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项目周报 (2018 年 12 月 8 日 - 2018 年 12 月 15 日) #1526

taro-bot bot opened this issue Dec 15, 2018 · 0 comments

项目周报 (2018 年 12 月 8 日 - 2018 年 12 月 15 日) #1526

taro-bot bot opened this issue Dec 15, 2018 · 0 comments


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taro-bot bot commented Dec 15, 2018


上周有 108 个新 issue。
62 个 issue 已经被关闭,46 个 issue 仍然保持打开状态。


💚 #1525 Fix types of Picker and Textarea to make it consistent with the doc, by zorji
💚 #1524 swiper无法使用map方法循环, by JokerLoLgrey
💚 #1523 function component 函数式组件报错, by Murphycx94
💚 #1518 IOS打包时报错填写完Apple ID和password回车后报错, by VFiee
💚 #1517 css中注释import无效, by luo7023539
💚 #1516 关于获取自定义组件的高度问题, by cooliean
💚 #1515 微信小程序项目反编译成taro项目后再打包成其他端项目文件缺失问题, by eric1121
💚 #1512 支持自定义导航吗?我看了github上面这个,但是不知道如何引入nav导航组件, by xingwen93
💚 #1511 Taro编译成支付宝小程序,多层组件嵌套情况下子组件的componentDidMount 生命周期not work, by liSong5713
💚 #1504 希望能完善非微信小程序的编译方案, by hugetiny
💚 #1502 Input 组件 onConfirm 事件无法清空 value, by bmcciscoding
💚 #1501 [Feature request] Taro component support custom props when rendering h5 doms, by mengxy
💚 #1498 ts 编译报错, by youzipi
💚 #1495 TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "id" argument must be of type string, by zeng1990java
💚 #1494 如何知道来源页面, by hyacinthus
💚 #1492 state中含有对象时,setState的问题,求教, by agulado
💚 #1490 Taro有支持微信小程序es6转换es5的时间表吗, by fxy5869571
💚 #1486 picker-view 添加 选中样式无效 , by JoMartinezZhu
💚 #1485 打包构建build:weapp碰到的偶发问题, by huixisheng
💚 #1484 原生转h5错误,转换3款同是这个错误, by mienv567
💚 #1482 警告 JS文件 ,没有被引用到,不会被编译?, by JoMartinezZhu
💚 #1479 Taro.showModal 支付宝小程序中 "取消"按钮显示 undefined, by kkerwin
💚 #1474 css预处理器(sass)@import 异常, by zhoucs624
💚 #1473 h5 navigateTo 跳转页面后,点浏览器返回按钮,然后点击下一页,页面错落, by WFQX
💚 #1472 使用vant-weapp的commonjs版本wxs依赖文件未拷贝到dist目录, by huixisheng
💚 #1471 使用第三方iView Weapp UI组件,样式和官方显示不同, by TonyLiuYan
💚 #1470 1.2.0-beta.14 H5 Taro.redirectTo 依然有问题, by SmallRuralDog
💚 #1467 使用版本'1.2.0-beta.13',npm run dev:h5 可以运行,但界面报错Uncaught Error: Can not find proper registered route for '/', by BackToHappyBear
💚 #1461 Taro v1.2.0-beta.12 编译h5报错,小程序正常, by zzlit
💚 #1459 slot内的方法调用编译问题, by frojan
💚 #1456 css modules 处理样式文件规则与 create-react-app 保持一致, by StingKo
💚 #1453 添加mobx相关依赖、更新全部依赖后报错, by hnsxxscyx
💚 #1451 H5 Swiper onChange事件中,使用this.setState更新数据卡顿甚至卡死, by AloneWeb
💚 #1450 在基于taro-ui-sample开发第三发组件库时,其他项目引用后H5可以正常运行, weapp报错, by CozySnail
💚 #1448 微信小程序onClick事件参数的prototype失效, by wqj97
💚 #1442 H5的Swiper , 当同一页面使用2个Swiper的时候,会出现问题, by jadebook
💚 #1441 父组件向子组件中传入函数,子组件调用this.props.xx,但父组件中的函数不执行, by lansepan
💚 #1440 h5页面在小程序里没法复制页面上的元素内容?, by Young1993
💚 #1438 mobx 数据发生变化但是不渲染bug, by langlangbody
💚 #1434 跳转几个页面后,后退到第一页时所有页面均为block, by J3n5en
💚 #1429 Swiper 图片重复问题, by js1121302139
💚 #1425 升级后,在componentWillReceiveProps函数里进行路由跳转的时候跳转不了,无限跳自己, by wlancer1
💚 #1424 微信小程序转taro h5 无法运行, by mienv567
💚 #1420 h5 swiper绑定onChange事件后,每次轮播都会触发多次onChange事件, by bailicangdu
💚 #1418 编译h5网页显示404, by wlancer1
💚 #1417 1.2.0-beta.10版本 npm run dev:h5 dist文件夹闪一下就没了, by Dave-miao


❤️ #1522 setS, by scau009
❤️ #1521 set, by scau009
❤️ #1520 Taro【RN】ScrollView滑动过程中容易触发列表的点击事件, by VFiee
❤️ #1519 如何通过new Image() 创建一个img标签,而不是一个Image组件的实例, by ruoqiang
❤️ #1514 打开分享卡片后获取不了shareTicket, by kennylbj
❤️ #1510 react-native不支持flex布局, by shzjj82
❤️ #1509 react, by shzjj82
❤️ #1508 表单组件props属性完善 Picker组件属性完善, by StrangeYear
❤️ #1507 配置文档别名的示例加上逗号, by kycool
❤️ #1506 动态 改变 PickerView 的 默认 value 和 list 数据 的问题?, by JoMartinezZhu
❤️ #1505 Form表单内的元素是有name, by StrangeYear
❤️ #1503 @tarojs/components 1.2.0-beta.15 MovableViewProps有错误, by fengwuxp
❤️ #1500 允许从 this.props 而来的函数名以dispatch 开头, by loveonelong
❤️ #1499 import, by einsqing
❤️ #1497 tabbar显示问题, by SmallRuralDog
❤️ #1496 tabbar默认不显示了吗??, by SmallRuralDog
❤️ #1493 日常备忘录, by joyce2015
❤️ #1491 组件事件传参只能在类作用域下的确切引用(this.handleXX || this.props.handleXX),或使用 bind, by liudonghua123
❤️ #1489 父组件调用子组件的方法失败, 调用失败, by gclsoft
❤️ #1488 rn 能使用Icon 等参数吗, by Yeyc
❤️ #1487 taro.js 将组件作为函数参数传递, by xcs-go
❤️ #1483 关于 《组件》 在小程序的实现, by JohnPion-Zhang
❤️ #1481 TypeScript 引入 WxParse ts 检查提示, by zanjs
❤️ #1480 Taro v1.2.0-beta.13 中 npm run dev:weapp 直接报错, by patchBig
❤️ #1478 h5编译失败 , by lyf103104
❤️ #1477 1.2.0-beta.14引入第三方UI库报错, by JazzOne
❤️ #1476 预加载this.$preloadData是undefined, by zh28
❤️ #1475 父组件向子组件传递函数,父组件不执行, by AllanChen
❤️ #1469 使用redux父组件传【修改过属性的对象】到子组件数据更新存在问题(weapp), by yzStrive
❤️ #1468 weapp 列表条件渲染出错误, by GaoYuJian
❤️ #1466 1.2.0.beta-13 编译后 taro-ui报错,.beta-12正常, by agulado
❤️ #1465 修复convert转换死循环, by einsqing
❤️ #1464 父组件传到子组件的方法包含setState,方法触发后,setState不生效, by laii7
❤️ #1463 Taro v1.2.0-beta.12 将原生编译成 taro 出错, by patchBig
❤️ #1462 app.js pages 配置问题, by TtTRz
❤️ #1460 Taro v1.2.0-beta.11 调用 defaultProps 中的函数没有反应, by loveonelong
❤️ #1458 this.setState is not a function, by hainuo
❤️ #1457 Taro Request【RN】DELETE方法参数data传对象报错, by VFiee
❤️ #1455 css modules 处理样式文件规则与 create-react-app 保持一致, by StingKo
❤️ #1454 输入框非末尾位置插入文本,光标跳到末尾的问题, by fonture
❤️ #1452 taro-init(1) does not exist, try --help, by hainuo
❤️ #1449 fix: fix loading type in ButtonProps, by DiamondYuan
❤️ #1447 使用taro开发小程序,造成小程序开发工具过载, by colinyao
❤️ #1446 切换 tabBar 的情况下 h5端 componentDidMount 重复执行此生命周期, by lvbaiying
❤️ #1445 h5编译失败,微信小程序端是, by lyf103104
❤️ #1444 使用 sass.js 替换 node-sass 实现。, by septs
❤️ #1443 1.2.0-beta.11版本百度小程序某些属性需要= =包裹住, by zhihaosu
❤️ #1439 H5的Textarea,onInput的e.detail.value 获取不到值, by jadebook
❤️ #1437 1.2.0-beta.12版本h5编译成功,但是界面报错, by AloneWeb
❤️ #1436 在基于taro-ui-sample开发第三发组件库时,编译后无法安装使用, by CozySnail
❤️ #1435 在基于taro-ui-sample开发第三方taro-ui组件库时遇到的问题, by CozySnail
❤️ #1433 父组件引用子组件,子组件在H5中不显示,在小程序中正常, by q8938036
❤️ #1432 初始化 ts and mobx 项目 ts 检查错误, by zanjs
❤️ #1431 小程序getCurrentPages之后怎么执行某个page的方法呢?, by ShaoGongBra
❤️ #1430 thirdScriptError sdk uncaught third Error Maximum call stack size exceeded RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded, by gclsoft
❤️ #1428 第三方库使用cli@1.2.0-beta.11打包,无法使用H5原生canvas, by xioxin
❤️ #1427 页面之间如何通信, by huixisheng
❤️ #1426 请问h5中如何调用打电话, by rainyf
❤️ #1423 三元运算符/条件渲染似乎有问题, by yuhong-l
❤️ #1422 关于子组件中某些情况下className无效的问题, by szy0syz
❤️ #1421 404是h5路由中对于未注册页面的提示,beta.10版本中有误判。整体升级到1.2.0-beta.11试试, by lvbaiying
❤️ #1419 Module not found: Can't resolve './TaroParseabTmpl', by umeitime


上周有 15 个 pull request 被创建、更新或 merge。


上周打开了 1 个 pull request:
💚 #1525 Fix types of Picker and Textarea to make it consistent with the doc, by zorji


上周有 7 个 pull request 更新:
💛 #1456 css modules 处理样式文件规则与 create-react-app 保持一致, by StingKo
💛 #1390 fix: h5 uses cssModule error, by cangku
💛 #1383 feat(picker): picker组件支持传入“确定”、“取消”按钮的文案(H5), by suuzee
💛 #1361 fix taro-cli development empty outputRoot, by NoBey
💛 #1354 Activating Open Collective, by monkeywithacupcake
💛 #1294 强力压缩, by liangxingchen
💛 #1214 chore(taro-cli): fix typo, by coolzilj


上周 merge 了 7 个 pull request:

💜 #1508 表单组件props属性完善 Picker组件属性完善, by StrangeYear
💜 #1507 配置文档别名的示例加上逗号, by kycool
💜 #1500 允许从 this.props 而来的函数名以dispatch 开头, by loveonelong
💜 #1465 修复convert转换死循环, by einsqing
💜 #1449 fix: fix loading type in ButtonProps, by DiamondYuan
💜 #1412 fix(cli): 修复 node_modules 路径与工作目录不一致时,生成 outputNpmPath 异常的问题, by ZhechenLi
💜 #1401 feat: 项目配置中支持添加 pathAlias 配置 import 路径自定义别名, by anOrange


上周共有 64 个 提交:

🛠️ Merge branch 'master' of by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ feat(CLI): 添加 taro info 命令,方便用户获取环境及 taro 相关依赖的信息 by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ fix(taro-components-rn): View在ScrollView内且绑有点击事件,滑动时无法触发ScrollView的滚动,fix #1520 by Manjiz
🛠️ fix(webpack-runner): 修复production模式不支持使用相对路径作为publicPath的问题 by Littly
🛠️ docs: 配置文档别名的示例加上逗号 (#1507) by kycool
🛠️ fix(types): 表单组件props属性完善 Picker组件属性完善 (#1508) by StrangeYear
🛠️ fix(types): input 有 name 属性,close #1505 by yuche
🛠️ fix(types): MovableViewProps 中重复定义了 animation 属性, close #1503 by yuche
🛠️ refactor(with-weapp): buble 取代 babel 作为语法转换器 by yuche
🛠️ Merge branch 'master' of by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ doc(RN): 添加 android 模拟器启动常见报错及对应的解决方案 by Pines-Cheng
🛠️ fix(taro-components-rn): 让Icon的size可传字符串型数字,close #1488 by Manjiz
🛠️ refactor(eslint): 允许从 this.props 而来的函数名以dispatch 开头 (#1500) by loveonelong
🛠️ feat(components): tabbar代码逻辑优化 by Littly
🛠️ chore: changelog by luckyadam
🛠️ chore(release): publish v1.2.0-beta.15 by luckyadam
🛠️ revert(cli): 百度小程序的编译本地资源路径替换使用绝对路径 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(taroize): babel template 无法生成纯字符串语句 by yuche
🛠️ fix(components): 修复h5 tabbar在'/'不展示的问题 by Littly
🛠️ feat(taro-h5): 增加 makePhoneCall API,close #1426 by Chen-jj
🛠️ feat(cli): 增加 import 组件的定义,close #1481 by yuche
🛠️ fix(taro-weapp): 改正组件 componentDidHide 生命周期拼写错误 by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(webpack-runner): 修复dev模式下webpackChain配置失效的问题 by Littly
🛠️ fix(router component): 修复redirectTo tabbar暂时改用redirectTo by Littly
🛠️ fix(taro-rn): 修复非post方法时,对data的处理,close #1457 by Bless-L
🛠️ fix(taroize): 当 import 的 wxml 有多个根节点时转换失败,#1463 by yuche
🛠️ chore: changelog by luckyadam
🛠️ chore(release): publish v1.2.0-beta.14 by luckyadam
🛠️ feat(router): 支持页面滚动位置记录、复原 by Littly
🛠️ feat(cli h5 redux-h5 router): h5路由的一些改动 by Littly
🛠️ fix(cli): 修复convert转换死循环 (#1465) by einsqing
🛠️ fix(taroize): template 嵌套可能报错 by yuche
🛠️ fix(transformer): 自定义组件 else 需要加上 block 包裹住,close #1468 by yuche
🛠️ fix(taro-components): 修复 onInput的e.detail.value 获取不到值 close #1439 by jinjinjin0731
🛠️ fix(cli): ui 组件库引用路径替换错误 by luckyadam
🛠️ chore: changelog by luckyadam
🛠️ chore(release): publish v1.2.0-beta.13 by luckyadam
🛠️ docs: 更新文档 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix: fix loading type in ButtonProps (#1449) by DiamondYuan
🛠️ docs: alias 使用文档 by luckyadam
🛠️ feat(cli): 各端 alias 支持完善,close #82 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(transformer): 百度小程序用 = = 包裹的属性只有一个花括号,close #1443 by yuche
🛠️ fix(taroize): 循环参数只传入 this 可能导致爆栈, #1430 by yuche
🛠️ feat(cli): 项目配置中支持添加 pathAlias 配置 import 路径自定义别名 (#1401) by anOrange
🛠️ chore(cli): 模板里补充编译到头条小程序的命令 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(transformer): 循环中 ref 的组件不是根组件或自带 ID 无效,close #1395 by yuche
🛠️ docs: 补充 children 的说明 by yuche
🛠️ fix(transformer): 语句中 this 作用域对值出现两次或以上转换失败, close #1423 by yuche
🛠️ chore(cli): 模板里增加 @tarojs/taro-tt 引用 by luckyadam
🛠️ chore: changelog by luckyadam
🛠️ chore(release): publish v1.2.0-beta.12 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(cli): 修复 node_modules 路径与工作目录不一致时,生成 outputNpmPath 异常的问题 (#1412) by ZhechenLi
🛠️ fix(router): 修复navigateBack的传参错误,添加错误提示 by Littly
🛠️ docs: fix typo by yuche
🛠️ docs: mobx 文档的用法适配 typescript,close #1432 by yuche
🛠️ fix(taro-swan、taro-aplipay): props 为 null 时也使用 defaultProps by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(taro-tt): 头条小程序中 props 为 null 时也使用 defaultProps by Chen-jj
🛠️ fix(router): 去除没有卵用的404 by Littly
🛠️ fix(cli): 修复引用 node_modules 中的组件路径错误 by luckyadam
🛠️ fix(taroize): 生成 template 组件自我引用时不需要 import 自己 by yuche
🛠️ fix(transformer): export 匿名类报错 by yuche
🛠️ fix(cli): 修复组件引用路径解析错误 by luckyadam
🛠️ chore: changelog by luckyadam
🛠️ chore(release): publish v1.2.0-beta.11 by luckyadam


上周共有 15 名独立贡献者:

👤 Pines-Cheng
👤 Manjiz
👤 Littly
👤 kycool
👤 StrangeYear
👤 yuche
👤 loveonelong
👤 luckyadam
👤 Chen-jj
👤 Bless-L
👤 einsqing
👤 jinjinjin0731
👤 DiamondYuan
👤 anOrange
👤 ZhechenLi



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You all are the stars! 🌟

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@NervJS NervJS deleted a comment from taro-bot bot Dec 18, 2018
@yuche yuche closed this as completed Dec 24, 2018
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