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IfElseRAW Extern Function

sibanez12 edited this page Jun 29, 2017 · 1 revision

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IfElseRAW Extern

Description - Two different RAW atoms. One is performed if the provided predicate is true, the other is performed if the predicate is false.


#define REG_READ 8w0
#define REG_WRITE 8w1
#define REG_ADD  8w2

#define EQ_RELOP    8w0
#define NEQ_RELOP   8w1
#define GT_RELOP    8w2
#define LT_RELOP    8w3
extern void <reg_name>_reg_ifElseRaw<T, D>(in T index_2,
                                           in D newVal_2,
                                           in D incVal_2,
                                           in bit<8> opCode_2,
					   in T index_1,
					   in D newVal_1,
					   in D incVal_1,
					   in bit<8> opCode_1,
                                           in T index_comp,
					   in D compVal,
                                           in bit<8> relOp,
                                           out D result,
                                           out bit<1> boolean);
  • index_2 - the index to access for the 2nd RAW atom.

  • newVal_2 - the new value to write into the register at index_2 for the second RAW atom. This field is only used if opCode_2 == REG_WRITE.

  • incVal_2 - the amount to add to the register at the index_2 for the second RAW atom. This field is only used if opCode_2 == REG_ADD.

  • opCode_2 - defines the operation to perform for the 2nd RAW atom: REG_READ, REG_WRITE, or REG_ADD.

  • index_1 - the index to access for the 1st RAW atom.

  • newVal_1 - the new value to write into the register at index_1 for the 1st RAW atom. This field is only used if opCode_1 == REG_WRITE.

  • incVal_1 - the amount to add to the register at the index_1 for the 1st RAW atom. This field is only used if opCode_1 == REG_ADD.

  • opCode_1 - defines the operation to perform for the 1st RAW atom: REG_READ, REG_WRITE, or REG_ADD.

  • index_comp - the index to use to perform the comparison for the predicate.

  • compVal - the value to compare to the current value of the register at index_comp

  • relOp - the operation to use to compare compVal to the current value of the register at index_comp. compVal and relOp together define the predicate that decides whether or not the register value will be modified. If the predicate is true then perform RAW 1 otherwise perform RAW 2.

  • result - the latest value of the register at either index_1 or index_2 depending on whether or not the predicate is true or false respectively.

  • boolean - bit that indicates whether or not the predicate was true (1) or false (0)

  • @Xilinx_MaxLatency - allows P4 programmer to specify the number of clock cycles to complete the extern operation.

  • @Xilinx_ControlWidth - allows P4 programmer to specify the width of the address space allocated to this register. This usually be equal to the width of the index field so that the control-plane can access all register entries.