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Audit Functions

Scott Sutherland edited this page Oct 27, 2016 · 8 revisions

These functions are used for identifying weak configurations that can lead to unauthorized access. Invoke-SQLAudit can be used to run all of them at once. Also, all of the audit functions support an exploit flag. In most cases that means the script will try to add your login to the sysadmin server role.

Function Name Description Obtains Sysadmin Privs
Invoke-SQLAuditPrivCreateProcedure Check if the current login has the CREATE PROCEDURE permission. Attempt to use permission to obtain sysadmin privileges. No
Invoke-SQLAuditPrivImpersonateLogin Check if the current login has the IMPERSONATE permission on any sysadmin logins. Attempt to use permission to obtain sysadmin privileges. Yes
Invoke-SQLAuditPrivServerLink Check if SQL Server links exist that are preconfigured with alternative credentials that can be impersonated. Provide example queries for execution on remote servers. Yes
Invoke-SQLAuditPrivDbChaining Check if database ownership chaining is enabled at the server or databases levels. No
Invoke-SQLAuditPrivTrustworthy Check if any database have been flagged as trusted. No
Invoke-SQLAuditPrivXpDirtree Checks if the xp_dirtree stored procedure is executable. Uses Inveigh to obtain password hash for the SQL Server service account. Note: Capture likelihood is better when longer timeouts are set. Yes
Invoke-SQLAuditPrivXpFileexist Checks if the xp_fileexist stored procedure is executable. Uses Inveigh to obtain password hash for the SQL Server service account. Note: Capture likelihood is better when longer timeouts are set. Yes
Invoke-SQLAuditRoleDbDdlAdmin Check if the current login has the DB_DdlAdmin role in any databases. Attempt to use permission to obtain sysadmin privileges. No
Invoke-SQLAuditRoleDbOwner Check if the current login has the DB_OWNER role in any databases. Attempt to use permission to obtain sysadmin privileges. Yes
Invoke-SQLAuditSampleDataByColumn Check if the current login can access any database columns that contain the word password. Supports column name keyword search and custom data sample size. For better data searches use Get-SQLColumnSampleData. No
Invoke-SQLAuditWeakLoginPw This can be used for online dictionary attacks. It also support auto-discovery of SQL Logins for testing if you already have a least privilege account. Yes
Invoke-SQLAuditSQLiSpExecuteAs This will return stored procedures using dynamic SQL and the "EXECUTE AS OWNER" clause. If a procedure is vulnerable to SQLi it may be possible to impersonate the procedure owner. No
Invoke-SQLAuditSQLiSpSigned This will return stored procedures using dynamic SQL that are signed by a cert login. If a procedure is vulnerable to SQLi it may be possible to impersonate the cert login. No
Invoke-SQLAuditPrivAutoExecSp Returns a list of stored procedures configured to automatically run when the SQL Server service is restarted that have explicit permissions assigned. No


Get-SQLInstanceLocal | Invoke-SQLAuditPrivImpersonateLogin -Verbose


Invoke-SqlAuditPrivInjectUncPath -
Invoke-SQLOSAdmintoSysadmin -


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