This shows a bug in bluebird where JSPM and node webkit stopped working somewhere between 2.9.14 and 2.9.15. The issue not fixed all the way up to 2.9.25 at the time of this repo.
The node webkit binary
This source code cloned somewhere
- Get the nodewebkit (nw) binary for your platform and extract it
- Run the dist folder with the nw binary:
nw dist
The textarea should display that the promise resolved correctly
The following stack trace is returned:
TypeError: Illegal invocation
at n.2.n._queueTick (
at n.2.n.invoke (
at e.23.e.exports.e._then (
at e.23.e.exports.e.then (
at file:///home/adam/Programming/js/bluebirdnw/dist/index.html:17:14
at D (
at I (
at O.7.O.when (
at (
at e.3.e._drain (
at 3.e.drain (
at process._tickCallback (node.js:375:11)