The NetApp E-Series module manages E-Series storage arrays using Puppet Network Device.
- SANtricity Web Service is used as a proxy between puppet and storage array
- Excon - ruby http client
node 'puppet.node.local' {
#include class with to initialize default module parameters
include netapp_e
#OR comment above default block and uncomment below block to include parameterized class for Windows Agents
#class{ 'netapp_e':
# owner => "administrator",
# group => "administrators",
# mode => '0777',
# device_conf_dir => "C:\Program Files\Puppet Labs\Puppet\puppet",
#OR comment above default block and uncomment below block to include parameterized class for SUSE/Solaris Agents
#class{ 'netapp_e':
# owner => root,
# group => root,
# device_conf_dir => '/etc/puppet',
#OR comment above default block and uncomment below block to include parameterized class for CentOS/Redhat
#class{ 'netapp_e':
# owner => root,
# group => root,
#The below block will install/uninstall NetApp SANtricity Web Services Proxy on Linux Agent Node
class { 'netapp_e::web_proxy':
ensure => 'installed', #Possible value for ensure 'installed' or 'absent'
install_file_name => 'webservice-01.20.7000.0005.bin', #Web Proxy Installation file kept in modules/netapp_e/files
install_file_location => '/opt', #This folder must exist on Agent Node
install_dependent_packages => 'yes', #Only if 'LSB' is not already installed on linux
#Comment above linux block and uncomment below block to install/uninstall NetApp SANtricity Web Services Proxy on Windows Agent Node
#class { 'netapp_e::web_proxy':
# ensure => 'installed', #Possible value for ensure 'installed' or 'absent'
# install_file_name => 'webservice-01.20.3000.0005.exe', #Web Proxy Installation file kept in modules/netapp_e/files
# install_file_location => 'H:/setup', #This folder must exist on Agent Node
# install_dependent_packages => 'no', #No for windows agents always as windows don't need any LSB(Linux Standard Base) packages
# Host/Domain name/IP address where SANtricity Web Proxy is installed or needs to be installed
$hostname = 'storage.device.local'
$username = 'rw'
$password = 'rw'
#SANtricity web proxy puppet device configuration file name.
$proxy_device_config_file = 'proxy_device_config'
# The below block will create a puppet device configuration file on agent node which have connection details to SANtricity Web Proxy
netapp_e::config { $proxy_device_config_file:
username => $username,
password => $password,
url => $hostname,
port => '8080',
target => "${netapp_e::device_conf_dir}/device/${proxy_device_config_file}.conf"
# Set up a cron job for running puppet device periodically for CentOS/Redhat Agent Nodes
cron { "netappe-puppet-device-run":
command => "puppet device --deviceconfig ${netapp_e::device_conf_dir}/device/${proxy_device_config_file}.conf -d",
minute => fqdn_rand(60),
environment => "PATH=${::path}:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin"
# OR comment above block and uncomment below block to set up a cron job for running puppet device periodically for SUSE/Solaris Agent Nodes
#cron { "netappe-puppet-device-run":
# command => "puppet device --deviceconfig ${netapp_e::device_conf_dir}/device/${proxy_device_config_file}",
# minute => fqdn_rand(60),
# environment => "PATH=${::path}:/opt/puppet/bin"
# OR comment above block and uncomment below block to set up a scheduled task for running puppet device periodically on Windows Agent Nodes
#scheduled_task { 'netappe-puppet-device-run':
# ensure => present,
# command => 'C:/\"Program Files\"/\"Puppet Labs\"/Puppet/bin/puppet.bat',
# arguments => "device --deviceconfig ${netapp_e::device_conf_dir}/device/${proxy_device_config_file}.conf -d",
# user => 'Administrator',
# password => 'password@123',
# enabled => true,
# trigger => {
# schedule => daily,
# every => 1, # Specifies every other day. Defaults to 1 (every day).
# start_date => '2015-11-05', # Defaults to 'today'
# start_time => '18:12', # Must be specified
# }
# Get firmware upgrade version file from pupper server onto puppet agent machine
# Use the below block while upgrading CFW or NVSRAM firmware
$firmware_file = 'firmware_filename.dlp'
file { $firmware_file:
ensure => file,
path => "/root/${firmware_file}", #agent machine path to download file from puppet server
mode => '0777',
source => "puppet:///modules/netapp_e/${firmware_file}", #Firmware .dlp file kept in modules/netapp_e/files
# Configurations to be executed on NetApp Storage Arrays view SANtricity Web Proxy
# Node name must be same as proxy device configuration file name given in parameter $proxy_device_config_file.
# The proxy device configuration file will contain the host/domain name of SANtricity Web Proxy
node 'proxy_device_config' {
$status = present
$storage_system = 'second'
netapp_e_storage_system {$storage_system:
ensure => $status,
controllers => ['', ''],
password => 'Password_1234',
netapp_e_storage_system {'third':
ensure => $status,
controllers => ['', ''],
# We need to wait before storage-system will be fully initialized.
# We can use fact exported by the module: $::initialized_systems
# and postpone operations involving storage-system resource to next puppet run.
if $::initialized_systems and ($storage_system in $::initialized_systems) {
# Volume group
netapp_e_storage_pool {'raid5pool-second':
ensure => $status,
storagesystem => $storage_system,
raidlevel => 'raid5',
diskids => [
netapp_e_storage_pool {'raid5pool-third':
ensure => $status,
storagesystem => 'third',
raidlevel => 'raid5',
diskids => [
# Disk pool
netapp_e_storage_pool {'disk-pool-1':
ensure => $status,
storagesystem => $storage_system,
raidlevel => 'raidDiskPool',
diskids => [
# Standard volume
netapp_e_volume {'volume-standard-second':
ensure => $status,
storagesystem => $storage_system,
size => 1,
storagepool => 'raid5pool-second',
sizeunit => 'gb',
segsize => '512',
netapp_e_volume {'volume-standard-third':
ensure => $status,
storagesystem => 'third',
size => 1,
storagepool => 'raid5pool-second',
sizeunit => 'gb',
segsize => '512',
# Thin volume
netapp_e_volume {'new-thin-volume':
ensure => $status,
storagesystem => $storage_system,
size => 4,
sizeunit => 'gb',
repositorysize => 10,
maxrepositorysize => 15,
storagepool => 'disk-pool-1',
thin => true
# Volume copy
netapp_e_volume_copy {'new-copy-volume':
ensure => $status,
storagesystem => $storage_system,
source => 'volume-standard-second',
target => 'new-thin-volume',
copypriority => 'priority3',
targetwriteprotected => false,
disablesnapshot => true
# Hosts and Host Groups
netapp_e_host_group {'zone2':
ensure => $status,
storagesystem => $storage_system,
$ports = [
type => 'iscsi',
port => '',
label => 'newone'
netapp_e_host {'linux-test':
ensure => $status,
typeindex => 9,
storagesystem => $storage_system,
groupid => 'zone2',
ports => $ports,
# Lun map
netapp_e_map {'new-thin-volume':
ensure => $status,
storagesystem => $storage_system,
lun => 11,
source => 'new-thin-volume',
target => 'zone2',
type => hostgroup
# Snapshot group
netapp_e_snapshot_group {'new-snapshot-group':
ensure => $status,
storagesystem => $storage_system,
storagepool => 'disk-pool-1',
volume => 'new-thin-volume',
repositorysize => 30,
warnthreshold => 75,
policy => 'purgepit',
limit => 7
# Async Mirror Group
netapp_e_mirror_group {'new-mirror-group':
ensure => $status,
primaryarray => $storage_system,
secondaryarray => 'third',
syncinterval => 11,
syncthreshold => 16,
recoverythreshold => 22,
repothreshold => 43,
netapp_e_mirror_members {'new-mirror-members':
ensure => $status,
primaryvolume => 'volume-standard-second',
secondaryvolume => 'volume-standard-third',
mirror => 'new-mirror-group'
#Consistancy Group
netapp_e_consistency_group {'CG-GROUP-Create':
ensure => $status,
consistencygroup => 'CG_GROUP1',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
fullwarnthresholdpercent => 75,
autodeletethreshold => 32,
repositoryfullpolicy => 'purgepit',
rollbackpriority => 'medium',
netapp_e_consistency_group {'CG-GROUP-Create':
ensure => $status,
consistencygroup => 'CG_GROUP2',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
netapp_e_consistency_group {'CG-GROUP-Update':
ensure => $status,
consistencygroup => 'CG_GROUP2',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
fullwarnthresholdpercent => 80,
autodeletethreshold => 30,
repositoryfullpolicy => 'purgepit',
rollbackpriority => 'medium',
netapp_e_consistency_group {'CG-GROUP-Delete':
ensure => absent,
consistencygroup => 'CG_GROUP1',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
#Consistancy Group Member
#Add Member
netapp_e_consistency_members {'Add-Volume':
ensure => $status,
volume => 'Volume-1',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
consistencygroup => 'CG-GROUP',
repositorypool => 'Disk_Pool_1',
scanmedia => true,
validateparity => true,
repositorypercent => 10,
#Remove Member
netapp_e_consistency_members {'Remove-Volume':
ensure => $status,
volume => 'Volume-1',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
consistencygroup => 'CG-GROUP',
$volumes = [{
repositorypool => 'Disk_Pool_1',
volume => 'Volume-1',
scanmedia => true,
validateparity => true,
repositorypercent => 10,
repositorypool => 'Disk_Pool_1',
volume => 'Volume-2',
scanmedia => true,
validateparity => true,
repositorypercent => 10,
netapp_e_consistency_multiple_members{ 'ADD-BATCH-VOLUMES':
volumes => $volumes,
storagesystem => $storage_system,
consistencygroup => 'CG-GROUP',
#Consistancy Group Snapshots
#Create Snapshot
netapp_e_consistency_group_snapshot {'CG-GROUP-Snap1':
ensure => $status,
consistencygroup => 'CG-GROUP',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
#Remove Oldest Snapshot
netapp_e_consistency_group_snapshot {'CG-GROUP-Snap1-Delete':
ensure => absent,
consistencygroup => 'CG-GROUP',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
#Rollback Consistency Group to an Older Snapshot
netapp_e_consistency_group_rollback {'CG-555-Rollback':
snapshotnumber => 53,
consistencygroup => 'CG-555',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
#Consistancy Group Snapshots Views
#Create Snapshot View for all volumes in the snapshot
netapp_e_consistency_group_snapshot_view {'CG-GROUP-View1':
ensure => $status,
viewname =>'CG-GROUP-View1',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
consistencygroup => 'CG-GROUP',
snapshotnumber => 74,
viewtype => 'bySnapshot',
validateparity => false,
#Create Snapshot View for a single volume in the snapshot
netapp_e_consistency_group_snapshot_view {'CG-GROUP-View2':
viewname =>'CG-GROUP-View2',
ensure => $status,
storagesystem => $storage_system,
consistencygroup => 'CG-GROUP',
snapshotnumber => 74,
viewtype => 'byVolume',
volume => 'Test-Vol-1',
validateparity => false,
repositorypool => 'DiskPool1',
scanmedia => true,
repositorypercent => 75,
accessmode => 'readWrite',
#Consistancy Group Snapshots Views
#Remove Snapshot View
netapp_e_consistency_group_snapshot_view {'CG-GROUP-View1-Delete':
viewname =>'CG-GROUP-View1',
ensure => absent,
storagesystem => $storage_system,
consistencygroup => 'CG-GROUP',
$firmware_file = 'N5468-820834-DB5.dlp'
#Upload firmware file
netapp_e_firmware_file{ 'upload_firmware_file':
filename => $firmware_file,
folderlocation => 'C://upgrade', #agent machine path where firmware file downloaded from puppet server
ensure => $status,
validate_file => true,
#Delete firmware file
netapp_e_firmware_file{ 'delete_firmware_file':
ensure => 'absent',
filename => $firmware_file,
#Upgrade nvsram firmware with compatibility check skipping and mel check and waiting for completion until execution of next resource
netapp_e_firmware_upgrade{ 'upgrade_firmware' :
ensure => 'upgraded',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
filename => $firmware_file,
firmwaretype => 'nvsramfile',
melcheck => true,
compatibilitycheck => true,
releasedbuildonly => true,
waitforcompletion => true,
# Upgrade cfw firmware skipping mel check and without compatibility check and not waiting for completion of execution of the resource
netapp_e_firmware_upgrade{ 'upgrade_firmware' :
ensure => 'upgraded',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
filename => $firmware_file,
firmwaretype => 'cfwfile',
melcheck => false,
compatibilitycheck => false,
waitforcompletion => false,
#Stage nvsram firmware with compatibility check skipping and mel check and waiting for completion until execution of next resource
netapp_e_firmware_upgrade{ 'stage_firmware' :
ensure => 'staged',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
filename => $firmware_file,
firmwaretype => 'nvsramfile',
melcheck => true,
compatibilitycheck => true,
releasedbuildonly => true,
waitforcompletion => true,
#Stage cfw firmware skipping mel check and without compatibility check and not waiting for completion of execution of the resource
netapp_e_firmware_upgrade{ 'stage_firmware' :
ensure => 'staged',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
filename => $firmware_file,
firmwaretype => 'cfwfile',
melcheck => false,
compatibilitycheck => false,
waitforcompletion => false,
#Activate nvsram firmware skipping mel check and waiting for completion until execution of next resource
netapp_e_firmware_upgrade{ 'activate_firmware' :
ensure => 'activated',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
firmwaretype => 'nvsramfile',
melcheck => false,
waitforcompletion => true,
#Activate cfw firmware with mel check and without waiting for completion of execution of this resource
netapp_e_firmware_upgrade{ 'activate_firmware' :
ensure => 'activated',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
firmwaretype => 'cfwfile',
melcheck => true,
waitforcompletion => false,
#Upgrade NetApp SANtricity Web Services Proxy
#Download and install new version
netapp_e_web_proxy_upgrade{ 'upgrade_web_proxy':
ensure => 'upgraded',
force => 'true',
#Stage NetApp SANtricity Web Services Proxy
#Stage new version
netapp_e_web_proxy_upgrade{ 'stage_web_proxy':
ensure => 'staged',
force => 'true',
#Activate staged version of Santricity Web Proxy Server
netapp_e_web_proxy_upgrade{ 'activate_web_proxy':
ensure => 'activated',
$diskIds = [ "010000005001E8200002D1A80000000000000000",
#Flash Cache
#Create Flash Cache
netapp_e_flash_cache {'createBlock':
ensure => created,
cachename => 'SSD_1',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
diskids => $diskIds,
enableexistingvolumes => false,
#Suspend Flash Cache
netapp_e_flash_cache {'suspendBlock':
ensure => suspended,
cachename => 'SSD_1',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
ignorestate => false,
#Resume Flash Cache
netapp_e_flash_cache {'ResumeBlock':
ensure => resumed,
cachename => 'SSD_1',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
ignorestate => true,
#Update Flash Cache
netapp_e_flash_cache {'updateBlock':
ensure => updated,
cachename => 'SSD_1',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
newname => 'SSD_12',
configtype => 'database',
#Delete Flash Cache
netapp_e_flash_cache {'deleteBlock':
ensure => deleted,
cachename => 'SSD_1',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
#Flash Cache Drives
#Add flash Cache drives
netapp_e_flash_cache_drives {'addFlashCacheDrives':
ensure => present,
cachename => 'SSD_1',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
diskids => $diskIds,
#Remove flash Cache drives
netapp_e_flash_cache_drives {'removeFlashCacheDrives':
ensure => absent,
cachename => 'SSD_1',
storagesystem => $storage_system,
diskids => $diskIds,
} else {
notice("Wait to initialize storage-system: ${storage_system}")
# Dependencies chains
if $status == present {
Netapp_e_storage_system <| |> -> Netapp_e_storage_pool <| |> -> Netapp_e_volume <| |> ->
Netapp_e_volume_copy <| |> -> Netapp_e_snapshot_group <| |> -> Netapp_e_host_group <| |> ->
Netapp_e_host <| |> -> Netapp_e_map <| |> -> Netapp_e_mirror_group <| |> -> Netapp_e_mirror_members <| |> ->
Netapp_e_consistency_group <| |> -> Netapp_e_consistency_members <| |> -> Netapp_e_consistency_multiple_members <| |> ->
Netapp_e_consistency_group_snapshot <| |> -> Netapp_e_consistency_group_rollback <| |> ->
Netapp_e_consistency_group_snapshot_view <| |>-> Netapp_e_flash_cache <||>-> Netapp_e_flash_cache_drives <||>
elsif $status == absent {
Netapp_e_flash_cache_drives <||>-> Netapp_e_flash_cache <||>->
Netapp_e_consistency_group_snapshot_view <| |> -> Netapp_e_consistency_group_rollback <| |> ->
Netapp_e_consistency_group_snapshot <| |> -> Netapp_e_consistency_multiple_members <| |> -> Netapp_e_consistency_members <| |> -> Netapp_e_consistency_group <| |> -> Netapp_e_mirror_members <| |> -> Netapp_e_mirror_group <| |> -> Netapp_e_map <| |> -> Netapp_e_host <| |> -> Netapp_e_host_group <| |> -> Netapp_e_snapshot_group <| |> -> Netapp_e_volume_copy <| |> ->
Netapp_e_volume <| |> -> Netapp_e_storage_pool <| |> -> Netapp_e_storage_system <| |>
SANtricity Web Services Proxy installation
Ensure that netappweb_service will be installed or absentinstall_file_name
Name of the installation file inside the folder named files in the moduleinstall_file_location
Location where the installation file will be copiedinstall_dependent_packages
Enable or disable installation of dependent packages
Manage Netapp E series storage system creation, modification and deletion.
Storage System ID.password
Storage system password.controllers
(array of string) Controllers IP addresses or host names.meta_tags
(array of hashes) Optional meta tags to associate to this storage system.
Manage Netapp E series storage disk pool
The user-label to assign to the new storage pool.diskids
Array of the identifiers of the disk drives to use for creating the storage pool.storagesystem
Storage system ID.raidlevel
The RAID configuration for the new storage pool. Possible values: 'raidUnsupported', 'raidAll', 'raid0', 'raid1', 'raid3', 'raid5', 'raid6', 'raidDiskPool', '__UNDEFINED'erasedrives
(boolean, default false) Security-enabled drives that were previously part of a secured storage pool must be erased before they can be re-used. Enable to automatically erase such drives.
Manage Netapp E series volume
The user-label to assign to the new volume.thin
(boolean, default false) If true thin volume will be created.storagesystem
Storage system ID.storagepool
Name of storage poll from which the volume will be allocated.sizeunit
Unit for size. Possible values: 'bytes', 'b', 'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb', 'pb', 'eb', 'zb', 'yb'size
Number of units to make the volume.segsize
(only standard volume) The segment size of the volume.dataassurance
(boolean) If true data assurance enabled.defaultmapping
(boolean, thin volume) Create the default volume mapping.owningcontrollerid
(thin volume) Set the initial owning controller.repositorysize
(thin volume) Number of units to make the repository volume, which is the backing for the thin volume.maxrepositorysize
(thin volume) Maximum size to which the thin volume repository can grow. Must be between 4GB & 256GB.growthalertthreshold
(thin volume) The repository utilization warning threshold (in percent).expansionpolicy
(thin volume) Thin Volume expansion policy. If automatic, the thin volume will be expanded automatically when capacity is exceeded, if manual, the volume must be expanded manually. Possible values: 'unknown', 'manual', 'automatic', '__UNDEFINED'cachereadahead
(thin volume) If true automatic cache read-ahead enabled
Manage Netapp E series snapshot groups
The name of the new snapshot group.storagesystem
Storage system ID.storagepool
The name of the storage pool to allocate the repository volume.volume
Then name of the volume for the new snapshot grouprepositorysize
The percent size of the repository in relation to the size of the base volume.warnthreshold
The repository utilization warning threshold, as a percentage of the repository volume capacity.limit
The automatic deletion indicator. If non-zero, the oldest snapshot image will be automatically deleted when creating a new snapshot image to keep the total number of snapshot images limited to the number specified.policy
The behavior on when the data repository becomes full. Possible values: 'unknown', 'failbasewrites', 'purgepit', '__UNDEFINED'
Manage Netapp E series snapshot image
This type require :schedule
meta-parameter to be set.
The name of the puppet resource.storagesystem
Storage system
Name of snapshot group.
schedule { 'everyday':
period => daily,
repeat => 1,
netapp_e_snapshot_image {'daily-snapshot':
group => 'NewSnapshotGroup',
storagesystem => 'sys_id',
schedule => 'everyday',
require => Netapp_e_snapshot_group['NewSnapshotGroup']
Manage Netapp E series snapshot volume
The user-label to assign to the new snapshot volume.imageid
The identifier of the snapshot image used to create the new snapshot volume.storagesystem
Storage system ID.storagepool
Name of storage poll from which the volume will be allocated.fullthreshold
The repository utilization warning threshold percentage.viewmode
The snapshot volume access mode. Possible values: 'modeUnknown', 'readWrite', 'readOnly', '__UNDEFINED'repositorysize
The size of the view in relation to the size of the base volume.
netapp_e_snapshot_volume {'NewSnapshotVol':
storagesystem => 'sys_id',
imageid => '34000000600A098000607399006302C054DDC033',
storagepool => 'raid5pool',
viewmode => 'readWrite',
repositorysize => 10,
fullthreshold => 14,
require => Netapp_e_storage_pool['raid5pool']
Manage Netapp E series volume copy
The user-label to assign to the new volume copy.storagesystem
Storage system ID.source
Name of the source volume for the copy
Name of the target volume for the copy job.copypriority
The priority of the copy job (0 is the lowest priority, 4 is the highest priority). Possible values: 'priority0', 'priority1', 'priority2', 'priority3', 'priority4', '__UNDEFINED'targetwriteprotected
(boolean) Specifies whether to block write I/O to the target volume while the copy job exists.disablesnapshot
(boolean) Will disable the target snapshot after the copy completes and purge the associated group when the copy pair is deleted.
Manage Netapp E series hosts
The user-label to assign to the new host.storagesystem
Storage system ID.typeindex
HostType index.groupid
Name of host group where host belongs.ports
(array of hashes) Host addresses.
Manage Netapp E series host group
The user-label to assign to the new host.storagesystem
Storage system ID.hosts
(array of string) IDs of hosts
Manage Netapp E series volume mappings
The user-label to assign to the new volume mapping.storagesystem
Storage system ID.source
Name of the source
The host group or a host for the volume mapping.type
Type of target. Possible values: host, hostgrouplun
The LUN for the volume mapping.
Manage Netapp E series mirror group
The user-label to assign to the new mirror group.primaryarray
The id of the secondary array.secondaryarray
The id of the secondary array.interfacetype
The intended protocol to use if both Fibre and iSCSI are available. Possible values: 'fibre', 'iscsi', 'fibreAndIscsi', 'none'syncinterval
Sync interval (minutes).recoverythreshold
Recovery point warning threshold (minutes).repothreshold
Repository utilization warning threshold.syncthreshold
Sync warning threshold (minutes).
Manage Netapp E series mirror group members
Puppet resource name.primaryvolume
Name of primary volume.secondaryvolume
Name of secondary volume.mirror
Name of mirror group.capacity
Percentage of the capacity of the primary volume to use for the repository capacity.scanmedia
(boolean) Validate repository parity.
Manage Netapp E series management network configuration
An ASCII string representation of the globally-unique 48-bit MAC address assigned to the Ethernet interface.storagesystem
Storage system ID.ipv4
(boolean) True if ipv4 is to be enabled for this interface.ipv4address
The ipv4 address for the interface. Required for static configuration.ipv4mask
The ipv4 subnet mask for the interface. Required for static configuration.ipv4gateway
Manually specify the address of the gateway.ipv4config
Setting that determines how the ipv4 address is configured. Required if ipv4 is enabled. Possible values: 'configDhcp', 'configStatic', '__UNDEFINED'ipv6
(boolean) True if ipv6 is to be enabled for this interface.ipv6address
The ipv6 local address for the interface.ipv6config
The method by which the ipv6 address information is configured for the interface. Possible values: 'configStatic', 'configStateless', '__UNDEFINED'ipv6gateway
Manually specify the address of the gateway.ipv6routableaddr
(boolean) If set to true, the controller is enabled for establishment of a remote access session. Depending on the controller platform, the method for remote access could be rlogin or telnet.speed
The configured speed setting for the Ethernet interface. Possible values: 'speedNone', 'speedAutoNegotiated', 'speed10MbitHalfDuplex', 'speed10MbitFullDuplex', 'speed100MbitHalfDuplex', 'speed100MbitFullDuplex', 'speed1000MbitHalfDuplex', 'speed1000MbitFullDuplex', '__UNDEFINED'
netapp_e_network_interface {"00A098607387":
storagesystem => 'sys_id',
ipv4 => true,
ipv4config => 'configStatic',
ipv4address => '',
ipv4gateway => '',
ipv4mask => '',
remoteaccess => true,
Manage Netapp E series storage array password
Storage system ID.current
Current admin passwordnew
New password.admin
(boolean) If this is true, this will set the admin password, if false, it sets the RO password.force
(boolean) If true it will always try change password, even if already set. We can not check if passwords match.
netapp_e_password {'sys_id':
current => '',
new => 'new_password',
admin => true,
force => false,
Manage Netapp E series consistency groups
The user-label to assign to the new consistency group.storagesystem
Group storage system id.fullwarnthresholdpercent
The full warning threshold percent.autodeletethreshold
The auto-delete threshold. Automatically delete snapshots after this many..repositoryfullpolicy
The repository full policy. Possible Values ('purgepit', 'failbasewrites').rollbackpriority
Roll-back priority. Possible Values ('highest', 'high', 'medium', 'low', 'lowest')
Manage Netapp E series consistency group members
Member Volume name.storagesystem
Group storage system id.consistencygroup
Consistency Group Name.repositorypool
The repository volume pool.scanmedia
(boolean) Validate repository parity.repositorypercent
Repository Percentretainrepositories
(boolean) Delete all repositories assosiated with the member volume. (Use when want to remove member volume)
Manage Netapp E series consistency group members
The user-label to assign for volume batch insert.storagesystem
Group storage system id.consistencygroup
Consistency Group Name.volumes
(array of hashes) Volumes details.
Member Volume name.repositorypool
The repository volume pool.scanmedia
(boolean) Validate repository parity.repositorypercent
Repository Percent
Manage Netapp E series consistency group snapshots
The user-label to assign to the new consistency group.storagesystem
Group storage system id.
Manage Netapp E series consistency group rollbacks
The sequence number of snapshot to which the Consistency Group needs to be roll backed.storagesystem
Group storage system id.consistencygroup
Consistency Group Name.
Manage Netapp E series consistency group snapshot views
The user-label to assign for volume batch insert.storagesystem
Group storage system id.consistencygroup
Consistency Group Name.snapshotnumber
The sequence number of snapshot to which the Consistency Group needs to be roll backed.viewtype
Value 'byVolume' ensures that the view should be created only for the mentioned volume from the consistency group snapshot. Value 'bySnapshot' ensures that views for all the volumes in consistency group snapshot are createdvolume
Name of the volume from snapshot whose view needs to be createdscanmedia
(boolean) Validate repository parity.repositorypercent
The repository utilization warning threshold percentage.accessmode
The view access mode. Possible values: 'readWrite', 'readOnly'repositorypool
The name of the Storage Pool in which the view should be created.
Manage Netapp E series firmware cwf file for upload and delete on server
Name of NVSRAM or Controller Firmware file (cwfFile/nvsramFile) name.folderlocation
Folder Location of NVSRAM or Controller Firmware file from where it is to be uploaded.validate_file
Check if the Firmware file is valid or not.
Manage Netapp E series firmware upgrade operation
Name of NVSRAM or Controller Firmware file name.firmwaretype
Possible values('cfwfile','nvsramfile'). 'cfwfile' will upgrade Controller firmware. 'nvsramfile' will upgrade NVSRAM firmware.storagesystem
Group storage system id.melcheck
If it is true and any issues found in mel check, firmware would not be upgraded. If it is false, the issues will be ignored and firmware will be upgraded.compatibilitycheck
True will check the compatibility of uploaded firmware version with the storage array. False will not perform the check. Firmware will not be upgraded if check is enabled and compatibility fails.releasedbuildonly
Only consider released firmware builds as valid Controller Firmware files for checking the compatibility.waitforcompletion
true will wait for upgrade process to complete successfully. false will request to start the upgrade process and would not monitor success.ensure
Possible values('upgraded','staged','activated')
Manage Netapp E series SANtricity Web Services Proxy upgrade operation
Name of netapp_e_web_proxy_upgrade manifest blockensure
Possible values('upgraded','staged','activated')force
String value.
Manage Netapp E series SANtricity Web Services Flash Cache operation
Name of netapp_e_flash_cache manifest block.cachename
Name of flash cache.storagesystem
Storage system ID.ensure
Possible values('created','suspended','resumed','updated','deleted').diskids
Array of disk drive ids.enableexistingvolumes
To enable existing volumes or not. Possible values('true','false').newname
New name of flash cache.configtype
Config type of flash cache. Possible values('database','multimedia','filesystem').ignorestate
Possible values('true','false')
Manage Netapp E series SANtricity Web Services Flash Cache Drives operation
Name of netapp_e_flash_cache manifest block.cachename
Name of flash cache.storagesystem
Storage system ID.ensure
Possible values('present','absent').diskids
Array of disk drive ids.
This module is tested against both [Open Source Puppet][] and [Puppet Enterprise][] on:
- CentOS 7
- Windows
- RedHat
This module also provides functions for other distributions and operating systems, such as Debian, SUSE, and Solaris, but is not formally tested on them and are subject to regressions.
- NetApp SANtricity Web Services Proxy version 1.3 supported.
Before creating pull request, run the tests and ensure that all Rspec pass. You can also check acceptance test which can be found in acceptancetests directory
- Janet Blagg
- Matt Tangvald
- Frank Poole