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项目周报 (2018 年 12 月 1 日 - 2018 年 12 月 8 日) #1416

taro-bot bot opened this issue Dec 8, 2018 · 1 comment

项目周报 (2018 年 12 月 1 日 - 2018 年 12 月 8 日) #1416

taro-bot bot opened this issue Dec 8, 2018 · 1 comment


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taro-bot bot commented Dec 8, 2018


上周有 96 个新 issue。
52 个 issue 已经被关闭,44 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。


💚 #1415 h5 navigateTo跳转页面后,页面默认停留位置不正确, by tourze
💚 #1414 【mobx】高阶组件当中在comonentWillMount生命周期中使用async/await之后导致pages页面中更改mobx数据后页面不重新渲染, by wokill
💚 #1413 node_modules 中的模块是 symlink 时无法编译成功, by cheese-git
💚 #1412 fix(cli): 修复 node_modules 路径与工作目录不一致时,生成 outputNpmPath 异常的问题, by ZhechenLi
💚 #1409 taro+mobx 编译为微信小程序跳转报错, by jiangbingkui
💚 #1407 h5 Taro.redirectTo会出错, by Young1993
💚 #1406 npm run dev:weapp编译问题, by genghaode
💚 #1405 h5端 Input 组件onInput事件的event 和小程序端不一致, by yysanf
💚 #1404 component taro convert错误, by gclsoft
💚 #1403 如何获取组件的高度, by jethroHuang
💚 #1402 h5静态资源的本地引用,若多个文件夹中存在同名文件且引用会被覆盖, by hnsxxscyx
💚 #1401 feat: 项目配置中支持添加 pathAlias 配置 import 路径自定义别名, by anOrange
💚 #1400 使用react-intl,编译小程序不通过, by suuzee
💚 #1399 Taro.getStorage 获取一个不存在的key的回调, by lk3407105
💚 #1398 跳转props undefined的问题 , by WihteCrow
💚 #1395 在循环中组件通过函数创建 ref 函数不执行 taro版本《1.2.0-beta.7》, by chenkefeng
💚 #1392 小程序swiper组件的previous-margin和next-margin属性在H5上不支持, by HHHong
💚 #1390 fix: h5 uses cssModule error, by cangku
💚 #1388 tarocli 开启 css module 的 bug, by DiamondYuan
💚 #1386 更新到最新版的trao出现微信小程序转换需要错误, by mienv567
💚 #1385 this.state 的变量名不能与 render 的变量名重名, by grubxy
💚 #1384 官方文档-事件处理一章, by zzlit
💚 #1383 feat(picker): picker组件支持传入“确定”、“取消”按钮的文案(H5), by suuzee
💚 #1382 swiper 循环轮播不生效, by jiangjingmin
💚 #1376 Taro 生命周期的疑惑?, by JoMartinezZhu
💚 #1375 taro-h5引用mobile-detect第三方包体积过大, by sunhaikuo
💚 #1372 百度小程序,父组件将异步更新store通过props给子组件,偶现数据更新异常, by HenryLulu
💚 #1371 lib.dll.js在H5环境,1.2.0-beta比1.1.9要大136kb, by sunhaikuo
💚 #1370 微信小程序中,子组件点击事件的处理器放到基类中,传递的函数没有执行, by kycool
💚 #1367 getCurrentPages, by dockersurface
💚 #1365 h5在组件继承时,父组件如果使用了connect,父组件的constructor将不会执行, by hereisfun
💚 #1361 fix taro-cli development empty outputRoot, by NoBey
💚 #1357 h5端 怎么实现返回上一页刷新, by zlusers
💚 #1356 npm run build:h5 -- --watch报错,小程序编译正常, by Twining
💚 #1354 Activating Open Collective, by monkeywithacupcake
💚 #1351 使用redux设置类型为对象的数据有问题, by xingBri
💚 #1342 希望可以支持直接导入wxss文件而不是打包进去, by cos2004
💚 #1336 copy 配置在h5中不会生效, by xueyida
💚 #1331 关于循环迭代中使用if或switch赋值jsx的问题, by Herryjoeson
💚 #1330 v1.2.0-beta.6版本使用第三方模块flyio报错, by lizhoukai
💚 #1325 taro-cli 自定义插件如何扩展?, by huixisheng
💚 #1324 在router跳转前改变了state,跳转页面后,回退,页面状态未更新, by dsky1990
💚 #1323 app.js怎么不支持decorator???, by yzw2017
💚 #1322 😓h5端 怎么上传图片和预览, by zlusers


❤️ #1411 Taro转的支付宝小程序 Input组件onChange拿不到值, by pickerSen
❤️ #1410 。。。, by webzhangxiaoyu
❤️ #1408 [Feature Request]需求 在运行 npm run build 时 期望实现 wxml的压缩, by chenkefeng
❤️ #1397 组件class名前缀, by lunyong
❤️ #1396 H5页面在ipad尺寸上View的高宽比发生了变化, by Zoom2016
❤️ #1394 taro build 报错, by Surile
❤️ #1393 fix(mobx): 修复页面跳转props undefined的问题, by nanjingboy
❤️ #1391 error: taro-build(1) does not exist, try --help, by hqwlkj
❤️ #1389 map中怎样渲染多个类型的子组件, by tudousi991112
❤️ #1387 在小程序中 map嵌套 {this.props.renderScrollViewItem} 只会显示第一次遍历, by js1121302139
❤️ #1381 无法渲染计算属性的值, by eyasliu
❤️ #1380 添加 scroll-view 组件关于横向滚动的使用提示, by thewindsword
❤️ #1379 fix(mobx): 修复小程序HOC中无法获取inject props的问题(#1313), by nanjingboy
❤️ #1378 Page中设置navigationStyle:'custom'无效, by XiaogeTek
❤️ #1377 npm run dev:h5 编译H5错误,微信小程序没有问题, by dragon1061
❤️ #1374 项目初始化报错, by hjh1123
❤️ #1373 组件支持i18n, by suuzee
❤️ #1369 docs(onlydocs): 贡献文档错别字修改, by xiaomingplus
❤️ #1368 Update, by Lmangoxx
❤️ #1366 小程序打包建议, by bingxl
❤️ #1364 h5打包时报错 npm run build:h5, by Yeyc
❤️ #1363 有没有 已经做好的骨架屏 可以直接用的, by zhouyujie15014426398
❤️ #1362 Taro将在几月份上架快应用, by Yeyc
❤️ #1360 能否加入redux + immutable项目模板, by farzer
❤️ #1359 [bug]编译成HTML端代码后,input标签(type='file')不触发change事件, by maple5233
❤️ #1358 Taro编译时【小程序】uglify-js报错, by VFiee
❤️ #1355 taro 运行 H5 端接口请求跨域,应该如何配置 index.js 中的 proxy, by calabash519
❤️ #1353 去除无效的引用MK-II, by wids1356
❤️ #1352 app.js中componentDidMount中加逻辑判断不立即跳转目标页面, by huixisheng
❤️ #1350 微信小程序端 config 中的配置使用变量,编译报错, by kycool
❤️ #1349 taro 小程序云平台, by 594904292
❤️ #1348 解决组件标签在使用时style类名使用错误, by zhoucs624
❤️ #1347 往子组件传参,类型为函数,子组件调用 this.props.onXXX 无效。run dev 是正常的,run build 则有此问题。, by zoux
❤️ #1346 taro 的typescript 能支持path配置吗?, by angrycans
❤️ #1345 fix typo, by cheese-git
❤️ #1344 同样用一套样式都是rem写法,小程序和H5不一样,H5被放大了, by q8938036
❤️ #1343 自定义组件的文档标签渲染, by lunyong
❤️ #1341 npm run dev:weapp 报出的一个warning?, by JoMartinezZhu
❤️ #1340 fix(cli): add "allowjs": true to tsconfig.json fix #1332, by doabit
❤️ #1339 Swiper 中map循环后面跟 SwiperItem报错, by js1121302139
❤️ #1338 百度小程序不能自定义导航栏, by atony2099
❤️ #1337 H5 如何在手机上查看调试, by QTTQ
❤️ #1335 子组件渲染children位置不对, by darkmice
❤️ #1334 支付宝小程序上传失败, by 349989153
❤️ #1333 obj.hasOwnProperty is not a function, by wise199403
❤️ #1332 eslint对import Taro from @tarojs/taro的处理, by nyrf
❤️ #1329 微信小程序转react两处错误, by mienv567
❤️ #1328 [Feature request]rn开发如何去除默认头部, by poorel
❤️ #1327 style(types): add missing event for web-view, by zacksleo
❤️ #1326 1.2.0-beta6发现个无关痛痒的错误代码,请抽空修正,不然这边强迫症很蛋疼, by wids1356
❤️ #1321 请问 H5 如何在手机上调试 , by QTTQ
❤️ #1320 h5 分包模式下,路由引入路径不对,这个反馈至少1个月了, by cmideal


上周有 19 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。


上周有 8 个 pull request 更新:
💛 #1412 fix(cli): 修复 node_modules 路径与工作目录不一致时,生成 outputNpmPath 异常的问题, by ZhechenLi
💛 #1401 feat: 项目配置中支持添加 pathAlias 配置 import 路径自定义别名, by anOrange
💛 #1390 fix: h5 uses cssModule error, by cangku
💛 #1383 feat(picker): picker组件支持传入“确定”、“取消”按钮的文案(H5), by suuzee
💛 #1361 fix taro-cli development empty outputRoot, by NoBey
💛 #1354 Activating Open Collective, by monkeywithacupcake
💛 #1294 强力压缩, by liangxingchen
💛 #1214 chore(taro-cli): fix typo, by coolzilj


上周 merge 了 11 个 pull request:

💜 #1393 fix(mobx): 修复页面跳转props undefined的问题, by nanjingboy
💜 #1380 添加 scroll-view 组件关于横向滚动的使用提示, by thewindsword
💜 #1379 fix(mobx): 修复小程序HOC中无法获取inject props的问题(#1313), by nanjingboy
💜 #1369 docs(onlydocs): 贡献文档错别字修改, by xiaomingplus
💜 #1368 Update, by Lmangoxx
💜 #1353 去除无效的引用MK-II, by wids1356
💜 #1348 解决组件标签在使用时style类名使用错误, by zhoucs624
💜 #1345 fix typo, by cheese-git
💜 #1340 fix(cli): add "allowjs": true to tsconfig.json fix #1332, by doabit
💜 #1327 style(types): add missing event for web-view, by zacksleo
💜 #1318 cli测试 & mobx文档更新, by nanjingboy


上周共有 104 个 提交:

🛠️ fix(cli): 修复h5 cli中对于页面文件的误判 by Littly
🛠️ fix(cli): 修复Taro.Component获取不到$router问题 by Littly
🛠️ fix(router): 为navigateBack添加了默认参数 by Littly
🛠️ fix(router): 修复Taro.redirectTo失效的问题 by Littly
🛠️ feat(webpack-runner): 加入能作用于dll的webpackChain配置 by Littly
🛠️ fix(cli): 普通文件如有需要自动引入 Taro by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(tarize): 针对 template 增加 options 改为 static options by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(transformer): 事件的 properties 不需要加入到 used state by yuche
🛠️ feat(transformer): 百度小程序某些属性需要用 = = 包裹住 by yuche
🛠️ feat(cli): convert 时普通 js 中的调用微信 api 的写法要转成 Taro 写法 by luckyadam
🛠️ feat(taroize): 所有 template 都继承全局样式 by yuche
🛠️ feat(taroize): 当初始 data 和 properies 重复定义键值时报错 by yuche
🛠️ fix(taroize): 当 props key 已经存在就不需要加入 this.state by yuche
🛠️ fix(taroize): ['externalClasses', 'relations', 'options'] 都需要编译成 static by yuche
🛠️ feat(transformer): 支持 npm run build 时压缩 wxml, close #1408 by yuche
🛠️ fix(taro-tt): 兼容头条小程序事件处理 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(cli): 修复没有routerMode默认值的问题 by Littly
🛠️ fix(cli): 优化h5的entry判断逻辑 by Littly
🛠️ chore: changelog by luckyadam
🛠️ chore(release): publish v1.2.0-beta.10 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(cli router): 修复页面组件没有componentDidMount/componentDidShow时不更新页面标题的问题 by Littly
🛠️ fix(taro-h5): 修复router2.0获取不到$router的问题 by Littly
🛠️ feat(cli webpack-runner router components): h5的一些更新 by Littly
🛠️ feat(cli): h5端增加copy功能 by Littly
🛠️ feat(cli webpack-runner): 为页面文件添加了文件名 by Littly
🛠️ fix(router webpack-runner): 修复一些问题 by Littly
🛠️ feat(router): h5 router功能初步重构完成 by Littly
🛠️ docs: 更新原生微信小程序转 Taro 说明 by yuche
🛠️ feat(cli): 小程序端支持在 scss 文件中引用 node_modules 中的样式文件 by luckyadam
🛠️ docs: 补充微信小程序转 Taro 的文档说明 by yuche
🛠️ docs: 补充 slot 不支持在循环中使用的说明,close #1387 by yuche
🛠️ revert(taro-h5): h5 request 请求不设置默认 content-type by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(cli): 支持 convert 组件引用自身 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(taro-rn): 安卓下 Toast 报错 View nested under Text... by Manjiz
🛠️ fix(cli): convert 优化图片处理方式 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(mobx): 修复页面跳转props undefined的问题 (#1393) by nanjingboy
🛠️ feat(taroize): 支持直接用 表示 class 计算属性 foo, close #1381 by yuche
🛠️ chore: changelog by luckyadam
🛠️ chore(release): publish v1.2.0-beta.9 by luckyadam
🛠️ chore: postcss-unit-transform 替换包名 by luckyadam
🛠️ chore(release): publish v1.2.0-beta.8 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(webpack-runner): windows 下处理 esnextModules 路径错误 by luckyadam
🛠️ refactor(taroize): 改变钩子函数调用的方式 by yuche
🛠️ feat(taroize): 在类中调用 微信钩子函数转换为相应地 Taro 钩子函数 by yuche
🛠️ fix(with-weapp): setData 更新数据同步,渲染异步 by yuche
🛠️ fix(transformer): 由 taroize 转出来的组件不需要 internal_style 函数 by yuche
🛠️ refactor(taroize): 重命名 template 的组件名 by yuche
🛠️ refactor(taroize): 把 wxml 的遍历器抽出来单独维护 by yuche
🛠️ fix(taroize): 多个 wx:elif 嵌套无效 by yuche
🛠️ feat(cli): 支持编译 node_modules 中的包,close #1358 by luckyadam
🛠️ Merge branch 'master' of by Bless-L
🛠️ chore(taro-rn): 重构rn部分api和测试用例 by Bless-L
🛠️ fix(taro-alipay): setData 触发的 didUpdate 不需要更新组件 by Chen-jj
🛠️ docs: 添加 scroll-view 组件关于横向滚动的使用提示 (#1380) by thewindsword
🛠️ fix(mobx): 修复小程序HOC中无法获取inject props的问题(#1313) (#1379) by nanjingboy
🛠️ docs: Update (#1368) by Lmangoxx
🛠️ docs: 贡献文档错别字修改 (#1369) by xiaomingplus
🛠️ fix(cli): 组件依赖 node_modules 组件时依赖解析错误 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(cli): taroize 转换样式中依赖样式时,支持绝对路径 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix:(taro-components): 编译成HTML端代码后,input标签(type='file')不触发change事件 close #1359 by jinjinjin0731
🛠️ fix(taroize): 支持所有 wxparse 式的对象 alias 写法 by yuche
🛠️ feat(taroize): 改进报错信息 by yuche
🛠️ fix(with-weapp): Page.onLoad 的第一个参数是路由器参数 by yuche
🛠️ feat(cli): taroize 转换图片链接为网络图片时不做处理 by luckyadam
🛠️ feat(cli): taroize 转换样式文件处理,尺寸单位转换 by luckyadam
🛠️ chore(taro): 去除无效的引用MK-II (#1353) by wids1356
🛠️ fix(cli): taroize 转换避免 copy 同样的图片文件 by luckyadam
🛠️ feat(cli): taroize 转换时入口文件增加 H5 端的初始化,close #1329 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(taroize): 不转换 Component.methods 的方法 by yuche
🛠️ feat(taroize): 使用 JavaScript 保留字循环报错 by yuche
🛠️ feat(taroize): 转换 slot 为 this.props.children by yuche
🛠️ feat(cli): taroize 转换时 jsx 中引用图片处理 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(cli): taroize 转换时 tabbar 图片处理 by luckyadam
🛠️ Merge branch 'master' of by jinjinjin0731
🛠️ fix(taro-components): 修复Taro的Picker组件的输入输出行为和微信小程序的不一致 close #1281 by jinjinjin0731
🛠️ fix(taroize): class 内部 wx. 开头的函数不会转换为 Taro.func() by yuche
🛠️ fix(cli): taroize 转换时转换目录保留 node_modules 目录 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(taroize): 带空格的字符串经过 babel-template 处理会报错 by luckyadam
🛠️ chore(cli): fix typo (#1345) by cheese-git
🛠️ docs: fix typo, class -> className by zhoucs624
🛠️ chore(mobx): 小程序端的 mobx 编译改用 cjs 格式,close #1334 by luckyadam
🛠️ chore: 更新案例 by yuche
🛠️ feat(taroize): 支持 wxParse 的 alias 写法 by yuche
🛠️ fix(taroize): export default 和装饰器混用导致 babel 解析失败 by yuche
🛠️ Revert "fix(types): 去除未使用的引用,close #1326" by yuche
🛠️ fix(taroize): 循环的 item 和 index 不会加入 state by yuche
🛠️ Merge branches 'master' and 'master' of by jinjinjin0731
🛠️ fix(taro-components): 修复RadioGroup返回给 onChange事件是undefined close #985 by jinjinjin0731
🛠️ Merge branch 'master' of by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ docs(RN): 更新应用更新文档 by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ Merge branch 'master' of by jinjinjin0731
🛠️ fix(taro-components): 修复 picker 组件更新问题 close #731 close #1157 by jinjinjin0731
🛠️ fix(cli): add "allowjs": true to tsconfig.json fix #1332 (#1340) by doabit
🛠️ fix(cli): 修复config.root为stringLiteral类型时的bug by Littly
🛠️ chore(mobx): cli测试 & mobx文档更新 (#1318) by nanjingboy
🛠️ style(types): add missing event for web-view (#1327) by zacksleo
🛠️ Merge branch 'master' of by luckyadam
🛠️ chore: changelog by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(cli): typescript 模式下显示 Taro 未被使用,close #1332 by yuche
🛠️ fix(types): 去除未使用的引用,close #1326 by yuche
🛠️ chore(release): publish v1.2.0-beta.7 by luckyadam
🛠️ feat(cli): 优化 ui 库样式处理 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(webpack-runner): 修复部分配置覆盖错误的问题 by Littly
🛠️ feat(webpack-runner): 增加了对esnextmodules内样式文件的处理 by Littly


上周共有 17 名独立贡献者:

👤 Littly
👤 luckyadam
👤 yuche
👤 Chen-jj
👤 Manjiz
👤 nanjingboy
👤 Bless-L
👤 thewindsword
👤 Lmangoxx
👤 xiaomingplus
👤 jinjinjin0731
👤 wids1356
👤 cheese-git
👤 zhoucs624
👤 Pines-Cheng
👤 doabit
👤 zacksleo



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You all are the stars! 🌟

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taro-bot bot commented Dec 8, 2018

欢迎提交 Issue~

如果你提交的是 bug 报告,请务必遵循 Issue 模板的规范,尽量用简洁的语言描述你的问题,最好能提供一个稳定简单的复现。🙏🙏🙏

如果你的信息提供过于模糊或不足,或者已经其他 issue 已经存在相关内容,你的 issue 有可能会被关闭。

Good luck and happy coding~

@yuche yuche closed this as completed Dec 17, 2018
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