Introduce support for persistent volume claims for executions on Kubernetes
With this release, Metaflow users can attach existing persistent volume claims to Metaflow tasks running on a Kubernetes cluster.
To use this functionality, simply list your persistent volume claim and mount point using the persistent_volume_claims arg in @kubernetes decorator - @kubernetes(persistent_volume_claims={"pvc-claim-name": "mount-point", "another-pvc-claim-name": "another-mount-point"})
Here is an example:
from metaflow import FlowSpec, step, kubernetes, current
import os
class MountPVCFlow(FlowSpec):
@kubernetes(persistent_volume_claims={"test-pvc-feature-claim": "/mnt/testvol"})
def start(self):
print('testing PVC')
mount = "/mnt/testvol"
file = f"zeros_run_{current.run_id}"
with open(os.path.join(mount, file), "w+") as f:
f.write("\0" * 50)
print(f"mount folder contents: {os.listdir(mount)}")
def end(self):
if __name__=="__main__":
In case you need any assistance or have feedback for us, ping us at chat.metaflow.org or open a GitHub issue.
What's Changed
- handle bools properly for argo-workflows task runtime cli by @savingoyal in #1395
- fix: migrate R support to use importlib by @saikonen in #1396
- Add configuration of username from metaflow_config.py by @tfurmston in #1400
- feature: add Kubernetes support for PVC mounts by @saikonen in #1402
- Update version to 2.8.6 by @savingoyal in #1404
Full Changelog: 2.8.5...2.8.6