Releases: Netflix/iep
Primary changes:
- Normalize case for emails before checking in the user service.
A comprehensive list of changes can be found in the commit log: v0.4.11...v0.4.12
Primary changes:
- Fix bug with encoding email subjects that have long words with no whitespace.
A comprehensive list of changes can be found in the commit log: v0.4.10...v0.4.11
Primary changes:
- Module for setting up spectator-reg-atlas.
- Added user service library.
A comprehensive list of changes can be found in the commit log: v0.4.9...v0.4.10
Primary changes:
- Update iep-module-eureka to work with eureka 1.6.0.
A comprehensive list of changes can be found in the commit log: v0.4.8...v0.4.9
Primary changes:
- Update to rxnetty 0.4.19.
A comprehensive list of changes can be found in the commit log: v0.4.7...v0.4.8
Primary changes:
- Update to eureka 1.4.11.
- Added iep-ses library.
A comprehensive list of changes can be found in the commit log: v0.4.6...v0.4.7
Primary changes:
- Update to rxnetty 0.4.17 (netty 4.1.3.Final)
A comprehensive list of changes can be found in the commit log: v0.4.5...v0.4.6
Primary changes:
- Update to eureka 1.4.10.
- Added modules for injecting AWS clients.
- Build cleanup.
A comprehensive list of changes can be found in the commit log: v0.4.4...v0.4.5
Primary changes:
- Update to eureka 1.4.9.
A comprehensive list of changes can be found in the commit log: v0.4.3...v0.4.4
Primary changes:
- Use archaius2 for configuring rxhttp.
A comprehensive list of changes can be found in the commit log: v0.4.2...v0.4.3