This version of nOS has only been tested with :
- Nvidia GPUs (GTX 9XX/10XX)
md5: 8afc3bcbf0f50fd6fb8f482a2c05f2b9
git clone
(optional: nOS rice, needs i3-gaps)
git clone
sudo passwd
nvidia | opencl-amd | openssh |
screen | shellinabox | nvidia-settings |
nodejs | npm | gnu-netcat |
libmicrohttpd | curl | jq |
tmux | rxvt-unicode | pm2 (npm) |
Shellinabox must be running on port: 4200
sudo pacman -S nvidia screen nodejs npm libmicrohttpd curl openssh nvidia-settings gnu-netcat rxvt-unicode jq
ln -s
sudo npm install -g pm2
cd ~/Downloads
git clone
cd shellinabox-git
lineNumber=$(grep --max-count 1 -Fnw 'make' ~/Downloads/shellinabox-git/PKGBUILD | cut -f1 -d:); sed -n -i "p;${lineNumber}a find . -name \"service.c\" -exec sed -i -e \"s|-oRhostsRSAAuthentication=no||g\" {} \;" ~/Downloads/shellinabox-git/PKGBUILD; sed -n -i "p;$((lineNumber++))a find . -name \"service.c\" -exec sed -i -e \"s|-oRSAAuthentication=no||g\" {} \;" ~/Downloads/shellinabox-git/PKGBUILD
makepkg -Acs
sudo pacman -U *.tar.xz
cd ..
git clone
cd opencl-amd
makepkg -Acs
sudo pacman -U opencl*.tar.xz
- Use the same Coin Name as in CoinsConfig.json
- Miner is the name of the folder of the wanted Miner, ex: NoncerPro-OpenCL
- Serial number is used to let the rig know when there is an update coming from the WebApp, don't touch it.
- Use the same Coin Name as in SystemConfig.json
- Serial number is used to let the rig know when there is an update coming from the WebApp, don't touch it.
- While mining, the Fan Controller will adjust the fan speed accordingly for the GPU Temperature to be between the Max Temperature +- 3. If the fan speed reaches the Max FanSpeed value, PowerController will decrease the Powerlimit of the GPU by -5 W.
- Serial number is used to let the rig know when there is an update coming from the WebApp, don't touch it.
- If Use HiveOC is set to true, it uses the hiveOS API to find the most popular overclocks and powerlimit values for your GPUs and set it to those. If the hiveOS API returns empty, it then uses the Powerlevel %, Core Clock and Mem Clock as default values.
- If Use HiveOC is set to false, the Powerlimit % is calculated with this formula :
Formulas for power limit percentage :
Math.round(Number(minWatt) + (maxWatt - minWatt) / 50 * (maxPower - 50))
Exemple :
Gtx 1070 Ti
minWatt by nvidia-smi = 90 W (50%)
maxWatt by nvidia-smi = 217 W (100%)
Powerlimit % configured = 70
Math.round(Number(90) + (217 - 90) / 50 * (70 - 50)) == 141 W
pm2 start --name LaunchPad LaunchPad.js -- init 2>&1 >/dev/null; pm2 logs LaunchPad --raw &
start (if using the full image)
node Launchpad.js stop
stop (if using the full image)
node SSH.js help
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.