That's funny, but there's still no official Picasa Web Albums gadget. So I made this simple gallery gadget for Google Sites which is using Picasa Web service as image storage. You have to define dimensions of the gadget, cells where images will be displayed, height of the description block, cell spacing and the images will be scaled and positioned automatically.
- email - Picasaweb account
- album - The name of the public album. Only latin characters must be used in the albums name.
- rowsQnt - Quantity of rows to display images.
- columnsQnt - Quantity of coluns to display images.
- cellSpacing - Spacing between cells where images are displayed.
- backgroundColor - Gadgets background color. Use value 'transparent' for transparency.
- photoScale - Scale of the image in the image relative to the cell size.
- photoDescShow - Show or hide images description.
- photoDescHeight - Height of the images descriptions block.
- photoBackgroundColor - Color of the cell where image is displayed. Use value 'transparent' for transparency.
- pagerTopShow - Show or hide pager at the top of the gadget.
- pagerBottomShow - Show or hide pager at the bottom of the gadget.
- pagerStyle - Style of the pager (arrows or numbers)
- pagerHeight - The height of the pager.
- pagerFontSize - Pager font size.
- pagerFontColor - Font color of the pager.
- pagerBackgroundColor - Background color of the pager. Use value 'transparent' for transparency.
The first step is to copy PicasaWebAlbumsSimpleGallery.xml to your Google Site. After that use Insert - More Gadgets… when editing the Google Sites page, then select Add gadget by URL and copy the following URL into textbox: http://YourGoogleSite/PicasaWebAlbumsSimpleGallery.xml