文件会被cssModules编译,希望cssModules增加一个exclude配置项, by snowones
💚 #11625 fix(rn): toast, by WhiteSean
💚 #11623 npm run dev:h5启动时报错, [React Refresh] Hot Module Replacement (HMR) is not enabled! React Refresh requires HMR to function properly., by yuanxin778
💚 #11620 Failed to parse declaration "line-height: 1", by hao-li
💚 #11619 小程序分包页面中, "@tarojs/taro"库中没有如useDidShow、useReady等钩子函数, by spadeACE7
💚 #11618 小程序节点超过15层之后,text嵌套text没有进行渲染, by gzh2626
💚 #11615 chore(deps): bump postcss-modules-values from 1.3.0 to 4.0.0, by dependabot[bot]
💚 #11609 Taro.uploadFile在h5上传失败, by kaichong
💚 #11607 request not is a function, by zqh0104
💚 #11606 less 中 变量 无法编译, by myNameCao
❤️ #11656 fix(h5):修改packages的scripts下copy:assets 中的copy到copy-cli,修复其与windows中的c…, by CaiDingxian
❤️ #11653 feat(h5): 增加vue3/tsx组件类型定义, by agileago
❤️ #11652 chore(deps): move @hapi/joi to joi, by aimuz
❤️ #11651 fix deps, by aimuz
❤️ #11645 fix(cli/templates):
of tsconfig.json should be set topreserve
for vue frameworks, by b2nil❤️ #11641 支持 onUnload 生命周期, by longge0516
❤️ #11639 chore(deps): move @hapi/joi to joi, by aimuz
❤️ #11638 chore(release): publish 3.4.6, by Chen-jj
❤️ #11637 fix(cli): 修复在taro编译配置文件中获取不到TARO_ENV的问题,fix #11634, by Chen-jj
❤️ #11636 fix(cli): 实例化 Kernel 之前赋值 TARO_ENV [#11634], by lblblong
❤️ #11635 WIP feat(platform): 新增小红书小程序平台, by Edge00
❤️ #11634 升级 3.4.5 后,项目根目录 config/index.js 中获取不到 process.env.TARO_ENV, by lblblong
❤️ #11629 chore(release): publish 3.4.5, by Chen-jj
❤️ #11628 fix(runner): 修复Vue不能使用module模式css module的问题,#6662, by Chen-jj
❤️ #11627 fix(mini-runner): 修复独立分包场景下 jsonpFunction 配置和 base.wxml 引用路径问题, by xing240
❤️ #11624 taro3.4x vue3.2x 做小程序,如何使用Echarts? 目前好像没有什么好的方案可以使用。, by wangrongding
❤️ #11622 使用VirtualList 组件 滚动时报createSelectorQuery方法不存在的错误, by lxsunbin
❤️ #11621 fix(mini-runner): 修复公共样式不能覆盖全局样式的问题, by Chen-jj
❤️ #11617 Update settings.json, by SpringHgui
❤️ #11616 feat(h5):添加非微信JS-SDK下的getLocation API实现, by CaiDingxian
❤️ #11614 feat: update sass version, by zhiqingchen
❤️ #11613 Taro.getLocation未支持非微信浏览器环境下的H5端调用, by CaiDingxian
❤️ #11612 refactor(cli): 优化 CLI 启动速度, by Chen-jj
❤️ #11611 feat(webpack5): 智能提取分包插件升级Webpack5, by soulhat
❤️ #11608 feat: 升级react 18, by AdvancedCat
❤️ #11605 feat: getExtConfig 支付宝小程序与微信小程序接口返回值差异抹平, by SpringHgui
❤️ #11604 feat(h5): h5支持中文页面路径名称, by dengxiang
❤️ #11603 ScrollView组件在上拉加载数据时候,更新数据会出现抖动、闪烁情况, by qiuweikangdev
上周有 47 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。
上周有 23 个 pull request 更新:
💛 #11657 feat: add global config option: subpackages support plugins config, by FE92star
💛 #11632 fix: 修复previewImage 预览图片API的current必须是urls其中的一个, by WhiteSean
💛 #11631 chore(deps): bump semver from 5.7.1 to 7.3.7, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #11630 Feat/pnpm, by huozhongyi123
💛 #11625 fix(rn): toast, by WhiteSean
💛 #11615 chore(deps): bump postcss-modules-values from 1.3.0 to 4.0.0, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #11602 fix(h5):修复安卓系统下罗盘API获取的方向不是绝对方向的问题, by CaiDingxian
💛 #11600 feat: update expo libs, by zhiqingchen
💛 #11597 fix(h5): 修复h5快速来回切换tabBar,在资源未加载出来的情况下页面重复#11583, by putongdehaochi
💛 #11589 fix(mini-runner): 修复 @babel/parser 与 acron 关于动态
解析类型不一致导致的报错, by wuchangming💛 #11587 chore(deps): bump @babel/runtime-corejs3 from 7.15.3 to 7.17.9, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #11560 chore: Included githubactions in the dependabot config, by nathannaveen
💛 #11545 feat(h5): Router解析出来的params供赋值给getCurrentInstance()?.router?.params, by Gzxing
💛 #11543 chore(deps): bump expo-image-picker from 10.2.3 to 12.0.2, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #11517 feat(mini-runner): 支持用户对内置配置进行修改, by elvinzhu
💛 #11494 chore(deps): bump debug from 4.1.1 to 4.3.4, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #11492 chore(deps-dev): bump @commitlint/cli from 7.6.1 to 16.2.3, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #11434 fix(rn): Text在部分安卓机上文本显示不全, by ShaoGongBra
💛 #11351 chore(deps): bump ora from 2.1.0 to 6.1.0, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #11245 chore(deps-dev): bump webpack-cli from 3.3.12 to 4.9.2, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #11106 feat(h5): 支持 PickerView、PickerViewColumn 组件, by evernoteHW
💛 #9752 chore(deps-dev): bump jest-dom from 1.12.1 to 4.0.0, by dependabot[bot]
💛 #9749 chore(deps): bump through2 from 2.0.5 to 4.0.2, by dependabot[bot]
上周 merge 了 24 个 pull request:
💜 #11656 fix(h5):修改packages的scripts下copy:assets 中的copy到copy-cli,修复其与windows中的c…, by CaiDingxian
💜 #11653 feat(h5): 增加vue3/tsx组件类型定义, by agileago
💜 #11652 chore(deps): move @hapi/joi to joi, by aimuz
💜 #11645 fix(cli/templates):
of tsconfig.json should be set topreserve
for vue frameworks, by b2nil💜 #11641 支持 onUnload 生命周期, by longge0516
💜 #11639 chore(deps): move @hapi/joi to joi, by aimuz
💜 #11638 chore(release): publish 3.4.6, by Chen-jj
💜 #11637 fix(cli): 修复在taro编译配置文件中获取不到TARO_ENV的问题,fix #11634, by Chen-jj
💜 #11629 chore(release): publish 3.4.5, by Chen-jj
💜 #11628 fix(runner): 修复Vue不能使用module模式css module的问题,#6662, by Chen-jj
💜 #11627 fix(mini-runner): 修复独立分包场景下 jsonpFunction 配置和 base.wxml 引用路径问题, by xing240
💜 #11621 fix(mini-runner): 修复公共样式不能覆盖全局样式的问题, by Chen-jj
💜 #11617 Update settings.json, by SpringHgui
💜 #11616 feat(h5):添加非微信JS-SDK下的getLocation API实现, by CaiDingxian
💜 #11614 feat: update sass version, by zhiqingchen
💜 #11612 refactor(cli): 优化 CLI 启动速度, by Chen-jj
💜 #11611 feat(webpack5): 智能提取分包插件升级Webpack5, by soulhat
💜 #11605 feat: getExtConfig 支付宝小程序与微信小程序接口返回值差异抹平, by SpringHgui
💜 #11604 feat(h5): h5支持中文页面路径名称, by dengxiang
💜 #11596 feat(h5): 支持vue3 tsx从@tarojs/components引入组件, by agileago
💜 #11594 refactor(rn): 实现 rn 端 input 组件中 placeholder color 的设置, by robinv8
💜 #11571 fix(shared): 修复 vant weapp 兼容问题,fix #11570, by HyperLife1119
💜 #11540 feat(babel): dynamic-import-node support mini-app, by ZakaryCode
💜 #11535 feat(types): update from docs, by ZakaryCode
上周共有 61 个 提交:
🛠️ fix(h5):修改packages的scripts下copy:assets 中的copy到copy-cli,修复其与windows中的copy命令冲突问题 (#11656) by CaiDingxian
🛠️ feat(h5): 增加vue3/tsx组件类型定义 (#11653) by agileago
🛠️ Merge pull request #11616 from CaiDingxian/feat/h5_api_impl by ZakaryCode
🛠️ fix: 优化测试用例 by ZakaryCode
🛠️ fix(h5):processOpenApi中将targetApi的绑定延迟到Promise中,防止在测试时被import时运行,影响其他API测试 by CaiDingxian
🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into feat/h5_api_impl by ZakaryCode
🛠️ feat(h5): update process api standardMethod by ZakaryCode
🛠️ chore(deps): move @hapi/joi to joi (#11652) by aimuz
🛠️ chore(deps): move @hapi/joi to joi (#11639) by aimuz
🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into feat/h5_api_impl by ZakaryCode
🛠️ fix(templates): jsx config should be set to 'preserve' for vue frameworks by b2nil
🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into feat/h5_api_impl by CaiDingxian
🛠️ chore(release): publish 3.4.6 (#11638) by Chen-jj
🛠️ 支持 onUnload 生命周期 (#11641) by longge0516
🛠️ fix(cli): 修复在taro编译配置文件中获取不到TARO_ENV的问题,fix #11634 by Chen-jj
🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into feat/h5_api_impl by AdvancedCat
🛠️ Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feat/h5_api_impl' into feat/h5_api_impl by CaiDingxian
🛠️ fix(h5):Lint,修正代码格式 by CaiDingxian
🛠️ chore(release): publish 3.4.5 (#11629) by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(runner): 修复Vue不能使用module模式css module的问题,#6662 (#11628) by Chen-jj
🛠️ Merge pull request #11605 from SpringHgui/next by Chen-jj
🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into feat/h5_api_impl by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix: update snapshot by SpringHgui
🛠️ fix: update snap by SpringHgui
🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into next by SpringHgui
🛠️ feat: 更新快照 by SpringHgui
🛠️ fix(mini-runner): 修复独立分包场景下 jsonpFunction 配置和 base.wxml 引用路径问题 by xing240
🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into feat/h5_api_impl by CaiDingxian
🛠️ feat(h5):添加W3C Api的注册。更改processOpenApi的逻辑,统一为检测非JS-SDK环境,定向到W3C Api的实现 by CaiDingxian
🛠️ Merge branch 'next' of https://github.com/SpringHgui/taro into next by SpringHgui
🛠️ feat(h5): 支持vue3 tsx从@tarojs/components引入组件 by agileago
🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into next by SpringHgui
🛠️ Update apis.ts by SpringHgui
🛠️ Update apis.ts by SpringHgui
🛠️ Update settings.json by SpringHgui
🛠️ fix(mini-runner): 修复公共样式不能覆盖全局样式的问题 (#11621) by Chen-jj
🛠️ feat: update sass version (#11614) by zhiqingchen
🛠️ Merge branch 'next' of https://github.com/NervJS/taro into next by SpringHgui
🛠️ feat: 将差异res单独提出定义 by SpringHgui
🛠️ Merge pull request #11612 from NervJS/refactor/cli by Chen-jj
🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into refactor/cli by Chen-jj
🛠️ feat(h5):添加非微信JS-SDK下的getLocation API实现 by CaiDingxian
🛠️ Merge branch 'next' of https://github.com/SpringHgui/taro into next by SpringHgui
🛠️ Merge branch 'next' of https://github.com/NervJS/taro into next by SpringHgui
🛠️ feat: 代码整理 by SpringHgui
🛠️ feat(login): 抹平接口差异,支付宝小程序中的getAuthCode对应微信的login方法 by SpringHgui
🛠️ feat: getExtConfig 支付宝小程序与微信小程序接口返回值差异抹平 by SpringHgui
🛠️ Merge pull request #11540 from NervJS/feat/babel by Chen-jj
🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into refactor/cli by Chen-jj
🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into feat/babel by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(shared): 修复 vant weapp 兼容问题,fix #11570 by HyperLife1119
🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into refactor/cli by Chen-jj
🛠️ Merge pull request #11535 from NervJS/feat/types by Chen-jj
🛠️ Merge branch 'next' into feat/types by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix: ci by Chen-jj
🛠️ refactor(mini-runner): 优化 CLI 启动速度 by Chen-jj
🛠️ refactor(cli/helper/service): 优化 CLI 启动速度 by Chen-jj
🛠️ feat: 代码整理 by SpringHgui
🛠️ feat(login): 抹平接口差异,支付宝小程序中的getAuthCode对应微信的login方法 by SpringHgui
🛠️ feat: getExtConfig 支付宝小程序与微信小程序接口返回值差异抹平 by SpringHgui
🛠️ refactor(rn): 实现 rn 端 input 组件中 placeholder color 的设置 (#11594) by robinv8
上周共有 13 名独立贡献者:
👤 CaiDingxian
👤 agileago
👤 ZakaryCode
👤 aimuz
👤 b2nil
👤 Chen-jj
👤 longge0516
👤 AdvancedCat
👤 SpringHgui
👤 xing240
👤 zhiqingchen
👤 HyperLife1119
👤 robinv8
上周获得了 49 个 star。它们分别来自于:
⭐ NodeJer | ⭐ simexce | ⭐ jiwufeiyang | ⭐ ourandream | ⭐ headironc | ⭐ before80 | ⭐ wangchenhao | ⭐ Sup-Friday | ⭐ xtxgame | ⭐ simaben | ⭐ Weilet | ⭐ tangbzai | ⭐ MICHELE-1 | ⭐ kinginblue | ⭐ LlanHao | ⭐ Ayanami2019 | ⭐ niki571 | ⭐ sparkhuu | ⭐ mxppxm | ⭐ xu-duqing | ⭐ Alkaidcc | ⭐ q1lon | ⭐ xuwu125 | ⭐ tangyustudy | ⭐ zx-183 | ⭐ MrBoog | ⭐ moneytreelink | ⭐ wangkaiwd | ⭐ zoe4ems | ⭐ drawleanbow | ⭐ yoykertom | ⭐ simplesunox | ⭐ Givenchy-Coisini | ⭐ y279336671 | ⭐ mustafaskyer | ⭐ fengyuchenglun | ⭐ yunit-code | ⭐ t-nakamura8 | ⭐ kingsword09 | ⭐ lyc8503 | ⭐ Sakiyary | ⭐ xianmin | ⭐ emjio | ⭐ zhaokeyong | ⭐ humaozi00 | ⭐ flyingkang | ⭐ rubtail | ⭐ FE92star | ⭐ augustinopt |
You all are the stars! 🌟
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